
chapter one | what planet am I on * edited*

as stated before I do not own Star Wars or any anime I use in this work.


While lost in his thoughts about his aversion to Palpatine, Haku suddenly materialized in front of Jake, delivering the reassuring message, "The perimeter is secure." A sense of relief washed over Jake; it seemed he wouldn't meet an immediate demise in this unfamiliar world.


Gathering himself, Jake turned to Haku and inquired, "Did you spot any wildlife out there that we could use for food?" Haku nodded and responded, "Yes, I noticed a pack of deer nearby."


Jake found himself taken aback by the presence of deer on the planet, prompting him to ponder his current location. The realization struck him that there was no known Star Wars planet with deer, leading to the possibility that he might be situated in the mysterious Unknown Regions. While this scenario held potential risks, it also presented opportunities—seizing control of planets could occur with minimal interference from the Republic before the impending war.


However, the thought raised an important question: how would he know when he had successfully taken over a planet?


Amid his contemplation, Sky's voice chimed in, explaining that control over a planet would be established when the strongest group on that planet fell against Jake's summoned forces. Eager to ascertain his current status, Jake inquired, "Do I have control of this planet?" The answer would determine the presence or absence of threats. Sky's response was definitive, "{You do not have control of this planet.}"


Although a hint of concern crept in, Jake's thoughts quickly turned back to the tutorial. Remembering the information, he asked, "If my summons eliminate something, do I earn the points, or must I do the killing?" Sky's reply brought relief: "{Yes, your summons will earn you points through their actions.}" The weight of needing to personally execute to earn points lifted, and Jake was comforted by the knowledge that Haku could handle the task for him.


Jake issued a directive to Haku, instructing him to take down a deer, cook one for their meal, and employ his ice abilities to preserve the rest from spoiling. Haku's response was prompt and respectful, "Yes, sir."


Upon Haku's return, Jake noticed a welcome addition to his points: "+40 points." As Haku presented four deer, Jake pondered the math, deducing that each deer must be worth 10 points.


As dusk approached, Jake grew aware of the impending darkness. He turned to Haku and inquired if it was feasible to create an ice wall for the night, seeking to maintain safety. Haku confirmed the possibility, although he noted it would deplete his chakra. With this in mind, Jake proposed, "Then only create it when we're ready to sleep."


After their meal, several hours drifted by, and with fatigue setting in, Jake informed Haku of his intention to sleep. As he closed his eyes, he drifted off.


Upon waking, Jake noticed a pleasing "+200 points" notation alongside the label "{Day 2}." Curious about Haku's activities, he inquired if there had been any necessary kills. Haku's response indicated he had eliminated four wolves before resting.


Reflecting on his circumstances, Jake realized how fortunate he was to have received a free summon, saving him from potential danger. He silently thanked Sky, even though the AI appeared puzzled by the expression of gratitude. Not dwelling on the matter, Jake moved forward. With his point total now at 240, thoughts turned to acquiring a new summon. Contemplating the possibilities, he considered droids, which prompted him to explore the shop once again.


Here's what's available in the shop:


- B1-Series Battle Droid: 100 points for 5

- Droideka: 250 points

- HK-77: 500 points for 2

- Vulture Droid: 2000 points



Observing the option to acquire 10 battle droids, Jake envisioned their usefulness in establishing a camp on this less dominant planet. With a decisive click, he made the purchase twice, summoning 10 B1 Battle Droids before him. Giving them a directive, he instructed, "Follow me and help carry the deer." The droids complied with a prompt "Roger Roger," taking up the task as directed.


Turning to Haku, Jake directed him to accompany them while remaining concealed, and to notify him of any signs of human footprints. Haku vanished, leaving behind traces of ice. The group ventured into the forest, their journey punctuated by a few hours, the consumption of one deer, and the vanquishing of a pack of wolves and a bear. With each successful takedown, Jake's point tally grew: "{Killed 7 wolves + 350 points, killed one bear + 100 points}" — he now had 450 points to his name since setting out.


Haku materialized before Jake, sharing the news, "Master, there are multiple sets of human footprints in the vicinity." Jake swiftly responded, instructing Haku, "Follow the trail, stay concealed, and update me in an hour or if you locate their camp."


Shifting his attention to the B1 Battle Droids, Jake gave a clear directive, "Secure the perimeter. We'll remain here until Haku returns." Two of the droids headed for a substantial branch on a nearby tree for an elevated vantage point, while the rest held their current positions as ordered.


Haku reappeared after around 40 minutes and relayed to Jake, "I've located a camp with 70 individuals. They're armed with 18 bows and 8 spears, and the group includes 15 children, 29 females, and 26 males." Jake contemplated the potential points he could gain from this confrontation and decided to purchase 5 additional B1 Battle Droids with his 100 points.


With determination, Jake issued the command, "Everyone, follow me. We're going to engage that camp." Both Haku and the B1 battle droids responded in unison, "Yes, sir. / Roger Roger."


AN) We are going to leave on that cliffhanger so sorry about that but gotta do what I gotta do as I said in the last chapter please leave paragraph comments on mistakes so I can go fix them hope you enjoyed the chapter

AN I would like to see some power stones from some people to make sure people are still interested in this as I might be writing this for fun it gives me a nice feeling that someone out there likes my story

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