
{Star Wars} Empire Building gamer system

watch as our main character is transported to the Star Wars universe with a system that can summon droids ,clones, Jedi, Sith and Ninja! currently in Naruto this will be a massive AU if you cant tell I will try and keep Canon events but if I feel like it wouldn't happen because of what the MC does I probably will not mention that fact This will be a system that can summon characters from anime with what I believe to be a new point getting system on this site leave a review with some good points and leave chapter comments if I have any errors I will go and fix them as soon as I see them AN) the main character will be evil and maybe somewhat heartless there may or may not be romance in this story as I'm new to writing and feel I will be bad at it. AN) I'm new to writing in general I'm trying to start a new story that I saw kind of done by someone I don't remember with there main character being transmuted and they started like Droid factories and tried to take over the universe with a system ) Cover art is by leafeater

God_loves_reading · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
43 Chs

chapter 2 | first battle in this new life * edited*

While on route to the camp of the planet's natives, Jake outlined his strategy to his summoned companions. "Our approach will be cautious. We'll stay hidden until a group of them leaves for a hunt. Haku, you'll take them out then. As for you, B1 battle droids, when the departing natives are gone for around ten minutes, move in and eliminate them all. Spare no survivors. If any try to escape, just three of you pursue, while the rest focus on setting up there."


Haku and the B1 battle droids promptly acknowledged Jake's plan with synchronized responses, "It will be done, master. / Roger Roger." As they neared the camp, the sun hung in the sky, indicating a slightly later time in the afternoon, around 1 to 2 pm. The team prepared for the impending attack. Jake held confidence that they could execute a full-on assault without sustaining casualties. Nevertheless, he had crafted this tactical plan as a contingency measure in case his assessment was off.


Their strategy began to unfold when a group of approximately 16 natives armed with bows started departing from the camp. Turning to Haku, Jake affirmed, "You know what to do." Haku nodded in understanding and silently set off to track them.


The village or camp they approached occupied a relatively small area, consisting of about eight structures enclosed by a surprisingly sturdy wooden wall. This defensive perimeter boasted three entrances/exits.


Following the 10-minute wait, Jake turned his attention to the B1 battle droids. "Alright, seven of you will move through the main entrance. Only two of them have ranged weapons; the others have melee. Dispatching the guards should be straightforward. Once they're down, three of you will remain there to ensure nothing escapes. The remaining eight will divide into teams of four, positioned at the other entrances. Neutralize any individuals who try to leave. After 5 minutes of control, two B1 droids from each team will advance and assist in completing the cleanup."


Meanwhile, Haku positioned himself in a tree, quietly observing the natives as they initiated their hunting activities. The natives had split into four groups of four, which posed a slight challenge for Haku. His initial instinct would have been to deploy poison darts or needles to swiftly eliminate them, but he recognized that such an action would give away his presence, potentially alerting the camp.


Adapting to the situation, Haku created three water clones to shadow the other three native groups. After a mere 5 minutes, all the Haku entities simultaneously unleashed the Secret Art of Water: The Thousand Stinging Needles of Death. In an astonishing display of power, they dispatched the entire group almost instantly. This dramatic feat underscored Haku's extraordinary capabilities in comparison to regular humans. Having accomplished his mission, he began making his way back to his master, Jake.


While Haku's actions unfolded in the forest, the attack on the village had already commenced. All guards had been eliminated by this point. However, an unexpected turn occurred when a fortunate arrow from one of the archers struck a B1 droid, hitting a crucial point in its structure. The impact damaged the droid's battery, causing it to explode. Regrettably for the archer, this occurrence made no difference in the outcome for his people.


Haku then arrived at the village, swiftly dealing with any remaining survivors who had sought refuge. With his arrival, the siege reached its conclusion.


Approaching the camp, Jake offered words of approval to the B1 battle droids, acknowledging their efforts. A nod exchanged between Jake and Haku, with the latter responding with a smile.


Once the area had been effectively secured, Jake took a moment to assess his point gains: "{+ 75 points for killing 15 guard dogs}," "{+ 290 points for eliminating 29 civilians}," and "{+ 520 points for dispatching 26 hunters}."


Starting with his initial 350 points, Jake had accumulated 1235 points after the siege. This sum was enough to purchase a new C rank Ninja. However, upon reflecting on his observations of this world, he reckoned that a C rank Ninja might be excessive for now. Consequently, he opted to invest 500 points to acquire 25 additional B1 battle droids. Accounting for the loss of one in the prior encounter, he now had a formidable force of 39 droids at his disposal. After this transaction, he retained 735 points in his tally.


Curious about his planet-domination progress, Jake turned to Sky and inquired, "Do I have control over the planet now?" Sky's response was clear, "{You haven't established complete control over the planet yet. Three groups remain that have the capability to counter your summoned forces.}"


Upon hearing this, Jake felt a surge of optimism. He realized that there was no need to resort to overkill strategies. Pondering the situation further, he considered the possibility that he might be on a planet existing in medieval times, given the significance of bows as their primary weapon. This realization led him to conclude that there were likely three substantial kingdoms out there. Defeating them could result in a substantial point gain, aligning with his initial assessment.


Jake issued instructions to the new batch of B1 battle droids: "Secure this outpost, as this will serve as our current settlement." As the day progressed and boredom set in, Jake sought Sky's guidance. Wondering about the possibility of purchasing civilians to populate the planet given its modest population, he posed the question. Sky provided a reassuring response, "{Yes, you can unlock that option once you gain control over one planet.}"


Learning of this possibility, Jake felt a sense of relief. The planet's potential for a substantial point payout was no longer in question. As the day transitioned to night, Jake settled down for sleep.


Upon awakening to Sky's notifications, he saw that his point tally had increased: "{+ 65 points for taking down one wolf, a deer, and a baby wolf}." His total now stood at 800 points. An additional message informed him of the day count: "{Day 3 of 7}."


(AN) Hey everyone, just a quick note about this chapter. I'm aware that the story might feel a bit slow right now. But don't worry, this pace won't stick around for too long. At the rate things are going, I might never even reach the Clone Wars, haha!