
World 1.14

Jihoon woke up from the sweet scent invading his nostrils, he moved a little on the bed. His pillow was feeling a little bit sturdy and warm. He slowly opened his eyes, he was surprised to find Yang's arm as his pillow, the Alpha was sleeping soundly next to him. The memory from earlier occupied his thoughts. He fell asleep while monitoring Yang's heat after he hit him with the tranquilizer. Jihoon slowly slid his body to stand up. He doesn't want Yang to wake up seeing him like this, he was too embarrassed.

Yang woke up after a few minutes, he was out of loss but managed to calm himself down after checking his body. His heat was already gone..

AUTHOR: You've finally woke up

{What the hell is wrong again this time? You're always getting me annoyed the moment Im opening my eyes}

AUTHOR: Idiot! I just want to remind you that it's already 7 A.M in the morning

{Ehhh??!!! What the bloody hell!}

Yang ran to the window and then he parted the curtain, the sun rays met his sight "Crap! It's really morning! How long have I been sleeping?" he exclaimed but froze for a minute "W-Wait! Where's Jihoon?" he turn his gaze on the bed

AUTHOR: Of course, he already left while you're sleeping!

Yang hurriedly ate his breakfast that morning and went to school rushing off with his car.

"Daewon? What the heck happened to your hair?" Sunghoo greeted him the moment he step inside the classroom.

"Im sorry, I forgot to fix my hair" he then let his comb out and then do his hair

The class went on as usual, but this time, he didn't see Jihoon the whole day. So he went to his room but the professor told Yang that Jihoon went home immediately. While Yang was passing by the school garden, his gaze took him to the shady tree he used to sleep in when he had a vacant class. He dropped his butt on the green grasses, took out his pen and then the piece of paper that was stuck in the middle of his book.

AUTHOR: You're still keeping that?

{How will I fulfill this if I threw it away?}

AUTHOR: W-Wait What?! Fulfill? Shouldn't Jihoon do that?

{I'm thinking about it and I came to a conclusion..}

AUTHOR: Conclusion your foot! Just say it

{H-Hey! I'm trying to sound cool here! How dare you interrupt me! hmph!}

Yang knew about it, but according to Jihoon's attitude; he was sure that he would not do it because he was too shy to approach him.

{ I've decided! I will be doing everything on the list before I go to the second world!}

AUTHOR: And how are you so sure about it?

{Ehem! A-Actually I've already run out of ideas to make him fall in love with me.. so this is a big help.. At least a bit reliable}

Yang scanned the paper like he was so deep in thoughts "I can't walk with him anymore, he already left, what will I do first?" it was like a big question mark drew above his head

"Then how about watching a movie with him at home?" he asked, a smile stretches his face

He planned everything, the snacks, the drinks, and the movies. After reaching the target place, he parked his car outside and then went straight to the gate. Since Jihoon and he didn't meet at school he decided to pay a visit to his house.

"J-Jihoon? Are you there?" no one answered "Jihoon? I'm here.. anybody home---"

Jihoon showed up in front of him, he opened the gate and let Yang enter the house, he was so quiet. "Jihoon?" he called out, the male glanced at him

"Y-You know... c-can we... can we w-watch a movie together?" he was holding the stuff he brought to show it to the male.

"Mmmmnn!" Jihoon replied happily with his enlightened face.

Yang set up the area, it was Jihoon's room they're going to use. Jihoon can't believe everything, he was just dreaming of it the other day but now, things are happening to him so suddenly. He can't even explain how happy his heart is. Today is really a special day for him so he will make sure to not get in the way of their happy time, even if he had to endure his fever. His fever is not that bad yet so Yang won't notice it. It looks like Yang's pheromones the other day affected him so he suddenly weakened and developed a fever.

"Jihoon? Are you okay? You became quieter? Are you uncomfortable?" he cupped Jihoon's cheeks but the omega yanked away his fingers ``I-Im fine! Let's just watch" he managed to get away Yang's attention from him

The movie started, but Yang is feeling very uneasy for Jihoon. He will glance at him every minute to lessen his worries.

{Is he really okay?}

AUTHOR: I don't know though

{I want to have a romantic conversation with him Damn!}

They didn't talk the whole time until the end of the first movie. Yang was so disappointed in himself so he'll make sure that he and Jihoon will have a romantic conversation during the second movie, but all of his plans bang him in the head when Jihoon fell onto his shoulder, the omega was burning hot like hell, he was sweating so badly.

"Crap! I didn't even notice it this goddamn whole time! I lost my focus!" he screamed in anger as he hurriedly ran to the nearest drugstore to buy some medicines.

He went back panting, he quickly took off his shoes and then rushed to the room. He first laid Jihoon down and put a cold towel on his forehead to absorb the hotness, his temperature is not yet going down, he clicked his tongue after checking the thermometer from Jihoon's mouth.

After letting Jihoon take the medicine he decided to stay for the night to take care of his omega, he was looking after him every minute, he was so worried.

Yang fell asleep sitting beside Jihoon's bed, he blinked his eyes to wake up and then checked the omega's temperature again. It was still the same! his fever is not going down yet he was feeling very cold.

"Jihoon there are no more blankets'' he slightly pressed his palm "Are you still feeling cold?" Jihoon nodded back..

{Damn! What the heck should I do?}

AUTHOR: Just give him warm, it's normal to feel cold when you got fever

{I know that! But there are no more blankets here, what should I do?}

AUTHOR: Then think of something that can produce warm

A risky positive Idea came onto his mind, he sat beside the male "Jihoon? Can you move a little?" After moving, Yang lifted up the blanket and went inside of it. The omega under the cover was surprised when a warm body behind him snuggled onto him.

"I-Im sorry, but this is the only way I could thought to give you warmth" a voice behind his ears said

Jihoon felt more comfortable, it was indeed a warm hug.. this warm hug didn't let go of him all night.

Jihoon suddenly got sick, Yang's plan didn't work.. They can do it again next time, I hope Yang still has time to do all that..What about the number 11? Stay with me until the next chapter.!

yohan26_creators' thoughts