
Chapter 2

Oh and to put the cherry on top, there was an entire COSMIC BEING, the Celestial Tiamut, gestating in the Earth's core. It's also guarded by ten immortal beings called the Eternals that apparently the human race where modelled after.

And not to forget the Ancient One, the guardian of our dimension who probably knows that I exist, what I plan to do and what I've done in the future.

Speaking of supernatural beings, Mutants exist in this world as well, if my mention of Apocalypse wasn't registered. John Sublime may exist in this world as well, but he's just a virus. He can be taken care of given enough time and effort.

That was the second relatively good news I found out so far in some obscure forums dedicated to the 'superhuman freaks' as they call them.


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Supernhuman Freaks

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The heck did those Mutant Freaks come from!?

exterminatethepests 🕑 April 16, 2009

I was thinking about those mutant freaks (I refuse to call them superhuman), and I thought, 'Where did those freaks come from?' cos as far as I can remember they've always existed in District X but I've only seen one; some freak that looked like a lizard. It even had a tail and all.

I tried researching but I couldn't find anything apart from them being found in Middle East Side from some old newspapers.

____________________________________ OldBallSacks63 Replied on 16/4/09————————————————–––

I have been on this green earth for 63 years.

Ya don't need to know where they come from. All ya need to know is that they're all devilspawn, evil monsters I tell ya. My late wife got killed by them back in '84. It looked human but I tell ya it had knifes poking out it's hands. It cut my wife and my unborn baby girl in three.


exterminatethepests 🙎‍♂️ Replied on 16/4/09


@OldBallSack63 Idk if you're trolling but sorry for your loss. Yeah my aunt also got attacked by them in '93. They raped her and then killed her, that's why I hate them so much. And the government didn't do anything about it.


SleepyJoe Replied on 16/04/09 ——————————————————

Me personally i think it they're the failed experiments that the government done on innocent americans to replicate Captain America. Thats why they dump them in District X when they don't need them anymore.


GrannySaisTits Replied on 16/04/09———————————————–––

@SleepyJoe you think so too? I knew the world still had hope. Y'all not awake. WAKE UP! If the government can do this to their own ppl, what do y'all think think they wouldn't do to the other countries? That's why they started the war in Afghanistan.

Those terrorists arn't real, they're ROBOTSSS. They just needed a reason to get oil from the Afghans.


EllentheDegenerate Replied on 16/04/2009


@exterminatethepests don't listen to those tinfoil mad hats. Those mutants arn't goverment experiments. In fact, they used to be normal human beings before they transformed into those...monsters. They only reason they're in the Middle East Side is cos of people like you. Not all Mutants are like those people that killed your loved ones.

They're human like you and me and are just cursed with those powers. Imagine if that happened to your daughter or son.


JamesCharlie Replied on 16/04/09


@EllentheDegenerate definitely one of them.


FoggyTown Replied on 16/04/09


@JamesCharlie definitely, only someone who's one of them would say shit like that.


GrannySaisTits Replied on 16/04/09


@JamesCharlie @FoggyTown They're a government spy tryna distract us. Don't fall for it! Stay WOKE!


exterminatethepests 🙎‍♂️ Replied on 16/04/09


@EllentheDegenerate You're one of them arn't you? Get the fck outta here mutant scum. Fck you mean 'cursed with powers', just kill yourselves and spare us humans from dying by your hands. Hey guys how do i block people?


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And that's how I found out Mutants exist. Armed with this new knowlege, my plans for the future have completely changed. There's a lot I must do, and with my weak self, there isn't that much I can do right now...

So the first thing I need to do is to rectify this. Now that I know superpowers exist and I could possibly have one for myself, I need to find a way to either activate my X-gene and become a mutant, or graft them into myself and become a mutate.

But that's a project for another time cos right now, sleeping in yet another alley again like some homeless bum is becoming a real possibility, not that I want to sleep in an alley in the first place.

So, my plans for the near future is to get some place decent to crash at for a few weeks or months, train my body, somehow get myself some documents, and earn some cash to accomplish my long term goals, and keep out of the way of trouble.

These four should be easy enough, I'm sure there's some sort of dark web here. Not to brag but in the time spent travelling around the world with my parents, I've picked up a few skills here and there, with one of it being how to access and navigate the dark web safely and securely. The money can be easily earned if you know the right methods.

'That kind old librarian told me to look for her when I'm done. There's nothing for me to do right now, might as well find out what she wants.'

"Excuse me, ma'am? You told me to look for you when my session finishes."

"You done with your work? Lovely, just follow me young man." She said, talking to her colleague to presumably take her place before getting her purse and walking through some staff doors.

I hesitated a bit before reluctantly following her. What harm can the old lady do to me?

After some twisting and turning through a few doors and corridors we arrive to what seemed to be a staff bathroom. A look of understanding crossed my feaures. Of course she'd take me here; I smell like shit!

"What are you waiting for young man. Get into the shower. There's a few spare towels in the locker to your left and some fresh clothes in the locker just right next to it. When you're done follow the exit sign. I'll get the car ready."

"Sorry ma'am but why should I do that? For all I know you're, I dunno know, gonna kidnap me or something."

The old lady looked at me in silence before laughing. She laughed so hard that I actually got embarrassed!

'Damn you old woman, that was a perfectly valid question!'

"OHOHOHO.. hoo, you really remind me of him. Don't worry I won't 'kidnap' you. I have a few spare rooms at home that I give out to young people in a bit of a pickle, like you."

"Just long enough for them to get back to their feet, make no mistake.The rent is 20 dollars a week." She said after regaining her breath.

'Hmm fair enough. The rent is insanely cheap. It seems that my luck is truly turning around after wasting it all being reincarnated here.'

'What a kind old lady...as if I'd believe that load of bullcrap!'

'Best believe I'll leave that house after I finish getting what I want. I've seen all the horror movies regarding your kind!' I thought to myself inwardly but outside my face was a look of quiet contemplation.

"Alright I believe you. If that's your reason, then I will take you up on your offer. I'll meet you outside when I'm done."

"You do that. Oh and by the way, what's your name, young man?"

"My name is Ray Piste…

[To be continued]