
Azathoth- A fragment

With a bullet, everything started.

A child runs down an alleyway, his clothes are bettered and wet, his legs are frail and weak, on his hand is a gun. A revolver to precise, his hands are red with the blood of his father...Just now he did something that he had to do from the very beginning! He shot the motherfucker who abused and killed his mother, now he wasn't weak anymore! When growing up, he was always told that he was weak and worthless, and being a child his brain was not developed very well, so these words little by little took roots inside his head. The very mention of punishment could make him fear whoever said the word, his small 9 years old body was thin and small, so he was very much so physically weak.

His 'father' not only abused his mother physically, sexually, and mentally but he also let others do the same as him with his mother. Every day he cursed his weakness as he watched his mother without being able to do anything, he felt like he was going to burst into a rage kill everything in a 20 meters radius of himself, but sadly he wasn't going Super Sayajin, even after his mother died. He had to act like he didn't care like he was fine like he respected and feared the man who killed her... Don't get me wrong, he fears the man, but when you put too much pressure on something fragile... It breaks. Eventually, his father did something even more terrible than killing his mother, he killed his hope. All the hate that he felt could no longer be suppressed and he took his father's gun.

He had seen it before, he used that gun to do many things, such as kill, threaten, and even rape someone with the gun's cold metal. The boy had seen it, but he didn't care anyway, the only comfort he had was the small kitty that he found in the streets and took care of it, it was his childish hope that maybe the world wasn't that bad and that everything was going to be okay... He was just a child trying to find something to take hold of, so he wouldn't crumble into dust, but sadly his hold was broken and he fell into the abyss. One day he came back home to find his father, strangely inviting him to eat at the table with him, the prostitute he had brought some meat to him and he ate it when his father asked him the name of meat he could not answer.

But he received an answer... It was cat meat, tender, and young cat meat. He had to throw up, but he couldn't show his father his weakness, because he would take advantage of it, so he shut down his repulsive feeling and continued to eat much to his father's surprise. At night he threw everything up while begging for forgiveness from the tiny cat and crying silently his heart out. That night, something snapped inside his body, he began to feel other's feelings, which was even more repulsive when he got near his father because most things he could feel emanating from his father were repulsive. He silently planned and waited, one night, his dear father was done having his 2 minutes fun with a prostitute when all he saw was his son holding a revolver and smiling at him while pulling the trigger.

He killed the bitch too, after all, she killed his cat too. They all should die here and now! Alone he was weak, but with a weapon, a gun, he was strong. He silently went to the kitchen of the humble yet big house and opened the gas cylinder of the gas container, which in turn began releasing all the gas used to turn on an oven into the kitchen, also known as GPL Gas. He lighted a candle and putting it on the table, he left...

GPL Gas is heavier than air, so it went first to the bottom of the closed kitchen, but slowly it began to rise until it touched the flame of the candle. Now, GPL has is highly flammable, and what happens when a huge amount of flammable content enters in contact with fire in one go? Exactly.


An Explosion!

The feeling that he absorbed around him was hard to contain, but he quickly learned that it would go away easily if he acted the way he was feeling at the moment. Which was all that he always wanted to do! He ran in the alleyway with a smile, the blood in his hands was from one of his father's subordinates that was harder to deal with... Most of them were in the house, only two were out of the house, he shot one, but the gun had no more bullets. Only three bullets, so he had to take the other one out with a knife. How he did it? Well, the simple fact that both were drunk and half-conscious, and he was full of adrenaline now.

The knife was a simple pocket knife, he had it hidden on his clothes while he ran, he was trying to hide in the shadows while running and thinking. He had nowhere to go, all he had was an empty gun, blood-stained clothes, and a bloody knife.

However, he had something to use in his favor, the ability to feel other's emotions. He could use it as a means to read people! That's a great idea, maybe he could find someone that had good feelings and could help him? Or someone who had good and bad feelings who could help him get stronger? After all, if his father taught him something, it was that strength was necessary to live. Strong live, weak die! The weak should fear the strong...

As he walked with nowhere to go, he was trying to come up with an idea. Maybe muggle someone? He never did that before, he has a gun that he can use to intimidate people into giving him money, he could also ambush them and use the knife to scare them into giving him money... As he walked, he stopped suddenly and looked down. First, he needs better clothes, second, he needs money. Money can pretty much resolve the majority of his problems...

But first, clothes.

It was all that he needed at the moment, he did not feel hungry nor thirsty at the moment. He began his search, but a child with bloodstained clothes can easily catch attention, so he did what he thought would be best: He dived in the river, with clothes on, it may not be the best idea he ever had, but it was something! It was summer so his clothes would dry faster or at least he thinks so. As he looked down at the reflection of his face he frowned.

Brown hair, ember eyes, hot white skin... His hair was long, covering half of his face, which was a good way to hide it. He was only 9 years old, but he was forced to grow up faster than anyone else before he could even have a childhood. He began to consider the future... Maybe he should make a group, of orphans, after all, there are a lot of them in the streets! He could form a gang and even become a mercenary or something else to get money fast because five things are necessary to rule: Personal Power, Communal Power, Loyal Subjects, Information, and Money.

He lacks all 5 of them.

Personal Power can be used to get all four of the others, with some difficulties, but if you are strong enough then you can get everything you want, do everything you want to do, and be however you want to be. This was his dream, his desire! His first desire was to be free of his father, and now that he is free he set himself a new desire: To become strong.

He was able to steal clothes from a 2nd hand shop, he just had to sneak in, which his empathy power helped him because he could tell that there was no one inside because he wasn't absorbing anyone's feelings, his size helped him get in and out of the shop. He bought with him some of the clothes and the money that they had, which wasn't much, to begin with, only 5 dollars... He was able to buy some bread, he had enough for 1 week if he rationed well! Now that he has clothes and food, he needed water and shelter, which he could find the former rather easily than the latter. The water he could drink from the river must be clean enough for him to safely drink, or at least with a slight stomachache.

Or at least he hopes.

He needed a new name... Don't get me wrong, it's not like he doesn't like the name he received from his mother, but that name represented the past! And he now needs to think of the future, which is his opinion, is a little brighter than before. He suddenly remembered his mother, she was Japanese, she lived in Japan before marrying his father... Or so she told him, maybe, to honor his mother, his new name should be Japanese as well.

Akio. He remembers his mother telling him that if she wouldn't call him his name, she would have named him Akio, which means Bright Man, Manly, Hero... Heh, he wishes to be brighter and even manlier, but a hero? Only fools would waste their life to save someone. Stay alive and save them later! He also isn't the guy to give second chances to villains and those who would become a nuisance, he would straight up kill them.

"Akio huh... A great name, thanks, mother." He smiled looking at the sky, it was getting darker and darker, he was able to kill his father, run away, burn his house, steal clothes, choose a new name, and just now he is getting more and more tired... He needs a place to sleep quickly, somewhere to hide his food and weapons, somewhere where he can sleep and rest... An abandoned house? There's a lot of those around, but they normally had people on it, maybe a bench in a park? He is far away from any parks he knows... Maybe he should sleep in a tree? Risky, but doable.

What to do?

Soon, he decided to look for an empty house, and he found on rather easily with his ability to sense other's feelings. He was able to sleep for a while there, he found a good hiding spot and lied there, gun and knife near his body as he drifted rather quickly to the dreamland... Suddenly, he felt danger and bloodlust and he opened his eyes quickly and looked around, holding firmly the knife near his body and boy he was scared shitless when he saw a man with blood drifting from his arm as he held a knife in his hands and looked forward with a determined face, the man jumped back as a series of knives suddenly went directly down deeply into the ground like it was soft butter.

Akio held his breath and was sweating as he was absorbing a lot of bloodlust from the guy who just jumped and another person, probably the one who threw the knives.

"You still can fight huh? Not that I care, let's just end this right now." The voice was slightly feminine and full of poison, Akio was practically gasping for air now, this cold feeling in his body was killing him... He felt like killing everything, he felt powerful but at the same time, he feared himself and others... It was a confusing feeling to have. "You still will have to pay for killing them!" The feminine voice shouted and Akio heard the cutting sound of the air as more knives were thrown, Akio observed as the man suddenly was dodging knife after knife, but seemingly the person throwing them ran out of knives to throw, so they charged forward and Akio heard a grunt as the man began fighting the person, now visibly a woman slashing a sword at the man.

The fight continued and Akio was absorbing more and more bloodlust from both and he could no longer hold it anymore, he felt something exploding inside him as the woman who was going to stab the man stopped for a second, this second was enough for the man who stabbed her with his dagger in the neck, cutting an artery and making the woman bleed. He quickly kicked her stomach and went for the kill, stabbing her in the heart, which instantly killed her. The man got up and looked warningly towards the boxes where Akio was hiding behind. As the man looked at Akio he frowned, he was focused on fighting so he did not notice the child hiding behind the boxes... And now, the kid is emanating a huge amount of bloodlust.

"And now they are sending kids? Scums..." The man whispered quickly before looking at the kid who was holding a knife and a gun, he saw that the kid was holding the two in a way he could easily take, and his frown deepened. 'If they are going to send kids, at least send one that knows how to kill, they sent the kid to his death!' The man was defensively staring at the child, who suddenly was looking down at the blood on the ground, the man was confused when he saw the kid look at the blood and raise his knife at the man, saying: "You are strong. I've decided... You're going to teach me."

The man looked confused for a second before a single, asking sound left his mouth: "Heh?"

[10 Years Time Skip]

[Trigger Warning: Detailed Chapter on Torture]


A grunting sound echoed in the dark and empty streets, the moon shone in the sky and its silver light illuminated the streets just enough for trained eyes to see everything around. A man was trying to move his body, dragging himself by the arms and trying not to scream or cry out in pain, he just now escaped an assassin that wanted to kill him! He can't die now! This man was scum, he was a rapist that raped several victims, including little girls and boys, he was hated by the victims and even among the criminal world.

His legs were hit by some darts full of some kind of paralysis poison that completely numbed his lower body and he couldn't use it to escape, lucky he was that he escaped before the poison took effect! Now ge was trying to find a place to hide and wait till the paralysis fades.

Suddenly, he heard steps approaching his place, a playful voice echoed through the empty street: "Hey... Are you here? Don't worry! I won't hurt you... I just want to play." The man had a terrible feeling in his heart, this was what he said to his victims to try and appease their fear so they could lower their guard around him and he could take their innocence away from them. He still remembers their little voices crying and asking for him to stop, it made him excited, but now he was feeling terrified. "I feel you... You can come out now, or you want to play hide and seek?" The cold and terrifying voice sounded like they were talking to a 4 years old child.

The man held his breath, he couldn't be found now! He came so far just to be killed!? Hell no! He began to crawl further into the alleyway to try and find a place to hide, however, he heard the voice getting near. "I hear you..." The terrifying voice whispered silently as the men heard footsteps approaching him, he pulled himself and hid behind some boxes that were there, he had to remove the darts that were on his legs so he could carefully put them close together without it hurting. The man started to slow down his breathing as he heard once again: "I see you~" Suddenly heard something being thrown/destroyed as he heard the man say: "Eh? Not here? I thought he was here though... Meh, have to continue to search, he must not have gone too far."

The man heard as the person that was following him walked away, he heard their footsteps echoing through the alleyway. He listened carefully and searched for the sound of footsteps or other sounds, he was making sure that the person just left. He stood quiet for a good 10 minutes and sighed in relief, saying: "I'm alone..." As soon as he said that, he heard: "On your right." The man moved his head to his right side and saw nothing, he thought that he has just imagined something but he suddenly had the urge to look up. His head slowly moved up and his breath left his body.

Above him was the same person that was following him, looking down at him, the person was wearing completely black clothes and a black mask. That mask had a single red (♦) on the forehead, this was the symbol of a mercenary-like group that surged 5 years ago, their name was Apocalypse, their motto was 'An eye for an eye, A tooth for a tooth, money for the rest.' This organization was famous because they completed every single mission they were assigned to, 100% complete! Also, they were famous because they would even do revenge jobs, which was simple: Select target and provide basic information about the target.

At first, it looks like a normal assassination/mercenary contract, right? But if the contractor selects the Revenge option or writing revenge beside the target's name, someone from the organization will dig from information on the person, about every crime they committed, and if the contractor pays enough they will do the same to the target. The target is a rapist? They will essentially do whatever the contractor wants to the target, even break the target and make them a sex slave. This is the famous revenge contract or better: The Blood Contract because only people that have too much or are desperate for revenge sign those contracts.

However, the Apocalypse doesn't sell sex slaves, no, they refuse to sell sex slaves, they will only break the target's mind and make them a puppet for sex, which is then sent to the contractor if the contractor wishes to but if they don't, the organization will keep the sex slave for themselves. The leader of the organization? That little boy that once was weak, named Akio, was the founder and leader of the Apocalypse. At first, he created the Apocalypse because he needed money, but soon he found a profession that could let him have Personal Power, Communal Power, Loyal Subjects, Information, and Money. He was strong! But not strong enough, he needed to be stronger if he wanted to live in this world.

Akio moved his dagger down, he felt the flesh of his target being cut by the blade of his dagger as the target muffled cries echoed in the facility. Akio was the leader of the Apocalypse, he took the torture part of the job because it was one of the least disturbing... At least for him. There was the assassination, psyche break, sex slaving, kidnapping, and more. Akio found more uses for his ability to absorb emotions, and while on the torture part of the job he could absorb the despair, pain, and fear of the target and used it on them, amplifying the pain/fear/despair they were feeling which was generally great. Why? Because most of the torture targets were targets destined to suffer.

Akio looked into the eyes of his target, the father of one of the kids that he raped and killed paid them a huge amount of money to have the target turned into a sex puppet and suffer in the most gruesome way till they died of old age. Akio was not a good person, so he didn't care about the guy who was looking at him with despair and pain in his eyes, Akio began to absorb it and redirect it back to the man, which doubled the amount of pain and despair he was feeling. While doing that, Akio was humming a lullaby:

"Wolves asleep amidst the trees..."

"Bats all a-swaying in the breeze..."

"But one soul lies anxious, Wide Awake..."

"Fearing all manner of ghouls, hags, and wraiths..."

"For your Dolly Polly..."

"Sleep has flown..."

"Don't let him tremble alone..."

"For the witcher, heartless, cold..."

"Paid in coin of gold..."

"He comes, he goes, leave naught behind..."

"But heartache and woe..."

"Deep... Deep... Woe."

"Birds are silent for the night..."

"Cows turned im as daylight dies..."

"But one soul lies anxious Wide Awake..."

"Fearing all manners of ghouls, hags, and wraiths..."

"My dear Dolly Polly, shut your eyes..."

"Lies still, lie silent, utter no cries..."

"As the witcher, brave and bold..."

"Paid in coin of gold..."

"He'll chop, and slice you, cut and dice you..."

"Eat you whole..."

"Eat. You. Whole."

This song was taught to him by his adoptive father, the same guy he found that day and asked ro learn under him... The guy first rejected him, but Akio played his cards right and slowly broke through the barriers that were placed and began to learn from the guy, his name was Jack and he was a very famous underground assassin that was being hunted down by a family of assassins that wanted to kill him. Why? First, because he slept with the only daughter of the family, second he killed her parents after they tried to kill him, and third, he was an asshole. Akio learned everything he could from the man before they went their ways, Jack had much to learn and Akio had too much ambition to simply follow a man and not being the leader himself.

The lullaby he just sang was taught by Jack, who was an avid gamer and weebo, which slowly corrupted the young Akio into the wrong path. He learned quite quickly, which surprised Jack who taught *cough* corrupted *cough* him faster and as much as he could... In 5 years, Akio learned assassination techniques and weebo sacred rules, such as the Harem Sect and Anti-Harem sect... They were two sects that fought for generations and his master/adoptive father was from the Harem Sect, which made Akio enter the Anti-Harem Sect just to anger the man.

Akio doesn't think he can hold on to people. He never fell in love before, if he can't love one person imagine more than one! Don't get me wrong, he can please someone sexually just fine, but romance isn't for him, or he hasn't met the right girl/guy/in between. Akio is Pansexual, for him, gender doesn't matter, ass is an ass and they can be fucked nicely... Anyway, besides this lack of romance in his life, Akio is pretty happy. Why? Because he is finally strong enough to live without the fear of being killed by someone every day!

"Arghhhh!" Screams of pain echoed through the empty warehouse as Akio pulled the skin out of the man's body, he was used to it already, so he absorbed the pain and reflected it increasing the pain the man was feeling. The contractor was very clear that the target must feel like dying but not die but wish for death, which Akio was good at. After hours and hours of torture, with the increasing pain, the man felt and not being able to faint for Akio would shock his nerves with a weak electric current to wake him up, the man's time dilatation detection started to get confused.

Every human naturally can roughly distinguish how much time passed. A second, a minute, an hour, a day, a week, a month, a year... However, most humans can only guess how much time has passed on a second-minute-hour scale, and that scale can be easily confused. One of the ways to do such a thing is inducing pain, when in pain, the perception of time is decreased and a second feels like hours! You can do this right now, experiment with planking, and feel the passage of time decreasing... People can even train themselves to increase or decrease their passage of time, so hours can feel like seconds and seconds like hours, such as the technique mostly called Chronokinesis or Meditation.

Anyway, what I mean is: Akio Is not a good person. He never raped or killed/tortured someone without a reason, but he did not consider himself a good person, a lot of the orphans and children he brought out of the streets to become trainees under the Apocalypse would call him their savior, but Akio considers himself to be a selfish human being for he just brought the kids so they could become members of the Apocalypse and he could have loyal subjects ready to die for him if necessary. He even said that to their face, but it passed as sincerity rather than selfishness which greatly confused Akio. As always, when he was done with the torture session, he started to close the cuts and bruises with bandages and if necessary he will remove the member, such as the penis and testicles.

Yes, Akio just castrated this man. He has done this to some of his subordinates that went overboard and tried to rape one of the kids he brought with him, he felt like they lost the respect for him, so he just cut it off and sent them to become slaves with a broken mind. See? Akio is evil, completely devious, he deserves ro be burnt in hell, right? That's what he thinks at least.

After years and years of being the leader of the Apocalypse, Akio decided to step down and leave the Apocalypse in the hands of one of his children, he had a lot of hookups with several men and women, don't worry, he doesn't have any STD for he always uses protection and checks every month to be sure. Now, at the age of 45, he could rest... Right? Wrong.

His so-called son was taught well by his dear father and decided to be sure and kill Akio. Akio wasn't even mad at it, he, strangely enough, had some pride in this. It meant he taught his children well and they would live for a long time, he was still upset that he died in an explosion even though he wanted to die like his adopted father did, by fighting against 50 assassins and taking 45 of them down with him... Sadly he couldn't die a legend like his father...

However, his death itself began the legend of another person, one of his subordinates, which died with him in the explosion went back in time after his death and became a protagonist of a second chance novel... And Akio? Oh well, he discovered what he was/is/will ever be. Confusing, right? Fear not, for I will explain.

After his death, Akio found himself in another place.

He was naked, floating above an empty void and in front of him was a white sphere, completely wrapped in golden chains and seals, which contained the sphere and made the sphere tremble. Akio's curiosity was spiked, however, he was cautious and did not wish to come in contact with the sphere at any costs, for he feared something bad would happen. He did not know where he was or even what he was, but his adoptive father always said and taught him to be calm in every situation, even the supernatural ones if possible.

As he watched the sphere, an undying urge to touch the sphere. came to him, which confused him greatly... Did he not just feared the sphere seconds ago? Why does he want to touch it so bad? There's something wrong with this, but he can't put his finger on it! Why not touch the sphere and be done with everything? No! He can't! What would happen if he touches the sphere? He doesn't even know if his consciousness will be destroyed completely after he touches the sphere, which means death to him. But he wants to touch the sphere...

Akio soon moved, his body floated forward and his hand touched the sphere, a white blinding light shone through the dimension and dispersed the dark abyss below together with the chains that were bounding the sphere down, Akio suddenly felt his consciousness vanish and be replaced by something else... Something better, something that was him and not him at the same time... His name was Azatoth, he was the Omnipotent Dreamer of Reality, which was his official title. Akio was part of Azatoth and was Azatoth at the same time...

Azatoth was bored, so they split their soul into several tiny pieces and scattered them around the multiverse, making mortals being born from his soul shard, after their death Azatoth would absorb their memories and experiences, so he experienced the mortal life of every single mortal his soul was reincarnated as. Akio was just one of them, he had the shards of Azatoth's Psyche Category: Emotions, which gave him Fuel Empathy and a lot of sub-powers to Fuel Empathy. Fuel Empathy is an empathy that can do more than just feel what others are feeling, Fuel Empaths can absorb feelings and use them as fuel to even bend the fabric of reality if enough fuel is used.

Akio was lucky that Azatoth decided to go back to his slumber and give control of the body to him because Akio was part of Azatoth and Azatoth was him, Akio would never hurt Azatoth. So Akio just got the power of Omnipotence that Azatoth has while Azatoth locked both Omniscience and Omnipresence so Akio would not go overload because of his human consciousness. The human mind cannot understand even the concept of knowing everything and being everywhere, so Azatoth kinda saved Akio from having his consciousness being destroyed by the simple fact of knowing everything and being everywhere.

What the white sphere just now was? Well, that white sphere was the power of Omnipotence and the instructions of how to use it! The chains were the conditions that would keep Omniscience and Omnipresence locked away, which Akio could easily accept. His human mind surprisingly adapted pretty well to everything around him, the white space was the blank infinite dimension Azatoth would keep their real body. Deeply onto the black abyss was Azatoth's real body, he could not get there because if he went... His consciousness would be destroyed completely and he would never be able to recover. Akio soon had an idea, he just imagined the dark abyss being covered by a white blanket.

Suddenly, the dark abyss was gone. Now, covering the previously dark abyss was a white floor, making everything white, the whole dimension was white and Akio could see that the 'floor' was now covered. "Huh. This was easier than I thought." Akio murmured while looking at his hands, all he had to do to use Omnipotence was to imagine what he wanted or just will it. Omnipotence is not knowing how to do something but doing it by simply willing it to be, which Akio can do.

Akio was now... Powerful. He had power, he could create and destroy worlds with a simple thought! He could everywhere in the known and unknown universes that exist and can exist! He can even not exist and exist at the same time... Akio, for the first time, began to act like a child. His fingers were moving around and everywhere he pointed something random would happen, sometimes it would change color, sometimes It would explode, sometimes it would create something out of nowhere, and sometimes it would even [REDACTED]!


Akio didn't know how much time he spent playing around... Now that he thinks about it, he doesn't even need time for he is above time, space, and reality! With Omnipotence, he was above everything and everyone. But he was not the only one with Omnipotence... As Azatoth was the Omnipotent Dreamer of Reality, there were other Omnipotents, but they don't mess with each other. They normally play games and/or participate in competitions, like the Reincarnation Rush, or even the Dimensions War!

Reincarnation Rush was when they selected a random soul from any mortal and then they would reincarnate the soul with 3 wishes. Sometimes the rules were different depending on the competition, but it was fun according to Azatoth's little information they had. Akio was curious about that but he decided to do... What will he do!? He doesn't know what he will do! He can do everything, this doesn't narrow down anything at all and he started to feel indecisive. Everything was doable, he can go around fucking everyone! Wait! That's a good idea, maybe he should just go around hopping from world to world and fucking people he thinks is hot/cute. Age is just a number for him now, but he would never fuck children even after becoming immortal.

No one is safe from his horniness but children.

Akio could feel his mind slowly changing as if to adapt or completely change his personality. He also noticed a wall, on the other side of the wall he saw several eyes, he could not count every one of them. They were watching him closely, his every action, they were whispering and commenting about his every action, like they were spectators and he was their entertainment... It was disturbing, so his mind just adapted to this to protect him? This wall that looked like a mirror was called the 4th Wall, it was strong but he could easily break it or even manipulate it to his will. The eyes, however, were mostly immune to everything he may do now, but he feels if given time he can't take those eyes out of the wall and materialize them into his dimension.

"Hey, you. Where should I go first?" Akio asked, the voices stopped, they looked surprised he could hear them and see them, so they all started shouting about the wall calling it '4th Wall Chan' and how weak she was, Akio just carved a hole through the translucent-like wall with ease. "Hey, answer the question." Akio suddenly stopped and looked at the biggest eye among the eyes, this eye had a pen in hands and the eye was writing everything he was thinking and even doing.

The eye was the author of the story.

He was but a mere novel character!

His life was a lie.

Akio was depressed for a good amount of eons when the author got bored and simply removed his 4th wall perception/manipulation ability so the novel won't get hate, he also erased the memories from Akio's mind. It should be fine now. The author doesn't want an insane protagonist now, but this little thing will affect his mind forever and his personality will never be the same, and the author can only describe his new broken personality as... Insane?

"Hum? Why was I sleeping?" Akio wakes up in the complete white space, his mind wanders around while he thinks: 'Well, I must have been tired of playing with Omnipotence and decided to sleep. Why do I feel like my personality changed? Wait, does it matter? I never cared about my personality, I only cared about power, and now that I have it I can do whatever i want.' Akio smiled while looking at the white space, he chuckled while saying: "This place needs new decoration." Suddenly, the white space changed and now he was floating in the never-ending cosmos of space, around him were stars and golden dust, which was Cosmic Dust a little something Akio just created.

"This looks good... Let's see what happens in... some years."

As he declared this, he saw time accelerate around him. It was like pressing the fast forward button in a recording, as Akio watched the galaxy fast forward, he could see life growing in the planets including Earth. This galaxy had the Milky Way galaxy because Akio simply willed it to exist as he manipulated the fabric of his universe. Akio had this idea: He will create his universe and make it his base, where he would take human souls to reincarnate them in other worlds for his entertainment! But first, he will do that to himself.

He will go around the universes and have some fun while he can because anytime Azatoth can wake up and consume his consciousness or fuse then, in any way he would be himself after anyway, so he had to have fun while he can! First, he will experiment with some little things... Like, what would happen if a white hole and a black hole touched each other!? Wormholes, can they be used for teleportation? And other things that he wanted to know.

-Separation Line-

"Okay," Akio said while looking at the two different spheres beside him. None of them could be visually seen, but if the light was near these two spheres it would react. One of the holes would absorb the light while the other would reflect it, creating a thin layer of light around the second sphere. They were both a black hole and a white hole While one of them has a huge gravitational pull the other has a great gravitational push, which is complete opposites.

(A/N: This is but fiction)

"Now... What will happen?" Akio murmured while the two spheres began to approach each other forcefully, Akio was pushing them towards each other because like opposite magnets, they were pushing each other away. As soon as they touched, they began fusing, while the white hole was trying to expand externally the black hole was trying to compress and fuse internally, this caused friction that accumulated radiation and energy, which caused an explosion. An explosion is bigger than a Supernova... It was a Big Bang.

"Huh. So the universe came to be when a white hole and a black hole fused?" Akio murmured. The tap holes he just brought/created were the two biggest white/black holes in existence and this caused the Big Bang. So Akio just kinda destroyed his universe that he created eons ago. If it was the Akio from the past, he would feel at least bad about it, but the new Akio that was corrupted by the 4th Wall was different... He was slightly insane, he did not care about others' lives, but there was still some humanity left.

Even though humanity is a concept that the new Akio can not entirely understand, he still holds dear what is dear to him. He still remembers his adoptive father... Father! Yes! He can make his adoptive father's dreams come true! His adoptive's father was a complete weebo, his dream was to go to another world where magic was real so he could make himself a harem and fuck every girl till the day of his death. Maybe Akio should give that chance to him as a 'thank you for taking care of me'? Maybe he can even give him a system that he despised so much! That would be hilarious...

He will do that! He will certainly do that!

First, he needs a place that looks ethereal and majestic, and then he will summon the soul of his adoptive father. It is no problem, for every Omnipotent can simply ignore the rules of life and death so he could easily reincarnate his adoptive father back to his original earth, but he won't do that because it would be boring.

"Okay... the first thing I need is a white space." Akio willed the entire universe he created just for fun vanish and destroyed every single life inside the universe. This happens all the time, universes are fragile and can be easily destroyed