
[DROPPED] Force User Supplementary System

When Connor awoke in such a bizarre place, he never thought that it would be the Jedi temple and that he would have taken over the body of a youngling. What is this voice in his head and why is Yoda mocking him? ------------------------------------------------------------------- This is my first novel and I am by no means a professional writer. This was simply an idea I had that I wanted to act on. I will try to update the story once week but that may not always be possible. I do not own the image used as the cover.

toobadImbatman · ภาพยนตร์
27 Chs

Chapter 25: Preparation

Connor turned around to see his old clanmate, Bruce. He had not seen Bruce since they were selected by their masters. He was shocked at the man currently standing in front of them. Bruce had always been big but now he was huge. According to Connor's memory, he had grown about a foot since they last saw each other and put on about 50 pounds further adding to his ogre-like status. "Hello", Bruce said with a toothy grin, "what's this I hear about Tython?". Connor had already put two and two together, "So you're the padawan they selected to accompany me? The Jedi Order must be short manned", Connor said with a laugh. "Is that right? The way I see it, they could have picked loads of people who could have handled this snooze of an assignment", Bruce cheekily responded.

Connor and Bruce continued this banter until they were stopped by Plo Koon. "All right, now that introductions aren't necessary, let's begin getting you all ready for your trip." Connor and Bruce agreed and they both went back to their rooms to begin packing. The planet of Tython was unlike any other planet that Connor had ever been to before. Tython had been abandoned by almost all sentient civilizations and as such he would have to a supple amount of food as well as research the type of edible plants and wildlife that inhabited Tython. Connor headed to the jedi archives to research what he could about Tython in advance. After all, he would not be able to lean on his master's knowledge this time.

Arriving in the Jedi Archives, Connor moved to a computer to see all that they had on the planet Tython. Some of the information was things Connor already knew such as the Jedi Order was founded on Tython of course at that point they were called the Je'daii Order which meant "mystic center". The Je'daii left Tython after discovering that the force worked elsewhere as well and was later rediscovered by the Jedi order almost 20,000 years later. Tython was once again abandoned after the fight against the Eternal Empire due to Jedi moving to the edges of the galaxy. Since then it has been home primarily to the Flesh Raiders.

A primitive and savage species, the Flesh Raiders are a tribal indigenous people to the planet. Connor suddenly felt a strange feeling come over him while reading about the flesh raiders. "As a wise man will say, I've got a bad feeling about this". Connor felt a slight sense of danger in regard to the Flesh Raiders but wasn't sure why. Regardless, he was headed to Tython to hopefully receive a downpour of force point so nothing was going to stop him. Connor continued to look through the archives for any useful information. He found a few notes about the flora and fauna that existed on Tython but he knew that these records were thousands of years old so the information must be taken with a grain of salt.

Connor then received a call from Bruce asking him to meet him at the spaceport. The padawans had to secure a shuttle for their journey to Tython as Bruce was without his own ship and the provisions, they needed to bring along were too large to fit inside Connor's small starfighter. This did make Connor wondered about what kind of fighter would ever be able to fit Bruce if he did keep growing at the rate he was.

Arriving at the spaceport, Connor found Bruce arguing with one of the workers. "I'm am a member of the Jedi Order and I'm saying I need a ship for a special assignment, you wanker", Bruce heatedly told the administrator. "I understand sir but we have yet to receive the paperwork for such a thing, we usually suggest that one waits 3-5 business days for processing", the desk worker was extremely intimidated by Bruce's size and it shows. "We are leaving tomorrow, I don't have 3 to 5 business days", Bruce complained further.

That was when Connor stepped up to the desk, "What seems to be the problem here?", Connor questioned. "This one-eyed sausage won't give us our shuttle", Bruce spat out. "What's you name?", Connor asked the man at the desk. "Tontree, sir", the man replied. Then without saying anything else Connor began to call someone on his communicator. "Yes, padawan", the familiar voice of Plo Koon rang out of the communicator. "Hello, master. I'm here with a Mr. Tontree and he says that he can't give us a ship for our mission", Connor explained. "One moment, padawan" Plo Koon spoke before ending the call. Only a minute later, Tontree's communicator began to ring which he promptly picked up. "Hello ship requisition, this is Tontree speaking, how can I help you?", he spoke in a very professional manner, "Sir, but the proper…Yes, sir. Yes, sir. I'll get right on it, sir", Connor and Bruce could only hear one side of the conversation, but they could already guess the outcome.

"Well let's see what shuttle I can get you two fine young gentlemen", Tontree said after hanging up his communicator. Five minutes later, a T-6 shuttle was brought into the hanger to be supplied and inspected for the young jedis use. The T-6 shuttle was a common use shuttle employed by the Jedi Order and would suit the need of Connor and Bruce just fine. Satisfied with the ship they were given, both padawans left the spaceport.

On their way back to their rooms both Connor and Bruce discussed various topics. Bruce talked about the different things that he had experienced in these past few months. After listening, Connor was glad that he had been given a master who was much more active in the galaxy. If it wasn't for his system, Connor would have been fine with receiving a master like Bruce's who was much more invested in learning and meditating on the force, but Connor needed exp and quests to grow stronger ad he wouldn't be able to do that by meditating all day. Connor also told Bruce about his exploits, but Bruce had already heard a lot of what Connor had done. He had defeated a Dark Jedi for goodness sake! The only person more popular in the order than him was probably Obi-Wan who had defeated a Sith. Connor then bade farewell to Bruce as he entered his room. Connor then laid down on his bed to receive a good night's sleep for the journey ahead of him tomorrow.

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