
Chapter: 106-110:Lord of the Mysteries


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Chapter 106. Artist Klein | Lord of the Mysteries

After eight in the evening, in the Moretti family's dining room.As he looked at the shallow soup left in the bowl, Benson raised his hand to cover his mouth to give a satisfied burp."Although that was our third time eating it, I still find it delicious. The sourness and sweetness of the tomato and the chewy texture of the oxtail blends into a perfect and unique flavor. Klein, I'm sorry that the Blackthorn Security Company caused Tingen City to lose such an outstanding chef."Melissa leaned backwards in her chair and nodded in agreement silently."This is because you have yet to try real cooking." Klein smiled humbly. "If we have a chance in the future, let's head to Bonaparte Restaurant on Howes Street for some authentic Intis cuisine, and also to Coastline Restaurant in the Golden Indus borough for some southern delicacies."These were restaurants that were always covered in the newspapers, where the average cost per person was around a pound and a half."I like your cooking more," Melissa answered without hesitation.Benson chuckled and changed the topic."But I ultimately feel that there's something lacking from the tomato oxtail soup. Perhaps, it shouldn't be eaten with bread?"Klein nodded in agreement."It's best complemented with rice.""Rice…" Melissa muttered with an expression of yearning.Tingen, which was located north, wasn't considered a big city. Besides a few particular restaurants, it was difficult to have any chance of eating rice.To Benson and Melissa, this kind of food only existed in the descriptions of newspapers and textbooks.Looking at his sister's expression, Klein laughed."Wait till we save another six month's salary, and we will find a chance to go on vacation in Desi Bay and try the delicacies there."Desi Bay was located in the far south of the Loen Kingdom, and a third of it belonged to Feynapotter Kingdom. It had plenty of sunlight and beautiful scenery, and the paella there was very famous.Before Melissa could share her opinion on saving money, Klein said, "In another three months, I should get another raise. By then, we could totally fulfill our desire to travel as well as save money for necessities.""Why?" Benson and Melissa's attention was redirected as expected.Klein coughed lightly and smiled while explaining, "Due to my professionalism, the police department which always collaborates with our company intends to hire me as their part-time history consultant. They would pay me extra, at least two pounds a week. If you see me in a police uniform in the future and showing the corresponding police documentation, please don't be shocked."Of course, as you know, the work efficiency in governmental departments is as slow as a ninety-year-old lady's footsteps. They still have to go through a lengthy procedure, and they're required to do a thorough inspection of me. Hence, on my off days for the next two months, I'll be heading to Khoy University quite often to see my mentor and the teaching staff I know to learn more."Seeing the shocked look in his brother and sister's eyes, he paused and said with a strange expression, "Just like Emperor Roselle said, 'One is never too old to learn.'"Benson maintained a few seconds of silence before saying in a half self-deprecating and half emotional manner, "Is it too late for me to sign up for university? Knowledge really is wealth."And also power… Klein added silently."Benson, you need Klein's grammar books and his classic literature textbooks," Melissa said out of the blue, stealing the words from Klein's mouth.Benson's expression seemed to change. He gritted his teeth and said, "Klein, pass me those books tonight."Even if all they do is put me to sleep, I am determined to read them for an hour, no—an hour and a half a day."I swear in the name of the Goddess! If I can't do it, I will be a curly-haired baboon!"A smile immediately plastered across Klein's face."No problem."…The next morning, Klein hung his coat and hat on the clothes rack in the break room. Then he followed Rozanne's instructions and walked to the basement to the duty room outside Chanis Gate.Captain Dunn and members Frye, Seeka, Royale, Leonard, and Kenley were all there.As his gray eyes glanced past the newly promoted Nighthawk, Dunn smiled and said, "We have a routine meeting every Thursday to summarize past missions and discuss various challenges."I am a man who has endured the test of many regular meetings as well… Klein lampooned. He found a seat and joked, "Do I need to introduce myself?"Dunn smiled and turned to look at Kenley."Briefly tell us about the investigation of Sirius Arapis."Kenley was also a Nighthawk who had been promoted from a member of the civilian staff. He wasn't very tall, his brown hair was quite thick, his body size was average, his muscles were very toned, and he looked like someone who was smart and capable.He thought and said, "With Old Neil's help, we found Sirius's secret hideout. There were many books and items at the scene. From them, we can be certain that Sirius was one of the underground members of the secret organization, the Aurora Order. He was also a Secrets Suppliant."There's sufficient evidence to show that he and Hanass Vincent sold the Antigonus family notebook to Welch. Those who don't remember Welch can ask Klein about him."We found valuable items, including three Sequence potion formulas, which are Sequence 9 Seer, Sequence 8 Apprentice, and Sequence 8 Clown…"The subsequent task is to use Sirius's social circle and the letters we found to locate other outer circle members of the Aurora Order. The focus of our search will be directed at the heretic who has infiltrated the police department."Also, people who were in contact with Hanass need to be reinvestigated."Dunn nodded lightly and looked towards Klein."As you heard just now, we've obtained the Clown potion formula, but are unable to determine if it's real. We have to wait for the Holy Cathedral to give us feedback."In the mission relating to the Aurora Order, you have made a crucial contribution. Plus, given that you shot a member of the Secret Order, it won't be long until you accrue enough contributions to be promoted. But, I have to remind you that not everyone is like Daly. You have to suppress your desire and wait for three years. In order to avoid losing control, you can't allow your mindset to be affected by our discovery of the Clown potion formula."Captain, you don't understand how magical it is to 'act'… I have already confirmed the authenticity of the Clown potion formula using divination above the gray fog last night… Klein nodded obediently."I will keep my emotions in check."Then Seeka Tron, the quiet Midnight Poet with white hair and black eyes, said, "We still haven't found any clues regarding Instigator Tris. I suspect that he has already fled from Tingen."…After they were done exchanging their new information, Klein left the duty room and found Old Neil to continue his mysticism lessons. In the afternoon, he went over to his combat teacher, Gawain, to do basic strength, endurance, and overall coordination training.…With the sun still up and bright at five.Klein took off his training costume, took a quick shower, and changed into his original clothing. He then took the public carriage to Besik Street.He hadn't forgotten about the red chimney that he had seen in his dream divination, nor did he forget about the man that he suspected to be a member of the Psychology Alchemists who had bought supplementary ingredients for the Spectator potion in the underground market. These things would be inconvenient to investigate in his role as a Nighthawk."Number 27. Henry's Private Detective Company… Yup, it's here." Klein found a private detective company according to the newspaper's descriptions. It was said to be trustworthy.He put on a mask, lowered his top hat, and flipped up his collar. He walked up the stairs and came to the company on the second floor.Knock! Knock! Knock! He knocked on the door that was half-closed."Please come in," said a voice that seemed that be affected by phlegm.Klein lifted his cane and pushed the door to enter. He saw the detective company using an almost open layout. There were four employees sitting at their respective seats partitioned into small cubicles."Hi, I'm Detective Henry. How may I help you?" a man in a white shirt and black vest greeted him.He held a smoking pipe in his hand, and he had a prominent jawline, blade-like eyebrows, and dark blue eyes that sized up his client.Klein used the collar of his windbreaker to block half of his face as he spoke."I have two matters to entrust to you. How are your rates?""That depends on the difficulty of the task." Detective Henry retracted his gaze and pointed towards the sofa in the guest area. "Let's talk over there."Klein followed him to the semi-partitioned area and sat on the single-seat sofa. He didn't take off his coat, nor did he take off his hat and mask.He purposely made his voice hoarse and said, "First, I need you to help me find a house with a chimney that looks like this, as well as information on who the owner and current tenant are."As he spoke, he took out a neatly folded paper. When he opened it, there was a chimney with its color noted down and its surrounding scenery.This was the drawing that Klein completed by using the uniqueness of the area above the gray fog and the method of praying to himself."What a great drawing…" Detective Henry complimented subconsciously. He then knitted his eyebrows and said, "This is not complicated but very tedious. It would require a long time and a large amount of manpower.""I understand." Klein nodded lightly.Detective Henry pondered for a moment and said, "Seven pounds. The price for this job would be seven pounds. In addition, you have to give me at least two weeks.""Alright. Second, help me find this gentleman and find out his identity. The only thing I know is that he occasionally appears at the Evil Dragon Bar near the harbor borough. And he must not detect any men you send. He is very sensitive and he has terrifying observational skills." Klein took out the second portrait.He intended to get in touch with a member of the Psychology Alchemists to see if he could find any valuable information and materials. For example, perhaps a formula that could be exchanged with Justice?"Three pounds, such a mission would cost about three or four pounds. Your outstanding drawing skills will help my assistant and I save time," Detective Henry replied skillfully."Ten pounds in total?" Klein found the price upsetting.Detective Henry took a puff on his pipe and said, "Yes, and you need to put a deposit of two pounds. When there's progress, you'll need to pay another three to five pounds. The rest of the payment can be made when the mission is completed.""Then I shall come next week to check on your progress." Klein didn't haggle over the price to prevent the observant detective from remembering any of his characteristics.After they signed a standard contract, he took out two one-pound notes and passed them to the detective. He only had one pound and seventeen soli left from his savings.As Detective Henry watched the man wearing a gauze mask and a black windbreaker with its collar raised leave in a hurry, he had a suspicious look in his eyes as he smoked his pipe.Why is he looking for a house that has that kind of chimney?He must be an artist, or at least a professional sketch artist of some sort...In the afternoon, in Viscount Glaint's luxurious mansion.Audrey, with her maidservant in tow, followed etiquette and passed her hand to the host. She looked at him giving her hand a quick peck."Your beauty accentuates my salon," Glaint first gave a compliment as usual. Then, he lowered his voice and said, "That lady is already here. She's a Beyonder and also an author."

Lord of the Mysteries



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Chapter 107. Fors | Lord of the Mysteries

"Author?" Audrey asked casually as she observed Glaint's reaction.Subsequently, she didn't have to mind the presence of her maidservant, Annie, since they chatted about ordinary topics.Glaint straightened his body and chuckled."Yes, I believe that you have read her works in the past. She wrote the book, Stormwind Mountain Villa, which was highly acclaimed for the past two months.""I enjoyed that book, especially the calm Lady Sissi," Audrey replied with a faint smile.Meanwhile, she was rolling her eyes at her own hypocrisy inwardly.That was because her latest hobby had nothing to do with novels. She had stopped reading Stormwind Mountain Villa a month ago, her progress stopped at the one-third mark.Ever since she joined the Tarot Club and acquainted herself with the powerful Fool, and became a real Beyonder, she had been immersing herself in mysticism knowledge. She had been systematically learning about psychology and had lost interest in other activities.Smiling, Glaint guided Audrey to a sofa in the hall."I am sure that Miss Fors Wall will leave a good impression on you, for she is just like Stormwind Mountain Villa's Lady Sissi—calm, intellectual, and lazy."Also, my dear Miss Audrey, are you going to play the piano for us later? That is the greatest compliment for a novel and literature."Audrey looked at the side profile of Glaint's face. His expression, tone, and body language all conveyed his intention to flaunt himself.He wants to use me to show off… Audrey thought to herself, as if she had just met this good friend of hers for the first time.She maintained her elegant smile and said, "My music teacher, Mr. Vicanell the pianist, said that my standards have deteriorated recently and needs more practice.""Alright." Glaint was just about wondering what to say when he suddenly saw a lady taking desserts from the long table. "Audrey, this is Miss Fors Wall, the author of Stormwind Mountain Villa."Audrey looked over. Miss Fors Wall was about 23 years old and 1.65 meters in height. She was wearing a pale yellow dress with frills. Her brown hair was slightly curly. She looked over with her pale blue eyes as Glaint introduced her while wearing a smile that appeared ruminative.Audrey had noticed several small details in the less than three seconds of observation.There are faint traces of yellow on Miss Fors's fingers… She likes cigarettes…There are obvious calluses on her fingers at spots used to hold a pen, fitting her identity as an author…Her arm movements show that she has decent strength. This is not a quality expected of an author, unless she is passionate about exercising. Perhaps she was born like this, or she might have engaged in some other occupation in the past…She displayed her calm, rational, and precise style in Stormwind Mountain Villa. This must be linked to her previous occupation…Her eyes and emotions are relaxed, giving me the feeling that she is looking down on me and Glaint. Is this the psychological superiority a Beyonder has over an ordinary human?If it was a coincidence that Glaint discovered her identity as a Beyonder, then she should feel some anxiety and uneasiness. After all, she is unable to guess his reaction and what he would do next since the unknown always brings about fear.This indicates that she was the one who voluntarily approached Glaint, having learned about our hobbies. She must be quite confident about what is going to happen next…Why would a Beyonder approach Glaint? Does she need monetary support, or the Beyonder ingredients stored in the treasury? Or perhaps she needs help with something…At this moment, Glaint was introducing Audrey to Fors."Madam, this is the Miss Audrey that I mentioned previously, the most sparkling gem in all of Backlund. Her father is Count Hall, a trusted aide of His Majesty and respected member of the cabinet."Good afternoon, Madam Fors. Stormwind Mountain Villa is still seated by my bed to this very day." Audrey adhered to the rules of the aristocracy and curtsied.But she added silently, That's because I haven't finished reading it even after a month…Fors returned the niceties simply and said, "Good afternoon Miss Audrey, your beauty sure leaves an impression. I think that I already have an idea for my next novel. Heh, Viscount Glaint said that you have exceptional talents in music."They merely exchanged praises as they were in public.After watching Fors continue towards the dining table as she targeted a cream cake, Audrey retracted her gaze and headed to the living room with Glaint.She recalled the details she had seen just now and tried to figure the motives of the woman. She wanted to gain some advantage in future conversations.As she took a step forward, Audrey, who was as calm as an objective Spectator, stepped on her dress and nearly fell.At this moment, her personal maidservant, Annie, caught her, allowing her to maintain her grace."Miss, the unique design of this dress means that you cannot walk too quickly," Annie pulled close to Audrey's ear and reminded her softly."I know." Audrey nodded in reply, her face flushed red.I was too absorbed in observing others that I forgot to look at where I was placing my foot… she silently complained in resentment.Audrey met with many other esteemed authors, critics, and musicians for the rest of the salon, always maintaining her sweet, elegant smile.Finally, after her facial muscles began turning sore, she saw Viscount Glaint's signal.She waited for a few minutes and gave the excuse of needing to use the washroom. She lifted her dress and stood up slowly to leave the salon.After confirming that there was no one tailing her, she made her way to the study on the first level and told her maidservant Annie, "I have something to discuss with Glaint. Guard the door for me. Do not let anyone enter.""Alright." Annie didn't feel that the request was strange, for she knew that Audrey and Viscount Glaint shared similar hobbies and would often discuss mysticism in a private setting.Audrey entered the study and locked the door. She saw Glaint seated behind the desk while playing with a pen. Fors Wall was standing in front of the bookshelf, nonchalantly flipping through a book."I'll introduce you both again. Madam Fors, a true Beyonder." Glaint put down his pen and walked over."Is that so?" Audrey intentionally exaggerated her feelings of doubt.Fors returned the book to its original position and turned around with a smile."It looks like I have to prove myself."She walked over to the door and extended her right palm, grabbing the handle of the door.Suddenly, Audrey's vision blurred. It was as if she witnessed Madam Fors turn incorporeal as she passed through the door.She was shocked. Concentrating, she realized that Fors was no longer standing in her original position.A few seconds later, the door handle turned. The locked door was opened just like that. Fors Wall smiled as she walked in from the outside. Audrey's maid, Annie, who was not far away, didn't seem to be aware of what had happened."What a magical ability!" Glaint exclaimed.Audrey took in a deep breath and said, "I have no more doubts."At the same time, the ability Fors had displayed allowed Audrey to confirm what her true motives were, since acquiring money or materials would be no trouble for a Beyonder like that.Glaint doesn't have any Beyonder guards… Fors wants to use the statuses and resources available to Glaint and I to achieve something? Audrey tried her hardest to act as a Spectator.Fors chortled and said, "Let us interact with honesty. We do not have much time left.""I was once a doctor at a clinic and was given an opportunity to become a Beyonder. That was more than two years ago.""I hope that you can do something for me, and the reward I will give you is allow you to join the ranks of true Beyonders. I will sell you the formula of a particular Sequence potion and its corresponding materials."Upon hearing such a promise, Glaint could not help but ask, "What do you want us to do?""I have a partner who's in jail now, awaiting the final verdict. I hope that you can save her, regardless of the methods used," Fors said simply.Audrey frowned."Madam Fors, the abilities you have demonstrated should be better suited for the task…"Fors laughed and shook her head."No, that is not the case. She cannot pass through the places that I can. I can only go in regularly and chat with her."Also, I think that risking my life to save her is not a good idea. Life is short, but there is much for us to do."Audrey observed Fors's face and body language. She considered her words before asking, "I understand. What crime is your partner being locked up for?"Fors's expression immediately turned a little awkward."My partner is a very respected person who can make others comply from the bottom of their hearts. She is of good character and kind. Well… Uh… It was that the means she used to convince a thug was a little over the top…"…After handing out the mission, Klein followed his original schedule of mysticism lessons in the morning and combat lessons in the afternoon. The regularity of his life almost made him forget that he was a member of the Nighthawks. The 'curse' of often encountering supernatural incidents seemed to disappear as well.It was Saturday, his turn to guard Chanis Gate."You can enjoy the coffee I left here or the black tea in the clerk's office." Dunn surveyed the room with his deep gray eyes.Klein, who had already given an excuse to his siblings, nodded in joy."Alright Captain. You sure are a generous gentleman."Dunn laughed."Those will help you relax. Being tense all the time is not good for your health."He took his hat and cane and walked toward the door.As he was exiting the door, he suddenly turned around and said, "I forgot to remind you; do not open Chanis Gate no matter what you hear, unless it is opened from the inside."Remember, no matter what you hear, no matter what happens."Captain, that's a little scary… Klein tensed up instantly. He felt the darkness of the basement triumph over the light of the gas lamp.

Lord of the Mysteries


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Chapter 108. Deep Into The Night | Lord of the Mysteries

Despite not being dawn yet, the well-ventilated but quiet and dark underground was illuminated by gas lamps. The dim yellow light emitted from the gas lamps were protected by glass, allowing them to steadily shine throughout the empty and quiet tunnel.Klein sat in the duty room and casually flipped through the newspapers, magazines, and books piled before him. He directed some of his attention outside, to prevent anyone from charging inside the Chanis Gate.His windbreaker and top hat were hung on the clothes rack near the entrance while his cane was leaning against the wall where it could be easily retrieved.The rich aroma of coffee filled the air, and Klein couldn't help but take a whiff. He massaged his temples to fight against the heavy head feeling he was experiencing and the weariness of his body.As a college student back on Earth, he often slept at five in the morning and woke up at noon, while staying up all night during the past two to three years of working life, to the point of being able to attend work energetically the next day. However, it was all thanks to the games that were too exhilarating, novels that were too interesting, television shows and movies that were too entertaining.This world obviously didn't possess any of the necessities needed for staying up all night."Seriously, Emperor Roselle. If you want to posture, do it properly. Pour your limited life into an unlimited enterprise. Lead the people of this world into the information age!" Klein muttered silently. He could only console himself that there were at least newspapers, magazines, and increasingly interesting novels.At first, he wanted to focus on his studies to restrain his sleepiness. However, practically speaking, it conflicted with his duty. Once he entered that state, he would easily overlook any movements outside and any changes to the situation at the Chanis Gate.Phew. Klein picked up his coffee cup and carefully blew at it.He took a sip and let the fragrant taste swish around his mouth before letting the liquid slowly flow down his throat."Fermo Coffee from the Paz Valley, very bitter but very refreshing," Klein gave a compliment and put down his coffee cup.The Paz Valley was located in the Southern Continent, a region that produced high-quality coffee beans. It was currently being fought over by the Intis Republic and the Loen Kingdom. They both built colonist settlements on the left and right banks of the Paz Valley, and had destroyed the original Paz Kingdom.In the eerie silence, Klein casually picked up a magazine and realized that it was Ladies Aesthetic, which talked about fashion and dating."This must be from Rozanne…" he murmured in amusement as he flipped through it with his interest piqued.Maybe it was due to the sudden advancement of camera technology in the past decade or so, not only did the magazine use a lot of illustrations, it even used monochrome pictures as their content—just like the newspapers.They fashionably invited the famous play and musical actors to model the charms and the magical pairing of the clothing. In a short span of seven years, the new regional Backlund magazine became a mainstream magazine that spread across the nation."The dress looks nice, she's pretty too…" Klein flipped through it casually and didn't hide his aesthetic inclinations.He was a man that had matured normally both in body and mind. He had always appreciated beautiful ladies, but he had long set his goal—to find a way home. Hence, he tried his best to keep his distance from the opposite sex, so that he didn't waste the other person's time or leave behind any emotional baggage.As for streetwalkers, he was quite a germaphobe in that aspect.Benson and Melissa were already shackles that couldn't be removed. He could only find the means to make it up to them in the future… Klein suddenly felt his heart heavy and he couldn't help but let out a sigh.The further he strayed away from home, the more he felt melancholic during quiet late nights.He suddenly lost his interest in looking at beautiful women and put down the magazine in his hands. He picked up a novel instead."Stormwind Mountain Villa, author, Fors Wall," Klein read the content on the cover.The tranquil night, dim yellow light, and the leatherbound book reminded him of his younger days when he rented books. Hence, he continued to read simply because of nostalgia.Stormwind Mountain Villa was a novel about Lady Sissi, who was 1.65 meters tall and weighed ninety-eight pounds. It was a story of her embarking as a home tutor in the Fruys Mountain Villa."One pound is about half a kilogram… Is this Jane Eyre of an alternate world?" Klein caressed his fingers against the smooth paper as he began making guesses of the subsequent content.However, just as he thought it was a romance novel, an evil spirit emerged in the story. When he believed that it was a ghost story, Lady Sissi revealed herself as a detective and made a marvelous deduction.Just as Klein felt that it was definitely a detective novel, the main male character took a heavy blow to the head and lost his memory. Then, it became a heart-rending drama."… In the end, it's still a romance book." Klein closed the book and drank a mouthful of coffee.Thump!Thump! Thump! Thump!A ferocious knocking was suddenly heard as it reverberated in the dim and quiet empty corridor.Klein jumped in shock as he immediately turned tense.He instinctively drew his revolver from his armpit holster, adjusted the cylinder and hammer. Then, he slowly walked to the door and looked for the source of the sound.Thump! Thump! Thump!Bang! Bang! Bang!The thumping became more and more intense. Klein looked in the direction of the sound and saw the black outward-swinging gates that were engraved with seven Sacred Emblems."Sounds from beyond the Chanis Gate?" He squinted his eyes and his heart was beating like a drum.Bang! Bang! Bang!Klein saw Chanis Gate shake gently, and he sensed the massive impact it was withstanding."It can't be, right… I'm encountering something on my first day on duty? Did I get an unlucky constitution after I transmigrated?" Klein's right hand broke into cold sweat as it held the revolver.Very soon, he recalled the Captain's instruction: do not open Chanis Gate no matter what you hear, unless it is opened from the inside.Uh, could this be a normal phenomenon? Klein suddenly calmed down.Bang! Bang! Bang! Thump! Thump! Thump! The commotion beyond the Chanis Gate grew in intensity, but the heavy black metal gates only shook. Otherwise, it didn't show any unusual signs."This is normal. I nearly died from the shock…" Klein muttered, before he prepared to return to the duty room.Just then, he heard a sharp grinding noise. He looked at the heavy Chanis Gate bulging outwards as a crack appeared on in its surface!Zing!In the jarring noise, Klein's almost fixed eyes saw a figure. Its height was about the length of a man's arm, and it was wearing a classic, black, miniaturized regal gown. There was an obvious stain on the gown.It had a not-so-exquisite face, black eyes, and tightly sealed lips.It was a cloth puppet, a toy cloth puppet!At that moment, when Klein was about to subconsciously raised his gun to take aim, the cloth puppet leaned heavily into the crack in Chanis Gate and unfurled the paper it was holding.There were many mysterious symbols on the paper, some that Klein knew and some that he had yet to learn. Together, they formed a vertical eye!Klein had yet to understand the situation when the regal-gowned puppet was suddenly dragged back by a shapeless force to the back of Chanis Gate!Creak!Chanis Gate closed once again, with no more knocking or pounding sounds.The basement regained its tranquility and silence as though nothing had happened."I have to inform Captain that Chanis Gate was opened from the inside… But it closed itself…" At that moment, Klein's mental facilities returned to him as he felt alarm, fear, and doubt.A few seconds later, he recalled what the cloth puppet was. Since he was an official member of the Nighthawks, he was given the clearance to know about the Grade 3 Sealed Artifact sealed behind Chanis Gate."Number: 0625."Name: Misfortune Cloth Puppet."Danger Grade: 3. Considerably dangerous. It has to be used carefully. It can only be applied for operations that require three or more people."Security classification: Official Nighthawk member or above."Sealing method: Only needs to be separated from humans."Description: The cloth puppet is wearing a regal gown which was popular in around the year 1300. The gown has a stain that is almost impossible to remove. It is uncertain if the stain was present from the very beginning."In a few tragic cases of individual family financial crises recorded in Tingen, the police noticed the existence of the puppet. It was always placed in the children's bedroom, on the side table next to the bed."A few Nighthawks accepted the request and started an investigation on the puppet."The initial evaluation determined that it brought misfortune, causing people around it to be unlucky and find themselves in danger. Finally, they would die one after another. It only took two weeks for the tester to reach the brink of bankruptcy."The puppet isn't equipped with the capability to live. It doesn't have any inclinations of escaping the seal."Through extended periods of experimentation, we discovered that as long as one does not come within ten meters of it for more than half an hour a day, one wouldn't be tainted with misfortune. If misfortune has befallen someone, the person will immediately have his situation turn for the better as long as the misfortune is transferred to another person."Appendix: The puppet first appeared in the house of an old lady, Tess, who lived in the Lower Street of Iron Cross Street. She was a toymaker. Due to old age and her husband's severe illness, with both her children passing on early, she had no choice but to move to the Iron Cross Street's Lower Street."This was the last toy she sold. She exchanged the puppet for some poison hemlock and ended her and her husband's lives, having starved for more than three days."As Klein recalled the information of Sealed Artifact 3-0625, he felt even more doubtful and horrified.Didn't it say the puppet isn't equipped with the capability to live? Didn't it say that it doesn't have any inclinations of escaping the seal?What did I see just now!?What dragged it back in the end?The symbol that was drawn on the paper that it unfurled, what does it mean?That scene earlier was like how a psychotic murderer deals with his victim as the victim slams on the gates heavily and cries for help desperately, only to be dragged back…While these thoughts flooded him, Klein decided not to make any decision on his own.He returned to the duty room and pulled a rope.The rope tightened, the gear spun, and there was suddenly a hurried ringtone that rang on the second floor of the Blackthorn Security Company.Leonard Mitchell and the other Sleepless who were playing cards in the entertainment room immediately put down their poker cards and ran to the basement.

Lord of the Mysteries



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Chapter 109. Deduction | Lord of the Mysteries

The sound of running footsteps entered Klein's ears, calming him down as he stood at the entrance of the guard room.Leonard arrived first, holding a revolver. He asked in a solemn voice, "What happened?"Watching Leonard struggle to stop, Klein suddenly thought of something that Rozanne had mentioned in the past. Three years ago, Leonard, who had just become a Sleepless, tried to run down the flight of stairs despite not having adapted to the potion's power, causing him to fall and roll down.With a cough, Klein pointed at Chanis Gate and said, "There was a knocking noise from the inside, which then became a loud slamming noise. Then the door was pushed open a little.""Chanis Gate was pushed open?" the short Kenley asked in shock."Yes, a slit was opened." Klein continued his description. He saw that Leonard, Kenley, and Royale had stopped approaching the guard room, instead forming an arc formation a few steps away, loosely surrounding Klein.He paused for a moment before asking, "Are you suspicious of me?""No, it isn't suspicion. This is protocol." Kenley shook his head.In this tense atmosphere, Leonard maintained his flippant attitude, laughing as he added, "There have been incidents like this in other churches. The Beyonder guarding Chanis Gate lost control and pulled the bell before killing two teammates who came to help.""Alright." Klein no longer felt angry and aggrieved at being ostracized. Instead, he asked, "Then how should I prove that I haven't lost control?"Leonard wiped away his flippant smile and tapped his chest four times. With a hoarse voice, he recited softly, "Lacking clothes and food, they have no shelter in the cold."They are drenched by rains, and huddle around the rocks for lack of shelter."They are orphans snatched from the breast, hope lost on them; they are the poor that have been forced off the proper path."The Evernight did not forsake them, but bestowed them with love."…The holy, yet pitiful prayer reverberated around the basement, making the bodies, hearts, and souls of everyone present feel purified and tranquil.Seeing Klein not display any abnormal reactions, Leonard stopped his recital and smiled."There's no problem. You are still our trusted partner."Madam Royale, who had been quiet all this time, looked at Chanis Gate and asked, "What did you see when the gate was pushed open?""I saw a Misfortune Cloth Puppet, the one wearing the black classic regal gown, 3-0625," Klein replied, still a little fearful. "But three seconds later, a formless power pulled it back and Chanis Gate was closed once again. What's going on?"Leonard, Kenley, and Royale exchanged looks."Heh heh, we are in the same boat as you. We don't know the true cause. But since Chanis Gate is closed once again and there's nothing unusual, we shouldn't enter it at this time. We have to wait till dawn for the Captain."Royale calmly added, "I will wait here and guard the gate with you.""Alright." Leonard moved his hand and gave a bantering laugh. "As the most powerful person here, I shall stay too. Kenley, return to the second floor just in case the police department has an emergency case and cannot open the door."Kenley didn't say much, he just nodded immediately and left.Leonard glanced at Klein and Royale."Perhaps we can continue our card game? It's best to have some sort of entertainment in circumstances like this, to relax.""No problem." Klein adjusted his revolver and put it back into his armpit holster. Royale didn't voice an opinion, but instead stroked her smooth, black hair as she entered the guard room.While playing Fighting the Landlord, no—Fighting Evil, Klein said casually, "Misfortune Cloth Puppet, I mean 3-0625, according to its description, isn't equipped with the capability to live…""Haha, three aces." Leonard showed his hand and replied with the same casual tone, "In the past forty years, 3-0625 hasn't displayed any life-like characteristics. We can first assume that the information is correct and make our assumptions based on that.""Pass. You already have an idea?" Royale asked simply.As Klein hesitated to think about whether he should throw his three deuces, Leonard took a sip of his freshly brewed coffee and said, "Yes, since 3-0625 shouldn't have any life-like characteristics, then its actions today must have been influenced by some other factor. This factor must also be rather recent; otherwise, we would've observed this phenomenon a long time ago.""Has there been anything different about Chanis Gate over the last month?"Royale saw Klein toss his three deuces and pondered for a few seconds."There is only one thing different; the Antigonus family's notebook and the Sealed Artifact 2-049 was stored behind Chanis Gate for a night."Leonard looked at the cards in his hand and as he tapped the table, he said with a smile, "If 2-049 can make the Misfortune Cloth Puppet act abnormally, then something similar should have happened behind Backlund's Chanis Gate a long time ago. So I suspect that the problem lies with the Antigonus family's notebook."Klein thought for a moment and nodded."That is the most likely explanation… Leonard, I never expected you to be this good at deduction."Typically speaking, being a romantic poet and a person with excellent deductive skills was mutually exclusive…"That's because he's recently into detective novels," Royale explained indifferently. "Two Kings, a straight from 8 to King. Does no one want it? Three 6's and no more."Upon seeing this, Klein and Leonard fell silent.Having not been concentrating on the game, they forget something important.Royale was the 'Evil' in this round!Watching Royale cut the deck, Klein took the opportunity to ask, "Then what power pulled 3-0625 back?"Leonard glanced at him and chuckled."Do you really think that the defensive mechanisms behind Chanis Gate only consists of the buried sealed chamber and a few elderly keepers?"In reality, when the sun sets fully, the keepers would have already left Chanis Gate and returned to Saint Selena Cathedral."The power in the gate is strongest at night and is no longer safe for any living creature. The power only weakens when the sun rises again. That is also why the Captain asked us not to enter Chanis Gate no matter what we hear."In other words, the Captain had forgotten to tell me the reason… Klein thought for a bit before asking, "Defensive mechanisms such as nexus formations?"Like magnified versions of amulets and charms?"Yes." Royale nodded as she stroked the edge of her cards. "There is a reason that Chanis Gates are placed in the central cathedral of each city. The gate is maintained by the followers that go to these churches every day. Their sincere prayers allow a part of their spirituality to enter the nexus formations, and from small contributions comes abundance.""I see…" Klein nodded as he saw that he had a lousy hand.At that moment, Leonard laughed and said, "There isn't just one defensive mechanism behind Chanis Gate. Saint Selena's ashes are buried inside. She was a High-Sequence Beyonder when she was still alive."The ashes of Saint Selena? Ashes of a High-Sequence Beyonder? Sacred ashes? What use do those have? Klein was as puzzled as he was curious.Saint Selena was a devotee when the Church of the Evernight Goddess was being established. She was active during the Third Epoch and her deeds were written in many holy scriptures. Thus, Saint Selena was a fairly commonly-used name among the commoners who believed in the Evernight Goddess.Leonard seemed to read Klein's mind as he continued, "Rumors suggest that the skeleton or ashes of High-Sequence Beyonders still contain incredible power. Of course, those are just rumors."Klein nodded, focusing his attention on the cards in his hand.There were no unusual incidents in Chanis Gate for the next few hours, but Klein lost exactly two soli. It pained his heart, but Leonard, who fully expressed his romantic poetic vibes while playing, lost four soli and five pence, leaving Royale as the undisputed winner."The sun has just risen, it's my turn." The quiet Author, Madam Seeka Tron entered the guard room at six.Klein wrote the incident he encountered the previous night into the record book and returned to the Blackthorn Security Company with Leonard and Royale.He felt unusually exhausted, but the Midnight Poet and Sleepless beside him remained energetic.This is the difference between the different Sequences… Klein was just about to make his way past the partition and catch up on some sleep at home when he suddenly saw the Captain enter."Good morning, Captain." He couldn't help but yawn when he greeted him.Dunn, who was in a black windbreaker, took off his hat and looked at him with his gray eyes."Good morning. You should head back home for some rest. Did anything happen last night?"Klein immediately gave a succinct summary of the incident regarding the Misfortune Cloth Puppet and Leonard's deduction."Okay." Dunn didn't give his opinion. He concentrated on making his way to his office. "I will send a telegraph to the Holy Cathedral."Klein didn't stay any longer. He slowly walked out of 36 Zouteland Street and breathed in the cool morning air.He felt a little more energized, suddenly remembering something he had forgotten all this time.I forgot to tell the Captain and the rest about the piece of paper in the Misfortune Cloth Puppet's hands!How could I have forgotten?It was as if some power was influencing me, stopping me from telling this to the other Nighthawks…It has been some time since the Antigonus family's notebook was present at Chanis Gate. The Misfortune Cloth Puppet 3-0625 should have been affected long ago. Why did it only show abnormal behavior last night?Was it because it was the first time I was on shift at Chanis Gate?It used all of its power to show me the picture on the paper?What is the motive of the Antigonus family's notebook?Has it got to do with my survival despite making contact with it? And that I became a Seer?…Many suspicions flashed through Klein's brain, rooting him to the spot. He was unsure if he should pretend that he didn't remember anything and make his way home to sleep, or head up and report it to the Captain.

Lord of the Mysteries



next chapter of Lord of the Mysteries

Chapter 110. Confirmation | Lord of the Mysteries

After thinking for a while, Klein decided to return home to confirm something.He believed that if the Misfortune Cloth Puppet hadn't intentionally shown him the picture on the paper, then the Captain and the rest would definitely find traces in their follow-up investigations. It wouldn't matter much if he reported it or not.If it were the converse, it was something worth careful consideration.That was also what Klein wanted to confirm.He took the trackless public carriage to Daffodil Street. When he returned home, his brother Benson and his sister Melissa had yet to wake up, since it was Sunday. The living room was dark and quiet.Klein boiled a kettle of water, threw in some tea leaves, and drank it with wheat bread. Then he took his coat, hat, and cane towards the stairs.He subconsciously lightened his footsteps to avoid making any loud noises.Just as he got to the second floor, he saw the bathroom door suddenly open, and Melissa, who was wearing an old dress, came out with a sleepy face."You're home…" Melissa was rubbing her eyes sleepily.Klein covered his mouth and yawned."Yeah, I need to crash. Don't wake me up before lunch."Melissa tersely acknowledged when she suddenly recalled something."Benson and I are going to Saint Selena Cathedral pray and attend Mass in the morning. Lunch might be slightly later."As not-so-devoted believers of the Evernight Goddess, she and Benson went to the church once a fortnight, while Klein, who was a Nighthawk, hadn't entered the church since the last time he was followed by the member of the Secret Order.No, I'm at the cathedral every day, just that I'm in the cathedral's basement… Klein justified himself subconsciously.He was currently most worried that the Goddess would abandon him as a fake believer. If his ritualistic magic didn't respond at crucial times, he would be in big trouble.But then, when one considers Old Neil, the Goddess is quite forgiving towards the Nighthawks. Hmm. That's right! Klein comforted himself.His scattered thoughts flashed past him, and he looked at Melissa. He nodded and smiled."No problem. I can sleep longer then."Walking past Melissa, he entered his bedroom and locked the door behind him.Immediately following that, he psyched himself up and took out the ritual dagger and created a sealed spirituality wall.He took four steps counterclockwise while reciting the incantation and withstood the chaotic roars before appearing above the gray fog.In the illusionary boundless world, he was the only living spirit sitting on the seat of honor at the long bronze table.For nearly a minute of silence, Klein conjured a piece of goatskin parchment and wrote down a divination incantation."The picture that the Misfortune Cloth Puppet displayed."Although Klein had seen the mysterious picture on the paper clearly for a split moment last night, he only managed to remember the rough shape of the picture due to his anxiety. But that wasn't a problem for a Seer; he could reproduce anything he remembered and had seen once!According to mysticism theory, one's spirituality could remember everything they had seen. As long as they possessed the appropriate method, they could reproduce the scene whenever they wished.Klein even felt that the theory that Spirit Medium Daly described regarding the Psychology Alchemists made sense. Human memory was merely islands that were exposed above the sea; it couldn't withstand much. Hence, a person's spiritual essence remembered most of the information and turned it into the subconscious, which formed the entire ocean.While spirituality itself, even if it wasn't the entire ocean, also included the entire sea region surrounding the island.After reciting the divination incantation, Klein leaned backwards and fell asleep through Cogitation.In the blurry, distorted, separated world, he saw Chanis Gate crack open once again as he heard the heavy grinding noises.The puppet in the black classic regal gown leaned into the opening of the door and unfurled the paper that it was holding.On the piece of paper, there were many mysterious symbols that collectively formed a vertical eye.Klein carefully observed the picture before exiting the dream. Then, with the aid of the uniqueness of the world above the gray fog and the memory that had yet to fade, he expressed the image on the brown parchment.The vertical eye looked up at him, looking both sinister and mysterious.Klein thought and wrote below the eye, "This is key to the treasure that the Antigonus family left behind."Putting down the pen, he untied the silver chain that was wound inside his sleeve. As he held it with his left hand, the topaz pendulum stably hung above the divination statement and the mysterious vertical eye. There weren't any obvious movements.Klein closed his eyes and recited the sentence with his mind cleared.After seven times, he opened his eyes and saw the topaz spinning in small circles in a clockwise fashion along with the silver chain.That meant affirmation.The vertical eye picture is really key to the treasure that the Antigonus family left behind… Klein nodded in deep thought.He tapped his fingers on the edge of the long bronze table and muttered to himself, "Because of Ray Bieber's death, there are no descendants of the Antigonus family left. Hence, the notebook views me, the Seer that interacted with it but remains alive, as its inheritor?"It affected 3-0625 and left the key to the treasure with it, only to show it to me during my shift at Chanis Gate?"There doesn't seem to be any problem with the logic, but it still doesn't seem very convincing."How could the notebook be sure that there are no more descendants of the Antigonus family?"And I am totally unrelated to that family… If I shared their bloodline, the original Klein wouldn't have committed suicide to begin with."Hmm, it doesn't seem to matter if I tell this to the Captain and the team. Let me look into this."Klein then divined the location of the Antigonus family's treasure. But, unsurprisingly, there was no detailed information. Just like in the letter that Sirius wrote to Mr. Z, Klein could only be certain that the treasure was related to the main peak of the Hornacis mountain range and the ancient Nation of the Evernight.After he finished divining all the matters, Klein noticed that the crimson star from which he had previously heard prayers was producing a faint fluctuation again.He used the method of answering prayers and touched the illusory star. He saw the brown-haired young man who wore the unique black tight suit again.The young man was kneeling on the ground, facing the pure crystal ball, still muttering about something.Klein, who had purposely learned some Jotun, finally understood one of the sentences."Pray… Save… Father and Mother."It really is Jotun… Where in the world is Jotun still used? That's an ancient antique that is thousands of years old… What a pity; the mysterious ruler above the giant is totally powerless. I don't have the ability to save them even if I want to… Klein shook his head and sighed. He decided to observe him for a little longer.I'll see what I can do when I master more Jotun vocabulary and can understand what happened to his father and mother… Klein retracted his spirituality, wrapped it around himself, and initiated a descent.When he returned to his bedroom, he dispelled the spirituality wall, changed into old but comfortable clothing, and laid down on the bed to get some sleep.Klein slept all the way till half-past twelve, which was when Melissa finished preparing lunch and came knocking on the door.After having a fairly sumptuous meal, he saw Melissa bring out her new dress and fishnet hat, looking like she was going out."Do you still have something this afternoon?" Klein asked, puzzled.Benson was seated on the sofa, knitting his eyebrows at his grammar books. He didn't lift his head but answered on her behalf, "Mrs. Shaud from next door told Melissa that there will be a lecture regarding family affairs in the municipal hall in the afternoon. Melissa plans to attend it and learn how to deal with daily household issues."Melissa nodded and said, "I got Selena and Elizabeth to join me.""That's nice. I hope that the lecturer tells you that a family like us needs to hire at least one maidservant," Klein joked.Noticing that Melissa was about to refute him, he immediately added, "We have to invest our limited time into more valuable matters."Melissa was stunned. After a while, she puckered her lips, put on her fishnet hat, and left the house.…At two in the afternoon, Klein arrived at the Blackthorn Security Company again.Rozanne and Dunn Smith, who happened to be in the reception hall, asked in unison, "Didn't you go home and rest?"Klein smiled."I was going to go to the Divination Club, but I kept thinking about what happened last night, so I decided to come over here first. Has there been any reply from the Holy Cathedral?"Dunn shot a glance at Rozanne and turned around silently. He walked past the partition and entered his office.Rozanne pulled her face at his back, then muttered angrily, "Seriously, Captain…"Well done! Klein complimented silently. He held back his laughter and followed Dunn into his office.Klein shut the door, and Dunn sniffed his smoking pipe before he said, "The Holy Cathedral has determined that the disturbance was because of the Antigonus family notebook, which they reclassified as a Grade 1 Sealed Artifact. It's a pity. That means that you no longer have the sufficient security clearance to read it."Grade 1. Highly dangerous. Only the ranks above bishops and Nighthawk team captains can know of the actual situation? That also means that Captain has no idea what's happening… Highly dangerous, no wonder… Klein felt regretful yet relaxed.Dunn gave him a glance and continued, "The Holy Cathedral told us to check if there are any other items behind Chanis Gate that were contaminated by the notebook. After verification, only 3-0625 was abnormal, and we have already changed its seal.""Did you discover anything else?" Klein pretended to ask curiously.Dunn shook his head."No."Klein nodded in thought. He didn't continue with the topic. After some small talk, he bade farewell and left for the Divination Club to continue his 'journey of digestion'.…In the municipal hall.The three best friends, Melissa, Selena, and Elizabeth, sat near the door, waiting for the lecture to begin."If she delivers a bad lecture, we'll sneak out," Selena suggested excitedly.Elizabeth immediately agreed, "Let's go shopping at Harrods."

Lord of the Mysteries