
Chapter: 101-105:Lord of the Mysteries


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Chapter 101. Unexpected Clue | Lord of the Mysteries

Howes Street, Divination Club.Klein pressed down on his half top hat and walked along the stairway towards the main door.He wasn't dressed in his usual formal wear. Today, he was wearing a white shirt and a light-colored vest, paired with a thin black windbreaker, making him look more spirited than he had before.This set of clothing was more suitable for combat and had only cost him one pound, including the fee for the small pocket that he had sewn into the vest. Compared to the suit he had purchased, it was so cheap that it brought tears to his eyes.He stroked the revolver in his holster, as well as the metal bottles in his tiny inner pocket. Klein then took out the portrait and entered the Divination Club.Without any surprise, he met the beautiful attendant, Angelica."Good afternoon, Mr. Moretti. I thought you would come only a few days later." Angelica was taken aback at first before she immediately revealed a brilliant smile.Klein took off his hat and sighed."Good afternoon, Miss Angelica. I had a dream at noon. I dreamed about Mr. Hanass Vincent and matters regarding him. You know that, as a fortune-teller, I absolutely cannot overlook any dream. It could be a revelation from the divine."Confused by his charlatan-like words, Angelica nodded in thought and asked out of curiosity, "What did you dream of?""I saw Hanass Vincent arguing with someone." Klein passed her the folded piece of paper in his hand.As Angelica unfolded the portrait, he pinched his glabella and observed the color of her emotions."This person…" Angelica looked at the realistic portrait and slipped into deep thought.Klein saw her emotions turn into a 'thinking blue', a normal reaction."This person…" Angelica muttered once again. She slowly looked up and said, "I've met him before."Klein's mind whirled as he immediately asked, "When was it?""I can't remember the exact date. Maybe a month ago? I saw him send Mr. Vincent to the door and they were softly discussing something. I have a deep impression of him because of his thick and messy eyebrows, as well as Mr. Vincent's rare smile," Angelica described as she recalled. "Yes, he had a pair of grayish-blue eyes and, like most men his age, had little hair on his head.""Did you meet him again before or after that?" asked Klein gently.Angelica shook her head."No, I am certain of that. I don't even know his name. To be honest, if it wasn't you, I would have suspected that any person showing me a portrait like this is a policeman investigating Mr. Vincent's death. Heh, I don't find it odd no matter what revelation you receive, for you are a true Seer."My apologies, I am a policeman… Klein retorted silently as he sighed and said, "A true Seer would understand how minuscule he truly is compared to the vastness of fate. We can only see a hazy corner, forever receiving revelations, but never answers. We must reflect upon them constantly and keep up our respect and fear. We must decipher these hints with caution and not see ourselves as the intelligent ones who have taken control of fate."By summarizing what he had figured out over the past few weeks, Klein suddenly realized that his Spirit Vision turned clearer. He could even faintly make out the details within Angelica's aura.At that instant, he felt like a shortsighted man who was wearing glasses that suited him.This… has my Seer potion begun to produce clear signs of digestion? Klein was stunned in disbelief."I never imagined that a Seer like you can still maintain such fear and respect towards fate. It's truly admirable," said Angelica earnestly.She had seen too many people in the Divination Club who claimed to see through the truth and change fate after learning a few divination methods.Klein retracted his gaze and chuckled."The more you know, the better you can understand how small we truly are."As he was saying this, he checked his body's condition and reflected on his past experiences. He could basically narrow the essence of the 'acting' technique to 'actions corresponding to the name of the potion, understanding the hidden laws governing the role, as well as strictly abiding by these laws'.Only by doing so could he change the state of his body, heart, and soul, making them closer to the remnant psyche in the potion, so as to gradually digest it.The acknowledgment of a Seer's identity was only a factor on the surface. The reason why it made one's spirituality feel light had to do with how the feedback strengthened one's affirmation of particular divination actions. And these actions collectively formed the rules for digesting the Seer potion.To help others interpret revelations and guide them in a better direction; yet constantly maintain one's fear and respect towards fate. One cannot be too egoistical, too proud, or blindly believe one's interpretations… These are the laws I can think of for the time being, as well as the essence of the 'acting' technique that will guide me towards the future. If it continues to be this successful, I won't need half a year. Perhaps in two or three months, or even two to three weeks time, I'll be ready to completely digest the potion.… That sign was extremely obvious. It's no wonder the mysterious Mr. Zaratul said that the Beyonder will clearly sense it when the potion is fully digested. There's no need for anyone to teach them. It is what it is… Just like now, although my Spirit Vision has been enhanced a little, I know very well that this is only a pit stop in the digestion process and not the final destination.With this in mind, Klein couldn't help but thank the suited clown for teaching him with his life!If it wasn't for him, he would probably spend months at the Divination Club, summarizing the rules of a Seer through numerous attempts—for better or for worse—before he began 'acting' strictly."Mr. Moretti, I sometimes even think of you as a philosopher," Angelica said with a sigh upon hearing Klein's reply."In my circle of friends, the term 'philosopher' is used to scold somebody." Klein was in a good mood.With that said, he bowed, wore his hat, and left after bidding farewell.Although Angelica was unaware of the gentleman's name or identity, Klein was in no way depressed. What he learned was sufficient enough for him to engage in the next phase of his plan.…36 Zouteland Street. Inside Blackthorn Security Company.Dunn looked at the portrait in his hands with his deep gray eyes."You wish to carry out a search for this person?""Yes." Klein had long prepared a reason for this. "Captain, didn't I mention that I would head to the Divination Club to observe the reactions of its members on Hanass Vincent's sudden death? I didn't discover anything yesterday, but I accidentally found out today that the person in the portrait had appeared with Hanass Vincent once and was secretly discussing something with him. I flipped through our team's investigation report just now, but I didn't discover any person resembling him in the report."There were no loopholes in his description. Even if Dunn Smith were to take this portrait to the Divination Club, he would get the same answer from Angelica.Dunn cast his gaze away from the portrait and laughed."From the looks of it, the compensation funds weren't a waste."… Captain, isn't your memory bad? Why would you mention the compensation at this point in time… Klein maintained a smile and didn't say a word."Was this drawn by you?" Dunn asked in passing."Yes. I drew it with the help of ritualistic magic," Klein replied, completely honest.Of course, speaking the truth and revealing the whole truth were two different matters.Dunn nodded slightly and said, "Get Old Neil to make a few more sets. I'll get Kenley and Royale to investigate and seek the cooperation of the police department. If this clue is of any use, you would've contributed greatly once again.""May Goddess bless us." Klein tapped four spots on his chest as he appeared abnormally devout.For him, all he needed from Dunn and company was to figure out the name and identity of the man in the portrait. He could divine his location above the gray fog!…Despite it being his day off, Klein didn't immediately return home after leaving the Blackthorn Security Company. Instead, he took the public carriage to the harbor and arrived in front of the Evil Dragon Bar's entrance.In his considerations, although a Seer lacked the means to directly engage in combat with an enemy or the means to cast spells quickly, combat could be classified in many ways. Not all battles were chance encounters. As long as he had sufficient time to prepare, a Seer could similarly deal with an enemy using ritualistic magic. It was exactly how he resolved the magic mirror divination incident at Selena's house.And this also meant that it was best if a Seer brought along the essential oils, herbs, and tiny candles to avoid being in a situation where they were unavailable when they were needed most, thus, resulting in a helpless death. After all, not everyone was like Selena who had an entire assortment of mysticism items which could be used.As for the ones he applied for, as Klein had practiced frequently, he had used up most of them. He kept what was left in his tiny inner pocket.He patted the cash note in his pocket and pushed open Evil Dragon Bar's door and strode in.It was noon and there weren't many customers in the bar. Nor were there any rat-baiting or boxing matches. It was quiet and not lively enough.Klein observed the guests drinking beer and playing cards as he walked toward the billiard room that led to the underground market.At that moment, he saw a muscular old man walk out with a torn Admiral's jacket draped over his shoulders."Were you the friend Old Neil brought last time?" Reeking with the smell of alcohol, the blue-eyed, messy brown-haired elder sized up Klein and laughed.Klein guessed at his identity and took off his hat and bowed."Yes, how might I address you?""Old Neil often mentions you. I'm the boss here, Swain." The blue-eyed elder's arms were thick and brawny. He had firm muscles and had the bearing of a military officer.Former Tingen Mandated Punisher Captain… Rumor has it that he was once part of the Royal Navy… Klein replied politely, "Yes.""If you're in need of money, feel free to approach me." Swain laughed as he mentioned before walking towards the bar counter.At that moment, Klein's heart stirred as he immediately shouted, "Wait a moment, Mr. Swain. I have something I would like to ask of you."Swain halted in his steps, turned halfway around, and said with a chuckle, "You look, well—very similar."No, I'm not having memory issues… The corner of Klein's lips twitched as he pointed at the portrait he drew and asked, "Have you met this gentleman before?"He suddenly realized that Selena had likely been brought by Hanass Vincent to the underground market. This resulted in Elizabeth's knowledge of the Evil Dragon Bar as well. Then, could the man in the portrait who had some relationship with Hanass Vincent have come here before?Swain took a careful look and replied affirmatively, "I remember him. He had asked me if I had documents or items related to the main peak of the Hornacis mountain range."Documents and items related to the main peak of the Hornacis mountain range?Klein was taken aback as he suddenly connected that to another matter.Back when he was borrowing the journal issue related to the main peak of the Hornacis mountain range at Deweyville Library, the librarian had casually mentioned that someone had just returned it. Therefore, he still remembered very cleverly and didn't need to flip through his name cards to determine if the man existed.Could the gentleman who borrowed the journal issue before me be the one in the portrait?The gentleman that had witnessed the exchange of the Antigonus family's notebook.

Lord of the Mysteries


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Chapter 102. Cloth Merchant | Lord of the Mysteries

The more Klein thought about it, the more likely it seemed. Otherwise, who would have borrowed those random journal issues for no reason?Yes, research regarding the main peak of the Hornacis mountain range is quite an unpopular field. Other than the corresponding lecturers and associate professors, the common hobbyist would've never heard of it. Even the original Klein, who was a history graduate, only knew about it from the Antigonus family's notebook… Although Tingen is a city of universities, there wouldn't be that many people who would interested in the topic. And even if there is anyone interested, most of them would remain within the university's compounds. There would be no need to borrow the book from the Deweyville Library.The most important point is that the book happened to be borrowed only recently…By analyzing it this way, there really is a problem. I wasn't sharp enough and failed to realize it… Sigh, it looks like I have no talent at being a detective or acting like Sherlock Holmes…While these thoughts raced through his mind, the boss of Evil Dragon Bar, Swain asked in puzzlement, "Is there a problem?"Since there were customers and bartenders around, he could only ask indirectly."Nothing at all. I'm just wondering how I can investigate this gentleman. As you know, Hanass Vincent died at his home." Klein had long prepared his excuse.He didn't want to make the Mandated Punishers become interested in the ancient relics from the main peak of the Hornacis mountain range."Vincent was one of the rather famous fortune-tellers in Tingen City. He often came here." Swain had indeed given a perfunctory answer, but as he recalled, he said, "Now that I think about it, the gentleman in the portrait did come together with Vincent at the very beginning…""That is exactly what I wanted to know. Do you remember his name?" Klein pressed immediately.Swain shook his head and chuckled."I won't ask for my customers' names or identities unless I knew them to begin with, like Old Neil.""Alright then." Klein deliberately revealed a saddened look.To him, it didn't matter if Swain knew, because he could check the Deweyville Library.To borrow books from a privately-funded library, he had to leave personal information, and his identification must have had sufficient credibility!After all, Klein had relied on an introduction letter from a Senior Associate Professor before he obtained a library card.Even if the gentleman had forged his information, it is very likely that he left some clues which can be helpful to my divination… Klein watched Swain as he returned to the bar counter before entering the billiard room in deep thought.He wasn't in a hurry to head to the Deweyville Library for his investigations. He planned on completing his purchases first. After all, it was unknown if he would encounter danger and be required to use ritualistic magic for subsequent developments.After passing through a few rooms, Klein arrived at the underground market. There were a few stalls and customers, a clear indication that it wasn't peak hour yet.Just as he took a step forward, he suddenly saw the monster, Ademisaul, who could smell the scent of death, standing in a corner.The young man was pale, and his eyes gave off a hint of terror and madness. He had also noticed Klein as he looked over.As they made eye contact, Ademisaul suddenly extended his hands to cover his face. He moved toward the corner of the wall in a panicked state.Soon, he moved to a side door beside him and staggered as he ran out.Is that necessary? I just nearly blinded you the last time… But I didn't do anything… Seriously, it's as if I'm the devil. Klein's facial expression was somewhat stiff.He shook his head and smiled. He stopped thinking about the monster and came to a stall. He started shopping with a goal in mind.After about half an hour, Klein spent a few pounds which was most of his secret stash of money.He counted the three pounds and seventeen soli he had left, and he felt his heart ache. However, he touched the small metal bottle in the inner pocket of his black windbreaker."This is the floral essence, Amantha, which Madam Daly used previously."This is powder mixed with drago tree bark and leaves."Essential oil which is extracted from slumber flowers."Dried chamomile petals."This is Holy Night Powder which I previously produced myself."…Klein recalled the items stored in every tiny pocket of his and repeated them. He did it to prevent himself from failing to find the ingredient that he would need at a crucial moment.Relying on his unique traits in mysticism, he quickly finished memorizing them and walked toward the door.Suddenly, he saw a somewhat familiar figure in the corner of his eyes.It was a young lady in a casual green dress. Her smooth black hair was soft and glistening. She had a round face with long eyes. They gave her a sweet look and a refined bearing.It's the girl who was shivering strangely on the public carriage? She does seem fine… I never expected her to be a mysticism enthusiast… Klein slowed down and thought for a few seconds before finally recalling who she was.He had to admit that, other than Justice who he had never seen clearly, the young lady was the most beautiful girl he had seen ever since he transmigrated into this world.The sweet and refined girl stood before a stall that sold mysticism books and, in a breach of etiquette, kneeled to rub her fingers against an ancient book.The ancient book was bound with a black hardcover. The book cover had the words "Book of Witches" in Hermes."It records the black magic of witches. Although I haven't dared to try them, someone I know did, and it really worked." The vendor seized the opportunity to promote the book.The beautiful lady thought and asked, "In your mind, what does a witch look like?""A witch? A wicked person who brings calamities, disease, and pain," the vendor answered after some thought.Klein didn't hear their conversation because he had already quickly walked out the front entrance. He was rushing to the Deweyville Library in a hurry to settle everything before returning home to cook dinner for his brother and sister. Tomato Oxtail Soup was on the menu.…Backlund. Crown Turf Club.Audrey Hall wore a long white dress with engageantes and ruffled edges, as well as lace around her chest. She stood in a VIP room and watched the horses gallop.She wore a veiled hat decorated with blue ribbons and silk flowers, and a pair of light colored fishnet gloves. Her cold and distant gaze seemed out of place in the bustling venue.Just as the racehorse breasted the tape, her friend Viscount Glaint came closer and said with a suppressed voice, "Audrey, every time I see you, you look beautiful from a different angle.""How can I help you?" In the past, Audrey might have basked in the young man's compliment, but now she could see Glaint's ulterior motives through his speech and attitude.Due to the early passing of Glaint's father, he had inherited his title of nobility at the age of twenty. He was a slightly skinny young man. He looked to the left and right, then chuckled softly as he said, "Audrey, I know a real Beyonder, a Beyonder that doesn't belong to the royal family."You've disappointed me every time you said that… Audrey looked forward and replied elegantly, "Really?""I swear on my father's name. I have seen his Beyonder powers," Glaint replied with whisper.Audrey was no longer the same as before in which should be excited over the news. She was now a Beyonder, but to prevent Glaint from turning suspicious, she widened her eyes and faked a surprised smile. She asked with her voice trembling, "When can I see him?"Yes, it'd be great to meet other Beyonders. I can't just solve every triviality through the Tarot Club… Besides, I must gather my own resources to exchange them with Mr. Fool and Mr. Hanged Man… Not everything can be solved with money… Sigh, now that I've sent out the thousand pounds, I'll have to be more frugal…Glaint was very satisfied with Audrey's response. He looked towards the racecourse and said, "Tomorrow afternoon, there will be a literature and music salon at my place."…Inside Deweyville Library.Klein took out his identity card and badge from his pocket and showed them to the few librarians."I am a probationary inspector from the Special Operations Department of the Awwa County Police. I need your cooperation in an investigation," he said in a deep voice, recalling the police films that he used to watch.The librarians looked at the identity card and badge before exchanging looks and nodding at each other."Go ahead and ask, Officer."Klein recited the names of the journals like New Archeology and upon finishing, he said, "I want the borrowing records of the journal for the last two months."He realized that one of the librarians had attended to him before, but it was obvious that the man didn't recognize him."Alright. Hold on a second." The librarians started searching and quickly found the recent borrowing records.Klein flipped through the records seriously, looking for the man who had borrowed the same journal as he did.There weren't many names since there was only one. He had borrowed the journal several times, including the issue that Klein knew of. The earliest entry was at the end of May, and the most recent one was last Saturday, a day before Hanass Vincent's death.Klein ran his finger over the borrower's information and memorized it.Sirius Arapis, cloth merchant, residing at 19 Howes Street…

Lord of the Mysteries



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Chapter 103. Doing As the Heart Willed | Lord of the Mysteries

He resides at 19 Howes Street?Whilst memorizing the information, Klein keenly noticed a piece of information.Yes, Welch stayed on Howes Street. The Divination Club is on Howes Street. This cloth merchant named Sirius Arapis also lives on Howes Street… From the looks of it, it's nothing strange for Welch to know Hanass Vincent either. They might have even gotten to know each through Sirius Arapis…Suddenly, Klein felt that he had linked the clues together as his thoughts turned clear.He was originally confused as to how Welch would be acquainted with Hanass Vincent since this son of a banker wasn't particularly interested in mysticism. To him, money was more important than divinations. But now, Klein felt that he had an inkling as to how they became acquainted.According to the descriptions of several magazines, middle-class and wealthy residents would gladly pay a visit to their neighbors from the same social class in order to form a social circle which is beneficial to them. Similarly, Welch and the cloth merchant, Sirius, absolutely have the motivation and opportunity to become friends since they both lived in the Howes Street vicinity…It isn't hard to understand how Sirius knew Hanass Vincent, who regularly went to the Divination Club on Howes Street. Perhaps it was a coincidental meeting, or perhaps Hanass had helped him out before. Regardless, this made it possible for the two of them, who frequently ran into each other within the same area, to become closer to one another….Hanass Vincent wanted to sell his ancient books, and thus, Sirius introduced him to Welch, who was an undergraduate of the History department…In Hanass' dream, there was the figure of the suspected evil god, the "True Creator." He also knew of the proper incantation format. This proves that he was very deep into the realm of mysticism. The possibility that he might have even been a member of some secret organization cannot be dismissed.I cannot rule out the possibility of him joining some secret organization under Sirius's influence.…With ideas coming to him so easily, Klein could tell that the information the man had left behind had a certain level of credibility without even using divination methods.Even if he isn't called Sirius Arapis, nor work as a cloth merchant, and doesn't live at 19 Howes Street, he definitely resides at Howes Street or, at the very least, somewhere nearby!While these ideas ran through his mind, Klein viewed the borrowing records once again with this new train of thought.The last time he came to Deweyville Library was last Saturday, a day before Selena's birthday party, which was also a day before Hanass Vincent died. Several days have already passed since then, but he hasn't returned the issues that he borrowed.According to past records, if he only borrowed two issues, he would usually return them the next day.Could this mean that he knows of Hanass' death and was scared to the point that he no longer dares to come to the Deweyville Library again?Yes, he started by borrowing several unrelated history books and journals until he narrowed down what he needed, which is very similar to what I had read…This means that there was no one teaching him. There was no Senior Associate Professor from the history department of a university. He did this completely through trial and error.What would a shocked target do? Two choices. One, if he had all the necessary information, he would head straight to the main peak of the Hornacis mountain range. Two, if he still lacks information, he would lay low and observe the situation. He would only show himself again if he's certain that Hanass' death wouldn't implicate him.Having made this conclusion, Klein closed the borrowing records and returned them to the librarians. He then took out the portrait and asked if anyone had seen the man. Unfortunately, many people came to borrow books every day, and the librarians didn't have any impression of the average person."Alright, thank you for your time." Klein put away his identification documents and his badge.He had no intention of continuing the investigation alone. This wasn't only dangerous, but also troublesome. He planned to head to Zouteland Street once again and hand the case over to Captain and his teammates. He then planned to go home and prepare his Tomato Oxtail Soup for his siblings before heading to the world above the gray fog to divine the target's whereabouts and condition."Officer, is there anything else?" a librarian asked sincerely as he heaved a sigh of relief.Klein nodded slightly and asked, "No, I will come back if there are new clues."He held his black cane with his left hand and made his way to the door.At this moment, he saw a man enter the library with his head hung low. He was dressed in a double-breasted coat, its collars standing tall.When they walked past each other, Klein caught a glance of his thick, messy brows, and his pair of grayish-blue eyes!These were things the tall collar couldn't hide!Sirius? Sirius Arapis? A coincidence? Klein froze. He didn't expect to meet his target here!What kind of luck was this!Wasn't this too much of a coincidence?He evaluated his physical condition and felt his aching sore muscles. Thus, he acted as though nothing had happened and continued walking towards the door.Well, we have to follow what our heart tells us! Safety matters!It doesn't matter if I missed this opportunity as long as Sirius is still in Tingen!At this moment, the man in the double-breasted coat arrived before the counter and was handing the journals to one of the librarians."It's a return," he said with a soft, muffled tone.The librarian received the journals causally and when he saw it, he suddenly froze.He subconsciously looked up and differently as his body couldn't help but tremble."Is there a problem?" the man asked in a deep voice.His question seemed like a spark that ignited a fuse, causing the librarian to instantly lose his self-control. He sprinted to the side and shouted,"Officer!""The criminal is here!"At this moment, Klein, who hadn't left the building, cursed madly in his heart.He instinctively reached for his holster with his right hand and drew his revolver.That man froze for a moment before turning and breaking into a sprint.But he didn't head for the door. Instead, he escaped in the direction of the oriel window to the side, as if he wanted to smash through the glass and jump out onto the street.Klein, who was flustered, turned his head to see the scene when he felt a sudden calm.He realized that even though he was afraid of the target, his target was more afraid of him!The man must be unable to determine my abilities in such an abrupt meeting. He isn't clear on what I am adept in, and so, he will instinctively avoid a direct confrontation and look for other ways to escape! Confident of his analysis, Klein lifted his revolver and pulled the trigger.At that moment, the man in the double-breasted coat abruptly rolled onto the ground in an attempt to avoid the bullet.Following up on that, he pressed down on the ground with his right hand and propelled himself into the air towards the oriel window.Click! Klein's first shot was empty.But this was something he had expected. He took advantage of Sirius's inability to dodge while in midair to aim at his torso and pulled the trigger.Bang!The silver demon hunting bullets tore through the air and penetrated straight through Sirius's back.Crash! The glass shattered and Sirius flew out the window, leaving drops of crimson blood on the crystalline glass fragments and windowsill.Klein was no longer afraid now that the target was injured. He ran over and jumped out the window with the help of a chair.This was the area lining the back of Deweyville Library's ground floor. A row of trees isolated a lush green field.The injured Sirius was running to the side, in an attempt to enter a small alley between two buildings. Having not practiced shooting at moving targets, Klein didn't dare to fire blindly. He could only carry his cane in one hand and his gun in the other as he pursued the man in a black coat.Tap! Tap! Tap!He followed the trail of blood on the floor and tried to close the distance.With a corner coming up, the injured Sirius's speed became slower and slower. Klein, who had been waiting for an opportunity to capture him, suddenly felt a little afraid. He felt as though the man in front of him wasn't human, but a wolf or a tiger, one that harbored terrifying dangers.This was an instinct he had as a Seer, and also a warning given to him by his spirituality!Klein immediately slowed down, his eyes scanning the blood on the ground.Compared to the blood he had seen earlier, Sirius's blood was now black!At this moment, a violent wind overwhelmed him. Sirius's face was reflected in Klein's eyes.Thick, messy brows. Grayish blue eyes. Multiple protruding warts. An open mouth with two rows of white teeth.Sirius was launching a counterattack at this moment!This made the face reflected in Klein's eyes more visible. He could even smell a particularly putrid stench!Sirius pounced a distance of seven or eight meters, far more than any normal human being could jump. But as Klein had stopped chasing him just in time, there was still a distance of nearly ten meters between them.When the distance was shortened to two meters, the sticky saliva caused by drool and the disgusting dense warts formed a harrowing scene that made Klein's nerves tense up.Without thinking, he seized the opportunity of the temporary immobility caused by Sirius's pounce to raise his right hand. He fired without stopping, allowing the bullets to rain down on the target's head.Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!Shooting from such a close distance allowed the silver demon hunting bullets to drill through Sirius's head. Blood splattered everywhere as his face became more and more mangled, until he staggered backwards.Klein had emptied the bullets in his revolver in an instant. He subconsciously wanted to take a few steps back in order to confirm the results of this battle.But at this moment, Sirius gave Klein the shock of his life by trying his hardest to stand up straight. Klein abruptly lifted the cane in his left hand.Smack! The sturdy silver-inlaid black cane struck Sirius's neck, leaving a dark red mark.Smack! Smack! Smack!Klein acted on instinct, raining blows on his opponent until Sirius collapsed stumbling onto the ground.Huff! Puff! Huff! Klein supported himself with his cane and took deep breaths. His eyes were trained intently on his target, afraid that Sirius would suddenly jump back to life.At that moment, Sirius' head had basically been smashed into a pulp, and the warts gradually receded. His body stopped moving after a few convulsions.Klein was in no hurry to examine the corpse. Instead, he tossed his cane to the side and took out the demon hunting bullets he had on him and reloaded his revolver.After doing this, he collected himself and fought back his disgust, kneeling down to search the pockets of Sirius's double-breasted coat.

Lord of the Mysteries



next chapter of Lord of the Mysteries

Chapter 104. Mr. Z | Lord of the Mysteries

One pocket, two pockets, three pockets… Klein soon found a bloodstained wallet, a Deweyville Library card, two pairs of brass keys, an unstuffed smoking pipe, a sheathed dagger, and a few letters that were folded neatly.Laying everything onto the ground except for the letters, he stood up straight and looked at the wallet. He confirmed that there were only ten plus soli and some copper pennies.The craftsmanship of the wallet is quite exquisite. It's such a pity… Klein sighed, feeling a little distracted.If I didn't spend so much of my private stash of money, buying a wallet would've been on my schedule today.After shaking his head, Klein opened the letters and quickly scanned through them."Dear Mr. Z,""Please allow me to defend myself. When Hanass and I sold off the Antigonus family's notebook, it wasn't stupidity or betrayal. It didn't appear special in any way when it was in our hands.""I suspect that it's alive and that it's a wicked item armed with a certain life and wisdom. It was something dangerous that needed to be sealed.""At different stages and before different people, it shows different contents!""This is a proven fact that I've learnt from the lamb in the police station.""Although the notebook shows content that is sufficiently true each time with plenty of evidence, I believe that it would only reveal the completed content in the hands of a descendant of the Antigonus family.""When Hanass and I received it, we could only see some trivial matters of the Antigonus family, the general situation of the Nation of the Evernight on the main peak of the Hornacis mountain range, and also the three Sequence potion formulas we handed in to you previously.""As you know, the Secret Order has the Seer pathway in its grasp and possesses powerful tracking abilities, so Hanass and I believed that it would be a risky move to continue keeping the notebook. The value it had presented to us wasn't sufficient for us to take the risk.""Since we couldn't wait for your reply, we agreed amongst ourselves to sell the notebook to Welch, who was living on the same street . He enjoyed collecting relics and ancient books, and he could afford to pay a high price for it. As for the subsequent developments, you are already aware of it.""This is the first thing that I'd like to explain. As I am writing these words, Hanass is dead. He died due to a heart attack during his sleep. That must be a blessing from God, to prevent him from suffering the outcome of falling into the hands of heretics.""I had no choice but to move to somewhere safer, more hidden. I didn't even dare to leave the house. Luckily, the lamb told me that the reason Hanass was being eyed by the heretics wasn't because of the Antigonus family's notebook, nor was his identity exposed. It was just that he had taken in a silly female disciple in the hopes of slowly developing her into one of us.""His female disciple had stolen a glance at his secret incantation and tried the magic divination while a Nighthawk heretic was watching. I believe you can pretty much guess the rest of the story, so there is no need for me to describe it.""It's a pity that the position of the lamb isn't high enough, so the actual details cannot be determined.""From various feedback, it seems the heretics have yet to suspect me. Their investigations came to a halt due to Hanass' sudden death.""Therefore, I will return to the streets and plan to borrow a few more journal issues from the Deweyville Library to seek out more clues.""As a faction that also had the Seer pathway in its grasp, the Antigonus family must have had some divinations regarding its decimation. They must have left behind secret treasures that would allow for the revival of the family!""There's sufficient reason to believe that the treasure is hidden on the main peak of the Hornacis mountain range, which is in one of the relics in the Nation of the Evernight!"Having read that, Klein's pupils constricted rapidly. He nearly dropped the letter.The pathway that the Antigonus family had in its grasp was the Seer pathway?What a coincidence!…Thunder seemed to boom in Klein's head again and again that left him in a daze. He felt as though it was destiny.The notebook that led to the original Klein's death and indirectly helped me transmigrate, originated from the Antigonus family that has the Seer pathway in its grasp. The one that eventually made me choose the Seer potion was the Emperor Roselle's diary, while Emperor Roselle was biased towards the Seer Sequence because of the mysterious Mr. Zaratul who was the leader of the Secret Order, which also has the Seer pathway in its grasp!… This is like a suffocating net sewn by Fate.What exactly is lurking behind all of this?Klein held the letter and paced back and forth. He needed to verify the contents with other sources.Yes, the Secret Order that the Zaratul family controls is pursuing and searching for the belongings left behind by the Antigonus family. If both parties shared the same Beyonder Sequence, there would be a sufficient reason and motive. Perhaps, it is to bridge any missing Sequences, obtain rare ingredients for a higher Sequence advancement, or covet the other party's accumulated experiences in avoiding the loss of control…Going by this line of thought, it is rather reasonable that the Antigonus family has at least part of the Seer Sequence chain.Yes, when I was divining for clues pertaining to the Clown potion, the images that emerged were mostly related to the Antigonus family. The only exception was the suited clown from the Secret Order… Therefore, the true meaning behind the symbolism is that each scene carries the possibility of obtaining the Clown potion and a clue. However, I didn't understand the crux of the issue and regrettably missed it.With the two corroborating evidence, Klein nearly believed the matters that Sirius had brought up in the letter. He also understood why he constantly heard the word 'Hornacis' in the murmurs he shouldn't be hearing.The earliest occurrence of this happening was when I first consumed the Seer potion!He wore a serious expression as he thought to himself.Meanwhile, he guessed that 'being a survivor of those that made contact with a relic of the Antigonus family' and 'becoming a Beyonder of the Seer pathway' were two necessary conditions to hear the murmurs saying 'Hornacis.'Is there really a secret treasure buried within the ancient ruins on the main peak of the Hornacis mountain range by the Antigonus family? No, I can't think about this! Just the notebook alone has killed so many people. Any complete treasure would be even more terrifying! Klein shook his head subconsciously and cast his gaze onto the third piece of paper, which was the last of the letters."Honorable Mr. Z, I hope I can gain your assistance. I believe that you should be sufficiently interested in the treasure too.""Until then, I will make myself look like a normal person, a normal lover of history.""When the end of days arrives, I will offer all of Tingen's lambs as a sacrifice to God.""Humbly, Sirius Arapis."When he finished reading Sirius's letter, Klein had the urge to laugh.Heh, why do I feel like I saved Tingen? What was this guy trying to do? Heretics are truly unbelievable…Who is this Mr. Z? He seems like someone in a high position… At the very least, he should be at the same sequence as Captain.Where was Sirius sending the letter to? He didn't write down the address… It seems like that's the cautiousness of a heretic. They wouldn't put the address on until the moment before they sent it out…Right, if the Antigonus family had the potion of the Seer pathway in its grasp, then would the Clown potion be among the three formulas inside the Antigonus family's notebook that Sirius sent?"Highly likely!In that instant, Klein seemed to have found clues to the Clown potion.Although Sirius didn't bring the formula along with him, it was possible that he had left some form of record at his hideout. He must have also had it in his head, in his memories!Klein looked at the corpse before him and considered the problem of making a dead person speak.It required almost zero consideration, as an idea immediately popped into his head."Mediumship!"Spirit Mediums could directly communicate with spirits that had yet to disperse. Seers, Mystery Pryers, and others could roughly accomplish the same thing using ritualistic magic.Previously, when he was dealing with the corpse of the suited clown, there were three things that had kept Klein from using mediumship. Firstly, he was in a hurry to save the rest. Secondly, he didn't have the ingredients with him, and lastly, he lacked confidence. Thus, he didn't consider the option of mediumship and missed his best chance. When they returned to Blackthorn Security Company, the spirit was mostly gone. Even a Spirit Medium could only get superficial information.But now, Klein happened to have all the ingredients and tools, and he happened to have the experience of communicating with lingering resentment through the help of dream divination.My only concern about contacting the spirit of a heretic would be being placed in the same situation as Captain's entry into Hanass' dream where he saw a horrifying existence… However, Captain only remained frail for two days, and he wasn't considered severely injured. Yes, I could give it a try! He hesitated for less than twenty seconds before making a decision. He didn't want to miss out on this opportunity.He raised his head, turned around, and cast his gaze toward the spot where the window had shattered. There was a crowd gathered there watching.He took out his identification card and badge before returning to the broken window. He then told the onlookers through the shattered oriel window,"I am a probationary inspector from the Special Operations Department of the Awwa County Police. I have shot the criminal to death. Please take this badge to the nearest police station and tell them to send backup to deal with the follow-up.""The rest are to help me cordon off this area. Do not allow anyone to come close for they might contaminate the scene.""Yes, Officer!" The librarian that caused Klein the trouble quickly took the badge.When the entire scene was cordoned off and no one could enter the grass patch, Klein returned to the corner and stood by the side of the corpse.He was glad that the innocent crowd couldn't see the dead body, which looked more like a monster than a human. He put down his cane and revolver, then reached into the inner pocket of his windbreaker to take out a metal bottle.He was going to use the techniques of a mediumship ritual with dream divination to make the dead man speak!

Lord of the Mysteries



next chapter of Lord of the Mysteries

Chapter 105. Spirit Channeling | Lord of the Mysteries

Klein twisted open the golden bottle's cap and brought it to his nose. He took a whiff of the stimulating scent that energized him.This was Holy Night Powder made using Slumber flowers, Dragon Blood grass, deep red sandalwood, mint, and other herbs. Since it was simple to concoct, Klein had made a batch the moment he got the ingredients from the underground market. It was going to be of use now.He poured a little of the Holy Night Powder on his palm and collected himself. His irises turned dark.Next, Klein put away the metal bottle and scattered the powder onto the ground after infusing his spirituality into it.He scattered the powder as he walked, forming a circle around Sirius's corpse.A formless barrier rose, separating them from the outside world.Klein flicked away the remaining Holy Night Powder on his hand and took out the other metal bottles. He sprinkled the Amantha pure dew and other liquids in the surrounding area.The ritual he set up was different from the one Old Neil used at Ray Bieber's house since the aim of the ritual was different.For example, Old Neil poured the liquids before using the Holy Night Powder. That could create a serene and holy state second only to an actual altar. Klein had used the Holy Night Powder first before pouring the liquids to prevent Sirius's remnant spirituality from being disturbed by the surrounding objects while still barely managing to have an environment that satisfied the requirements of the ritual.If he had used Old Neil's method, the rest of Sirius's spirituality would've been purged, making it impossible to establish a connection.After finishing his preparations, Klein put away the materials and entered a state of Cogitation. He recited the Hermes incantations softly, "I pray for the power of the dark night."I pray for the power of the mystery."I pray for the Goddess' loving grace."I pray that you'll allow me to communicate with the heretic's spirituality inside this altar."…As the incantations reverberated throughout the sealed space, Klein suddenly felt a massive, terrifying, and mysterious energy descend upon him.His eyes turned completely black as though he had lost his pupils and the whites of his eyes.Seizing the opportunity, Klein recited a divination statement in his heart, "The formula to the Clown potion."The formula to the Clown potion."…As he was reciting the statement, he used Cogitation to temporarily enter a dreamlike state.It was a hazy gray world without a sky or ground. Klein was unusually alert as he observed a transparent, ethereal figure.He extended his right hand and touched the remnants of Sirius's spirit.The scene in front of him changed with a rumble.It was a study table painted with dark red paint. There were three candles on a silver candle stand, as well as a blank piece of paper.Sirius had a pen in his hand. He wrote in Loen language, "This is the second formula, its name in the notebook is 'Clown.'""80 milliliters of pure water, 5 drops of tornapple juice, 7 grams of black-rimmed sunflower powder, 10 grams of golden cloak grass powder, 3 drops of poison hemlock. These are the supplementary ingredients.""The main supernatural ingredients are: one crystal of the single horn of a matured Hornacis gray mountain goat and a complete stalk of a human-faced rose."Sirius seemed to have the Clown potion's formula memorized as he quickly finished writing it.He paused for a moment and took a sip of coffee, then he unwound the silver pendulum around his wrist.He held the pendulum and closed his eyes, muttering terms to himself such as "the end of days", "peace of mind", "hope for the Lord's blessings", and "confess".After Sirius finished his prayer, Klein finally saw the pendulum clearly.Under the wound silver chain was a thumb-sized human figurine.The figurine had a single eye, a trait unique to giants. It was facing down, its legs bound by chains that connected upwards.At that moment, the single eye of the giant suddenly had a faint red glow.Crack!The scene Klein witnessed shattered as his legs buckled, almost causing him to kneel to the ground.Klein felt pain in his head as though he had been struck ruthlessly in the head with a bat. His vision turned blood-red as his hands involuntarily reached out to protect his knees.He recovered several seconds later and stood back up. He felt that his spirituality was unusually weak, as if he had heard the murmurings that penetrated his mind once again.But due to his progress in 'digesting' the magic medicine, the adverse reaction calmed down quickly.The Hanged Giant, the True Creator… Sirius and Hanass were both members of the Aurora Order? But the Captain saw a huge cross in Hanass' dream. The terrifying being crucified on the cross wasn't the Aurora Order's Hanged Giant… Klein took two deep breaths and waited for his spirituality to slowly recover.The Aurora Order was a secret organization that sprang into existence about two to three hundred years ago. They worshiped the True Creator and symbolized him with The Hanged Giant. They believed that every human being had divine qualities, and as long as they persevered and made it through the countless trials, they would be able to accumulate enough divine qualities to become angels.According to the internal records of the Nighthawks, the Sequence 9 of the Aurora Order was Secrets Suppliant. These Beyonders could sense the existence of mysterious and horrifying beings and were armed with a decent amount of knowledge regarding sacrifices and some knowledge on ritualistic magic. There was enough evidence to claim that senior Secrets Suppliants experienced distortions of their worldview and lost control easily.Little was known about the Sequence 7 which the Aurora Order had grasped. Sequence 8 was Listener. This was considered quite a terrifying 'job' for a Beyonder.Every Listener could listen directly to the whispers of the secret entities; thus, they frequently came into contact with powerful, distorted, unique abilities. But consequently, if they were unable to advance, it was difficult for them to survive the next five years after becoming a Listener. Furthermore, the comments the Nighthawks had in the reports were that every Listener was a lunatic. Even if they looked normal on the surface, they were always crazy on the inside.The details of the report regarding the Aurora Order flashed through Klein's mind. His initial theory was that Sirius was a Secrets Suppliant.From the description, Secrets Suppliant are as hopeless as Seers in battle. That does fit Sirius's actions just now. What happened later was a loss of control brought about by the injury? Yes, Frye once said that every Beyonder would more or less undergo some weird changes after they die… Klein thought as he tapped four points on his chest to praise the Goddess.After his spirituality recovered slightly, he concluded the ritual with the appropriate procedure and dismantled the wall of spirituality.With a whoosh, a gust of wind blew as Klein forced himself to look at Sirius's corpse.He noticed that there was still an obvious wart on Sirius's mangled face. It was a dark purple wart, almost black. There seemed to be liquid and a light gleaming within."What kind of transformation was that?" Klein rubbed his temples, not daring to touch it.He bent over and retrieved his cane, allowing it to bear his weight.After what had just happened, he knew that Sirius's spirituality had been completely destroyed. Even the Spirit Medium Daly would be unable to communicate with him.After a while, Klein saw Captain Dunn and his partners, Leonard and Kenley."It seems like your fate is tied to Beyonders and evil forces. In just a few weeks, you have come across more supernatural incidents than what we usually see in months," Leonard joked, looking at the corpse on the ground."It might not be a coincidence," Klein added, as he suddenly thought about the red chimney he had seen in his dream divination, as well as the majestic palace on the main peak of the Hornacis mountain range and the formless focus on him. He took the opportunity to mention it in passing.Dunn surveyed the surroundings and, with his gray eyes trained on Klein, asked, "You tried channeling his spirit?"There were still traces of Holy Night Powder and the scent of the essential oils."Yes," Klein replied truthfully. "I was worried that you would arrive late and that the remains of his spirituality would scatter.""You don't look well. Are you alright?" the short Kenley asked in concern.Klein passed Sirius's undelivered letter to the captain and began from the beginning."When I went to the underground market to purchase materials for the rituals, I suddenly remembered that Selena had also once gone to the Evil Dragon Bar and that it was Hanass Vincent that brought her there. This meant that Hanass was a regular there. Thus, I suspected that the person in the portrait, someone who's definitely connected to Hanass, might have gone to the underground market too."I asked the boss Swain about the portrait, and he gave me confirmation. He told me that the man had once tried to buy documents and items related to the Hornacis Mountains. That reminded me of the library. I recalled that the librarian had mentioned that someone had just returned the journal issue I wanted to borrow…"Leonard stood to the side, listening with a smile. He suddenly interrupted, "And so you brought your identification documents and badge here to flip through the borrowing records? Actually, I am very curious; why would you come into conflict with this man here? Even if it was a direct encounter, with your style of doing things, you would've pretended that you didn't know him and would just leave the library. Then you would come to Zouteland Street to ask for our help.""Yes, there was no need for you to take the risk. As long as you confirm the target and that he hasn't left Tingen, there would always be a way to find him," Dunn added as he reviewed the letter.Klein immediately said in embarrassment, "The librarian recognized him and shouted for the police to help."There's no way I could have pretended not to hear that…"Leonard and Kenley looked at each other. One tried to cover his amusement, while the other turned his head to the side.Dunn nodded, his gaze leaving the letters."Did you get anything from channeling his spirit?""I saw a pendulum that took the shape of a Hanged Giant. I saw a blood-red glow flash in the giant's only eye before I was forced out of the ritual," Klein described honestly.He didn't want to talk about the Clown potion for the time being as he had two considerations.First, if Dunn and the rest were able to find Sirius's hideout and the corresponding records, then it would make no difference if he told them or not, as there would be no additional contributions attributed to him.Second, if Dunn and the rest were unable to find it, he could report it in the future. This way, he would be awarded with another contribution, allowing him to acquire the ingredients needed to concoct a potion. This was a way to obtain double the rewards for a single task, a technique that stemmed from Old Neil's recent teachings."Aurora Order?" Dunn muttered to himself before he asked some relevant questions.After Klein answered all his questions, he saw the fatigue in Klein's eyes and waved his cane."Not bad. You foiled a scheme that was targeting Tingen. You can go back and rest. Kenley, bring Old Neil over."After giving out instructions, Dunn smiled bitterly and shook his head."Before Sequence 6, Beyonders of the Sleepless pathway lack many supplemental abilities. We can only conduct the simplest of ritualistic magic.""Captain, you mean that from Sequence 6 onwards, a Sleepless pathway Beyonder would gain improvements in the corresponding aspects?" Klein asked out of curiosity."Yes," Dunn confirmed.…After leaving the Daffodil Street Library, Klein nearly fell asleep in the carriage on multiple occasions on his way back to Daffodil Street.He lumbered into the house, he then removed his hat and jacket before falling asleep on the sofa.Sometime later, he woke up abruptly, took out his pocket watch, and snapped it open."Melissa will be back in half an hour, Benson in forty-five minutes… If I don't get up, I'll have to make them wait an hour before we can have dinner…" Klein rubbed his forehead as he entered the kitchen.He washed his face with cold water, then took out the oxtail, tomatoes, carrots, and onions he had bought that afternoon.After he prepared the ingredients, he suddenly froze. He had the feeling that his actions just now formed a strange juxtaposition with the incident that afternoon."I am a man who just saved Tingen…" Klein mumbled in amusement. He put on a white apron and got to making dinner.

Lord of the Mysteries