
"Threads of Deities."

Unknown path: a soulless being drifting through the stories of the unconscious, an endless universe of different realities. Merging itself with the entities unknown to him; "To walk on a journey unbound by the time frame, step by step." .... A story with no soul. Read and it may take your soul, and roam the world to tell its tales. And Finally, conclude- "A story with a soul." .... .... ish_nok_

ish_nok · แฟนตาซี
9 Chs

Intrusive Thoughts’

The rest of their day went pulling each other leg. A hard come by happiness, in the harsh world. The island protects them from the other islanders and the surrounding sea, whereas the home provides comfort and the happy life they want to live. A family they want to be in.



It isn't a word that describes many feelings? Who doesn't want to? Everyone deep down wanted to be loved. We... we want to be loved. Either the world we are living in, or the- imaginary world. We are trying to build, one brick every day, or in the worlds of different books.


The islanders are living in their world. The world they created through the love and sacrifice they have done over time.

The family of two, me and my mother. It is created and natured by my mother, while she goes through all the pain and difficulties to create a world for me to live freely. Mom loved me, and I just want to give her a happy life, a memorizing one.

They are living on one of the islands, remained after the catastrophic event. Before and after the catastrophic event, the land, they are currently living on changed - same with the heart of the people, who live on these remaining bits of land.

Heroes emerge during the catastrophe, finding and fighting for the remaining land. Stories passed down. Considered a myth by the new generation, as many of the story's details are propagated too much.

But after they aged enough to understand how there's surrounding work, they come to the true stories of different heroes and villains.

People don't talk much about the history, before the catastrophic floods. This is one of the taboos, not only on the island they live on but on the other islands, too. But people didn't let it completely vanish.


I love these stories of different heroes and villains. How they fought and conquer the lands, which brings hope to the people they care about.

As a child, I love... Actually... I want to be a hero. To be loved, not only by my mom but by the world too. And the world for me at that time; it's funny to me too. I thought the island we live on is the world. How wonderful is it to be a child! We didn't care much. We just want to live an imaginary life. We thought we were the chosen ones, and we ought to protect this world, even if the world isn't in danger anymore. I thought at that time,' I am the one.'

How laughable I am! But don't get me wrong, I am a child at that time. Not knowing much about worldly affairs.

I want to be a hero. But I don't know from where this maturity came at that time, I left my dream of being a hero. By not wanting to be a hero, I thought... I save this world.

I thought, if I want to become a hero, there's going to be someone out there, a villain. So, I left my childish dream.... Hehe... to become a hero. But that day, I became a hero in my own eyes. And I still like that child, the naïve me...., I miss this naïve child.


Maybe due to the naïve thought, my mind... I think it is broken or it works in the opposite direction. 'I feel why we need a villain in our story to be a hero.' This small sentence changed most of me. The way I see this world.

Before I, too... concentrate only on the hero side. I wondered what it was like to be a villain. Why does he need to do villainous acts? I started to dig more, and the more I dig, the more I understand. I started to understand the villain. And the naivetes of mine came again, telling me the same words, 'You are the chosen one. You understand the villain, you can fix everything. You can be a hero different from those self-conceited heroes.'

But what nature offers is growth - be it a good one or a bad one. And with the world, I grow too. I see many people, who like villains. They read about him. For them, he is the main hero, and others than the self said, heroes.


This is our history and the main core on which we are living. These heroes and villains are part of us. I like them both, but still, I am more on the villainous side, not... the act, but to give him a chance, so... he can relive his life.


'Ok... we are here, again, in my best space. On my bed, dinner is done. Music on - a soft one, and in hand the villain storybook. It can be said a story, but it is one of the true histories of our world.'

'This chill and sad mix of music let my thoughts run wild, and I like most of it.'

' Ok... The villain story...'


Most of the world is in a fragmented state, as the stories of the people who live in that time.

The situation in that world differs compared to the current time. There were hardly any islands. Don't know why, but God wanted us to be tested, and God tested us, resulting in where we are now.

There was an institute before the catastrophe, much-much bigger than we were studying. Every human has to go through the institute in his or her teens, it can be said a shrine where they got their power.

One day, one of God tests his subjects who studied in that institute. And a great flood occurred, destroying most of the cities and villages and taking the lives of most living beings.

This is one of the villain's stories. I am quite fond of it. They say that after the flood, most of the land is submerged, and only a few high-altitude lands remain.

Heroes emerge, helping different beings to reach these highlands. But the situation remains a little complicated.

The high lands they had taken shelter became islands surrounded by water all around. This isn't the tricky part. It's the God test. 'Can it be so easy?'

The island started to rotate slowly. Different sets of slots appear in different areas all around the island or the land that remains above the water. People goes, and taking hold that position as the water around the island starts to churn.

At that time, our main heroes emerged. They hold that space and don't let anyone fall off the island.


Some challenges, the two events aren't in the correct timeline. Did the slots thing happen first, or is the island started to spin first?

People fight over that. They are still fighting.


Rest it a bit... hmm... So, only a set of living beings can be accommodated on these lands. God can be cruel - sometimes. Setting those kinds of terms with.... conditions. Maybe God wants to watch a show...

So, where are we?? I like this villainous story too much, and my thoughts sometimes wander.


Hmm.... the water. The water started to flow with high velocities, and islands started to spin. All left is - chaos.

Our villain of the story, at that time, flowing in the flooded water. He remained in those water day and night swimming, and the heroes at that time held those islands with their sheer force and will.

It's a classic time.

Ahh... sorry. I slip the track for a time being.

So, the villain swims, coming to one of the islands. But due to the terms, the God of that institute applies, the occupants have to be a certain number, if it crosses that line...Hmm. Rest you know that.... So, in the end, he is hopeless.

The heroes can't do much. They had to do their duty. They can't abandon someone in his place. They didn't let him come to the shore.

Now imagine, if you are fighting for your life day and night, swimming in the ocean, and when you finally see land, the lost hope finally in your grasp. You use every bit of power to reach, to finally realize the people on that land didn't let you. They remain stood on those slots; you remain in the water seeing everyone's face slowly moving with those islands. You asked for help from everyone but they didn't. Even if you say you will leave after some rest.

I think heroes are the hero because they care for others, they didn't let him in, and maybe they thought that the person is already beyond help. And they can't put another soul to go through the things the person in the water has.

... Everyone is fair. It's just.... ahh... hmm. Sorry again. I am like that, too much imagination. Can't help it...

Hmm. So, the villain left those shores and started his endless journey. Going to another, and from there to another shore. But all he got disappointed by those people, who is protecting the land and more from - God.

Yeah, I think... you already got where our villain story is going. By chance, or one of God's wills, or maybe sheer luck; maybe according to my perspective - it's his destiny, he came to the institute. The institute we talked about before. It is the almighty institute. Everyone at that time went through that institute once in their life.


"There are no conditions set, unlike the other remaining lands. He moves slowly, panting, but with a vigorous feeling. He walks step by step, approaching God. God is seated lazily in the open hall at the center, with nothing around except the chair on which He is seated. He watches as the villain comes closer and closer."

A lady came in front of the villain, stopping and protecting him. He just holds her shoulder, moves to the front, and says to her, " You don't need to." The look he carries at that time in his eye's shivers even the God.

He isn't in totally his best position, clothes tattered, bloody face, and limbs broken. But the will he is carrying - to kill God, gives him the strength he needs. He starts to walk again and finally comes in front of God.

God looks amused seeing him. God didn't say anything, remain quiet and smiling.

Villain looked the God and the smiling face, he.... he smiled. Ah... can u imagine? He smiled, and a few seconds later, he vanished.

I can't imagine to this day why they write that he smiles and then vanish. No... not even a word of communication happens between those two, and he just...

Some say that when God looks at the killing intent, the man carries. God is too disappointed in him, so God killed him without a second thought.


Sorry, sorry.... this chill music is too good. My thoughts run, oh...the story.


God remains there, seated with a smiling face, looking towards lady and the other people standing behind her -No one moves. They didn't dare to move. The eyes of the lady started to cry. Seeing this, God stands up, and faces the people who are left behind. God shook his head with that smiling face, and God vanish, too. Only some words are left lingering in the air.

" Enjoy your beautiful world in black time."

The remaining left people are too dumb folded. They didn't know what just happened. They searched the whole of the institute, but nothing was found. Slowly, the institute started to crumble. People left, and all remained the fragmented story of a villain.