
Distinctly New

The third night as Peter. I laid in bed thinking to myself, trying to go over everything that had happened. Four days ago, Peter and I were different people, then I don't know how or what happened in between but I found myself on a field trip into Peters body, Pun intended.

No rhyme or reason for being here. I'm just here . . . and now, 'What do I do?' 

I don't think I could be Spider-Man. With a whole different mindset then what Peter had going into this, I don't think I could hold myself to the same level of responsibility. 

And more importantly, I refuse to let Ben die. Its the catalyst for Peters climb to Spider-Man, but only because he was being reckless. I wouldn't make the same mistake and let everyone else suffer for it . . .

But at the same time, had he stepped up sooner, regardless of his recklessness, He could have prevented Ben's death entirely.

So while it's not my responsibility to help someone, it is when I could have stopped something from happening?

"Sigh!" This was really weighing on me. I couldn't decided what was right or justifiable for my circumstance.

"Something got you down Peter?" I looked up, Ben was in the hallway watching with a knowing look.

I sat up and faced him like I was a kid caught doing something bad. "Oh n- 'sigh'. Yeah, just something I can't make my mind up about. Could . . . Could I ask you about it?" 

"Of course." He smiled at me, walked in and sat beside me on the bed, "Whats wrong?"

"Remember, that thing you said my dad used to say? With great power comes great responsibility? Well I was thinking about how . . ." I paused 'What do I say?' 

He spoke up, "You're thinking about, to what extent should I take it, if I did have that power?"

'Wow . . . spot on.' I stopped and listened to what he had to say.

He stayed silent for a moment, pondering. Then spoke up with, "I'll give you an example, if someone was hurting May, but they could hurt you too, would you try to help her?" 

"Yes! Without a second thought." It came right out, and it wasn't just Peter saying it either. May had grown on me in the day I got to know her.

"Then there's your answer. Even without power you would help her. So why should it be any different with the power? - I think that we should all try to take on the responsibility to help others in their time of need, regardless of whether we think we can or not. - Of course, keeping our own limitations in mind."

He spoke with full intention of keeping true to his words. It felt like he was seeing the entirety of everything going on with me. It was crazy how spot on it was, and how it made me feel. "Are you reading my mind right now?"

He broke into a chuckle "Ha ha ha! So did that help or do I need to talk more words of wisdom, cause I think I'm all wissed out." He patted my shoulder and stood up.

"If you need to talk about anything else let me know. Oh and what brought this on in the first place?" He walked to the door turned and paused for an answer.

"I just thought that I'd ask, - to see what you thought." I smiled, "Thanks."

He gave a short nod, smiled back, and left for bed. 'I should probably do the same.'