
"Kamar-Taj : Unveiling Countless Talents entries"

After Entering the marvel universe, Orion mood became extremely distressed. Every midnight, he would appear in another mysterious dimension full of gloom, where are full of unknown monsters. there he could be killed at any time! Fortunately, he has his own plug-in, the talent entry system! He can seize the luck of others and upgrade his own talent entries. [Intelligent and Alert] (white) → [Photographic Memory] (green) → [Study God] (blue) → [Super Genius] (purple)... [Martial Arts Master] (green) → [Grandmaster of the Martial art] (blue) → [Fifty-Fifty] (purple)... As he continued to operate, one talent entry after another was also upgraded to the maximum level by him! [The One Cursed by Knowledge] (gold), [I am the Destiny] (gold), [The Mortal Body is on par with the Gods] (gold)...! "I really want to be low-key, but my strength does not allow it!" Orion said that he really does not have Versailles!. ___________________________________ Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters or the fanfic I was merely translating this. Note: This book is translation of Chinese novel and with minor change so novel can be readable and interesting. Note: Book cover is not mine I taken it from pinterest so If original book cover creater wants to take down the cover from novel . he can just DM me or message in comments, I will withdraw it.

Anubhav_Bharshiv · ภาพยนตร์
217 Chs

Chapter 206: Midnight’s Sons! Big Events Are Coming

"Orion, the vampires are on the move," the voodoo doctor beganto talk, his tone heavy with urgency. "You may not know this, but a mysterious artifact has surfaced in the hands of a lady in Macau."

His eyes narrowed as he continued, "It's called the Dragon Amulet."

" The amulet, crafted from a material unlike any other, carried the scent of blood and pulsed with extraordinary magic. Its power was undeniable, capable of unleashing explosive flames. Naturally, such a powerful artifact had caught the attention of the vampires."

"The whereabouts of the other eleven amulets are unknown," the doctor Voodoo continued, his voice a grim whisper. "The vampire clan is hunting for them, seeking to gather all twelve Amulets, to awaken the Blood God, and claim the power of Erebus."

Orion's heart pounded in his chest. The weight of the situation bore down on him as the voodoo doctor pressed on, "Midnight's Sons need your help…"

The story hung in the air between them, a tale of ancient power and looming danger.

The voodoo doctor's eyes, serious and intense, left no room for doubt. The Midnight Sons had already been established in secret, a shadowy group tasked with handling the supernatural and magical threats that plagued the Atrium.

Even Kamar-Taj had acknowledged their existence, with Daniel Drumm frequently reaching out to voodoo doctors to combat the dark forces that threatened to overrun their world.

Now, the sudden appearance of the Dragon Amulet and the whispers of a mysterious lord had drawn the Midnight Sons' attention.

When they learned that eleven other amulets were scattered across the globe, they realized the magnitude of the danger they faced.

In fact, the Blade Warrior had already encountered the Dragon Amulet. The scent of blood it emitted was unmistakable, reinforcing the truth behind the legend of the mysterious lord.

"Dragon Amulet?" Orion murmured, his mind racing. "Vampires?"

Confusion clouded his thoughts. As the creator of the Dragon Amulet, he had foreseen the emergence of vampires, but he never imagined that the infamous Midnight Sons would be drawn into the fray.

Gather all twelve amulets and awaken Erebus?

The idea was absurd, a dream conjured by desperate creatures.

What the vampires didn't know, however, was that the other eleven amulets hadn't even been created yet!

Orion chuckled to himself. 'What were they trying to wake up?'

But as the voodoo doctor spoke, Orion's sharp mind began to see the situation differently. A "business opportunity" was emerging before him, one that could grant him an enormous amount of luck value.

The Midnight Sons? Now that was intriguing.

Orion found himself captivated by this mysterious group. He sensed that he could use them, perhaps even turn them into his allies, his wingmen.

The incident in the foyer bar had already placed Wanda in danger. He couldn't afford to wait idly by. If he could bring the Midnight Sons to Sokovia, they would serve as a formidable shield, a layer of protection that might even make the Chaos Witch hesitate.

If the voodoo doctor could track him down, surely Agatha, with the Darkhold in her possession, could do the same.

Without hesitation, Orion nodded, his decision made.

"I agree to join the Midnight Sons," he said firmly. "But I can't guarantee that this matter can be resolved."

He paused, curiosity sparking in his eyes. "And… where is the base of the Midnight Sons? Take me there. I want to see it for myself."

The voodoo doctor shook his head slowly, an enigmatic smile playing on his lips.

"The Midnight Sons don't have a base," he explained. "They handle their own affairs, only coming together in the face of a major crisis."

Orion listened, intrigued.

The members of the Midnight Sons were indeed a diverse and powerful group half-vampires, werewolves, spirits of vengeance… all with their own unique abilities and stories.

Establishing such a group was a remarkable achievement, one that even Orion couldn't help but admire.

But who among them would be willing to stay in one place? The very nature of the Midnight Sons defied the idea of a permanent home.

They were wanderers, bound by duty but unanchored by place.

"It's better this way," Orion mused, a plan forming in his mind. "I have a company in Sokovia. If you're willing, I can provide an allowance, including food and accommodation."

He leaned in, his voice low and persuasive. "I've also established a secret organization called the Illuminati, responsible for dealing with major crises on a cosmic scale. Compared to that, the twelve amulets and vampires are nothing."

A smile curled at the corners of Orion's lips as he watched the voodoo doctor's expression shift from surprise to something closer to disbelief.

'This acting Sorcerer Supreme… here, in Sokovia? And he had another company? '

The voodoo doctor was clearly taken aback. 'How could Daniel Drumm have never mentioned any of this?'

"I will not join any official organization or group business," the voodoo doctor replied, his voice steady, though his eyes held a hint of contemplation. "The Midnight Sons and I each have something to protect, but if you insist on doing this, I won't object."

Orion's smile widened. The voodoo doctor's non-refusal was as good as an agreement.

"Come on, then," Orion said, a glint of excitement in his eyes. "I'll find another place to establish the headquarters of the Midnight Sons. They'll need a safe place to stay, and it'll be free of charge."

He knew what he was doing. Free of charge? Free was the most expensive.

If he provided them with a base, it wasn't unreasonable to expect them to handle some dirty work in return. Without giving the voodoo doctor time to respond, Orion opened a portal, taking them directly to Sokovia.

They arrived near a ruined Gothic tower, its dark silhouette looming against the sky. This tower had once belonged to the Blasphemy Cult, but with its destruction, the area had become deserted. Few ventured within a hundred miles of the place, making it the perfect location for the Midnight Sons' base.

The tower's interior was filled with countless carvings and mysterious symbols, remnants of its dark past. If the oracle priest were to return and reawaken the seven-pointed star array, it could spell disaster.

But with the Midnight Sons occupying this place, Orion felt one less worry burdening his shoulders. As for the ownership of the Gothic tower, a simple word to Baron Zemo would resolve that issue.

"This place…" the voodoo doctor murmured, his voice tinged with recognition. "It has an evil aura, the mark of a beholder… Is this the territory of the Blasphemy Cult?"

"That's right," Orion confirmed, his tone matter-of-fact. "I destroyed this place before, but it still didn't feel safe. With the protection of the Midnight Sons, I can rest easier."

He gave a nod, impressed by the voodoo doctor's keen insight. It was no wonder he had a reputation as a legendary wizard. In some universes, Doctor Voodoo had even replaced Doctor Strange as the Sorcerer Supreme. His power was unmistakable.

"How many members are there in the Midnight Sons?" Orion asked, a spark of curiosity igniting in his eyes. "Let's get acquainted."

If humanoids and werewolves existed in this world, Orion thought, then surely the Bloodstone family did too.

Bloodstone… a name synonymous with nearly limitless supernatural powers, capable of controlling and enslaving supernatural beings. Some said it was on par with the Infinity Stones.

The origin of the Bloodstone was shrouded in mystery, with different stories in different timelines. But Orion had a hunch that perhaps the Bloodstone was also a crystal formed from the condensation of blood!

"The Midnight Sons team, excluding me, still has six members," the voodoo doctor said, listing them off. " Night Werewolf, Man-Thing, Blade, Ghost Rider, Moon Knight, Hellstorm."

He paused, a strange look crossing his face. "Are you sure you want to meet them?"

Orion's smile didn't waver. Though the members of the Midnight Sons were bound to confront major crises in the supernatural world, they were far from a united front.

Disagreements and clashes were common, especially between Werewolf by Night and Blade, whose instincts and racial differences often put them at odds.

Hellstorm's ties to the Lord of hell, Ghost Rider's power from Mephisto, Moon Knight's devotion to Khonshu… they were a volatile mix. And Man-Thing… just the name alone spoke of its monstrous nature.

Gathering this group of misfits had been no easy feat, and keeping them together was an ongoing challenge.

But Orion wasn't deterred. He leaned back, his expression calm and assured. "Midnight Sons, can't stand the light? What's the problem?"

"Aren't we going to discuss the Dragon Amulet?" Orion's voice cut through the tension in the room.

"Use this cause to summon the Midnight Sons," the Voodoo Doctor instructed with a calm certainty, his eyes meeting Orion's.

Wanda's beautiful eyes flashed with understanding as her mind lit up with the possibilities. "All right," she agreed softly.

The Voodoo Doctor sighed inwardly. He felt helpless against the tide of event. With a weary gesture, he summoned his magic, reaching out to contact the members of Midnight Sons about the Twelve Amulets.

Soon, a cloud of magical smoke began to swirl in the air. The atmosphere grew heavy, charged with an ominous energy. Moments later, a portal of light opened in the middle of the room, its edges crackling with power.

The first figure to emerge was unmistakable a Midnight Son, clad in a leather jacket, long boots, and chains draped across his chest. Hellfire blazed from his skull, where a head should have been. Without hesitation, he stepped directly into the Gothic Tower.

"Jericho." The voice that came from the flaming skull was deep and gravelly. "What did you summon me for? And who are these two?" His empty eye sockets, filled with hellfire, swept over Orion and Wanda. A hint of doubt lingered on his skeletal face, a face that would haunt anyone's nightmares.

Wanda instinctively covered her mouth, her eyes wide with disbelief. 'What kind of magical creature is this?' she thought, her mind struggling to comprehend what stood before her.

"Johnny," the Voodoo Doctor said, his tone respectful yet firm. "This is Kamar-Taj's acting Sorcerer Supreme and his lover. But don't underestimate her, she is the host of Chaos Magic."

The names hung in the air, each one laden with meaning.

"Acting Supreme Sorcerer? Scarlet Witch?" Johnny's flaming eyes flared as he laughed, the sound strange and eerie.

"...Are you all members of the Midnight Sons?" Johnny continued, his tone tinged with sarcasm. "You really care about the Midnight Sons, don't you?"

Orion's gaze flickered, and almost unconsciously, he checked the information panel on the figure before him.

[Name]: Johnny Blaze

[Identity]: Ghost Rider

[Entry]: Ghost Motorcycle (blue), Hellfire (purple), Eye of Judgment (purple), Immortality (red).

[Ghost Motorcycle] (Blue): As a knight, he must have a mount. He endows the motorcycle with the fire of Hell, turning it into a soul chariot with independent consciousness.

[Hellfire] (Purple): A flame from the depths of Hell, with enchanted powers that can burn any substance, not bound by the laws of nature, and immune to water and vacuum environments.

[Eye of Judgment] (Purple): Ghost Rider can release hellfire through his eyes, damaging the soul directly. He can see all the crimes committed by the opponent in the past, and those who are extremely evil will fall into Hell.

[Immortality] (Red): As the Spirit of Vengeance created by God, he can almost instantly reconstruct his body no matter what kind of damage or blow he suffers. But if he is abandoned by the Spirit of Vengeance, he will lose this ability.

"…Immortality?" Orion muttered, his eyes widening in surprise. "This entry is really rare. The Spirit of Vengeance?"

Orion's thoughts raced as he processed the information. By all rights, this ability should have been classified as a golden entry, yet...

'This isn't Johnny Blaze's power,' Orion realized. 'It belongs to the Spirit of Vengeance within him.'

The Spirit of Vengeance, its origin shrouded in mystery, revered as a living weapon created by God. It could not survive independently and needed a host. Perhaps this dependency explained why [Immortality] had been downgraded to red quality.

'Why did the living weapon created by God fall under Mephisto's control?' Orion pondered, his mind swirling with questions. Even he was deeply confused by the twist of fate that led to this.

But despite the uncertainties, one thing was clear: Johnny Blaze could be trusted. With this ruthless figure on their side, Orion felt a sense of security even if the Chaos Witch herself came to Sokovia.

"Johnny," Orion called out, his voice steady. "You know the vampires are gathering, searching for the Twelve Amulets. The information we have so far is that the Dragon Amulet appeared in the hands of a lady. As for the remaining eleven Amulets, we need to find them first before anyone else."

He paused, letting the gravity of the situation sink in before continuing. "Orion has agreed to join the Midnight Sons and is offering accommodation he ruins of the tower right in front of you."

The Voodoo Doctor's eyes twinkled with amusement as he added, "It's worth mentioning that food and accommodation are provided."

A low chuckle escaped the Voodoo Doctor's lips. The Midnight Sons weren't exactly known for their stable incomes, and with Orion's support, they might finally have a chance to grow stronger.

"Free food and accommodation?" Johnny echoed, disbelief in his voice as he looked at the ruined Gothic tower. "You live in a place like this? Are you kidding me?"

Ghost Rider shook his head in disdain. 'This place isn't even as good as my rental house,' he thought.

"Leave it to me," Wanda interjected, her voice filled with determination. She stepped forward, her delicate hands raised as crimson energy surged around her, crackling with power.

With a wave of her hands, she began to manipulate the shattered remnants of the tower, the broken bricks and stones lifting into the air and returning to their places. The Gothic tower, once in ruins, was gradually restored to its former glory.

In the blink of an eye, a brand-new Gothic tower stood tall on the wasteland, its dark spires reaching for the sky.

Even Ghost Rider couldn't hide his amazement. His eyes widened as he realized, for the first time, just how terrifying Chaos Magic truly was.

"Chaos Magic…" Johnny muttered, his voice filled with a mix of awe and concern. "I hope you're the one controlling the Chaos Magic, not the other way around."

"Chaos Magic can control me too?" Wanda asked, her voice tinged with surprise. She hadn't considered that possibility before.

"Rest assured," Orion said, his tone protective. "I will protect Wanda. As the biggest sponsor of the Midnight Sons, I also hope that when Sokovia is in crisis…"

He paused, his gaze firm as he laid out his condition. "The Midnight Sons can provide me with a little help."

Just as Orion finished speaking, a new figure descended from the shadows above. Cloaked in darkness, the figure moved with the grace of a night owl, a crescent dart held ready in hand.

As the figure landed atop the Gothic tower, the moonlight revealed more of the mysterious stranger.

A bright crescent moon adorned their head, casting a pale glow in the dark, starry night. On the opposite side of the tower, another figure stood, similarly attired, with a bird skull on their head and a half-moon staff in hand.