
World 1.15

"Are you really okay now?"

Yang asked with his hands below his chin, he was sitting beside the table. When he woke up, Jihoon was already out of bed. The omega was in the kitchen preparing breakfast. Yang insisted on checking him again and his body temperature was really normal.

AUTHOR: You just want to hug him again

{Shut up! I'm not taking advantage of him.. hmph!}

The truth is, Yang was so helpless because the movie date he had prepared was ruined by that goddamn fever!. Jihoon put a plate of omelette in front of him. "Oh! Thank you" he took a spoonful and then eat

"Hey Jihoon! Are you really okay now?" Yang looked at him again from head to foot, the omega just nodded back "Let's go to the arcade then!"

They really ended up going to the arcade. Rows of machines with colorful pictures on the sides, glowing screens, coin exchange machine, ticket counter, thin patterned carpet or polished flooring, neon lights, claw games filled with stuffed toy prizes welcomed their sights. The surrounding was full of game noises like chiming bings from a pinball game, crashes, glass breaking, tickets being pushed out a slot, kids shouting and laughing.

Jihoon was very surprised, it was his first time in an arcade. It was like he could smell the metallic odor from the hot electronics. They went inside, Yang left him in the corner to buy coins. Jihoon's eyes could hardly be removed from the claw machine. The fluffy toys inside it are seducing him. His cheeks blushed when he remembered some of his favorite romance movies where the boy will play the machine for his partner, he finds it so romantic.

"Do you want to try it? I already have coins'' Yang came back, he placed one coin on Jihoon's palm. The male's eyes were beaming as he put the coin inside the machine, the claw inside started to move. His eyes were fixated on the soft fluffy orange cat toy, he really wanted it so much. Yang stepped beside him to cheer him up but he ended up getting nothing. Jihoon's face turned to a sad one, just like a whimpering dog with its tail down.

Yang noticed the sorrow in his eyes ``Stay still.." he slips in another coin "You should do it like this" he held Jihoon's hand and then put it once again on the controller. He guided the omega until the claw caught it's target "After you pick it up, you have to move it slowly... and surely" Yang was behind Jihoon, his head was leaning on the male's shoulder while guiding his hands, the male was really feeling the pressure.

"Yey! You got it!" the ding sound from the machine snapped back Jihoon, he was so happy after Yang gave him the fluffy cat toy he wanted. After that, they went to another station; it has a big screen with two guns on the sides. The game was named 'WORLD OF Z' Yang gave the other toy gun to Jihoon and then he put two coins. The game starts, various types of zombies come out on the screen, they're shooting it but the omega feels down when he sees Yang nailed it all. Jihoon was in awe while watching the man tackle the game, each zombie that stepped through the doorway exploding like an egg in the microwave. He was so amazed by Yang, he even thought that maybe if the zombies were real, he would probably be the first to die while Yang will be the last man standing.

Yang noticed his gloomy look "Hey Jihoon, we're nearly winning! Don't lose hope" he flashed a big smile on his face, the omega just nodded "Don't worry it's just a game, but when there are real zombies I will not allow them to bite you.. I'll protect you" he smirked. Jihoon was enlightened from what he heard. They played until the last coin.


"Damn! That was awesome!"

Yang slacked his butt on the bench, after playing at the Arcade they stroll around the park. This time, Jihoon was the one who left Yang to buy some drinks.


{Oh! It went that high?}

AUTHOR: It's because you made Jihoon very happy, it's his first time in an arcade

{Well, it's my honor to be his first}

AUTHOR: You should thank me, I'm the one who put you in that situation

{Should I curse you too when I'm in a tight situation?}

AUTHOR: How impertinent! brat!

Jihoon came back with two soda and sandwiches in his hands, he gave the other ones to Yang. They eat quietly on the bench.

"Hey Jihoon.." The alpha called out

While Jihoon stop chewing his food and look at Yang instead

"I like you.."

The omega almost got choked from what he heard, Yang quickly handed him the open soda "Oy Im sorry, okay? I'm sorry I just blurted it out of nowhere" Yang caressed the omega's back until he seems okay.

Silence crawled between them after the confession..

{Damn! I shouldn't have told him}

AUTHOR: What are you going to do if the love meter reduces again?

{Hey! Don't say things like that! DAMN! I thought that he will going to say that he like me too}

While arguing with himself, Yang's vision caught the sun touching down the horizon, it was a beautiful sunset.

He turned his gaze to Jihoon "Ey Jihoon, I'm not asking for an answer right now and I'm sorry if I surprised you, it's not that I have a bad intention or something" he secretly slide his body towards the omega "You know, I don't want to see you crying again, that's why I'm here.. I'm going to protect you until I'm here" a big but languid smile stretches his face.

The omega froze in his seat after hearing those sweet words, he can't even look up his head, he was so shy. He can feel his face burning red.

"Look! the sunset is very beautiful" he turned his gaze to the thing the Alpha was pointing. He never found the sunset this beautiful before. He has also watched a movie about a couple happily watching the sunset, he never finds it romantic. But with this Alpha man beside him, he feels like his heart will explode in happiness and affection.

Yang drove him home, As usual Jihoon knew what would happen. The man will kiss his forehead to say goodnight and then he will walk inside the house, but this night is different.

Yang opened the door for him and then walked with him up to the gate.

"Goodnight Jihoon.." he gave a peak on his omega's forehead but after that, he slips out a piece of paper from his pocket "I want to gave you this before I go"

Jihoon looked puzzled staring at the paper in his hands ``It was a letter... but I want you to read it at the end of the month..Ermm.. no peeking! okay?" Yang said looking him straight in the eyes.

"Mhhmn!" the male replied

"Okay okay.. Im going now, sleep well" he ride his car and disappeared on Jihoon's sight

AUTHOR: Hey! What is the letter for?

{You will know..soon}

Hello everyone!! Im so hyped writing this chapter *wink*

What was that letter for? Yang finally confess, will Jihoon feel the same way? Stay tune! love you all mwaa!

yohan26_creators' thoughts