
Vans Hyland Novels & Books - WebNovel


  • Beauty and the Immortal: It started with a dig

    [Mature Content] Some things are best left undisturbed for a reason. Especially ones that are buried in the ground.  Thirteen years after the incident at Winchester Manor, Mallory Winchester resides with her uncle and his family. She is to wed a baron. However, Mallory faces betrayal. Desperate, she sets out looking for the buried artefact that she once believed was a joke told by her grandmother.  But what do you do if you don't find the object, but a person instead? And not just any person, but an immortal being who was never meant to see daylight ever again.  Mallory is convinced that whoever created Hadeon Van Doren must have mixed in generous doses of evil, sadistic nature, and dangerously handsome looks. Now, besides her initial problem, she must find a manual to tame this person who is looking at her as if she is his next meal, as well as tame her. 

    ash_knight17 · Fantasy
  • Reincarnated With The Van Helsing System

    Many people wish to be transported to another world, beautiful women, supernatural powers, adventures and the list continues. But what happens when you are born in a place where almost everyone see you as a tool, which turned out to be useless for their purposses. Falling into the depths of despair after losing what he cared for the most, the unmistakable sound of a notification changed his destiny and the one of all the planes of existence, but was it for the good... or not? "The host's current body is too shitty for the system, physical reformation in progress", "physical reformation complete, as a one time reward for surviving the host might ask the system for a wish". Follow Daimon on his journey through a world where the existences called "Gods" are only higher ranked mages. ------------------------------------ Achievement rewards: 300 power stones= 1 extra chapters (The reward chapters will be posted on the week, on a random day) ----------------------------------- If You like monsters folklore and cute girls then be my guest ----------------------------------- The cover is not mine, so all the credit for the right owner ----------------------------------- The story will have a lot of dark elements so if you don't have stomach for that then I suggest you to leave, oh also i'm quite a pervert myself so be prepared for that (NO NTR). ---------------------------------- Finally, enjoy the story and if you like it please do support me with your golden tickets, power stones and reviews they will help me a lot.

    Barion_Trident · Fantasy
  • The rise of the pervert primordial

    What do humans want most, money, fame, power? Born an orphan, Aster saw all the other children be adopted and get into caring family, as for him, he grew in the orphanage, studied and found a job, a simple yet fulfilling life as he decided to help raise funds for the home in which he grew. Unfortunately fate seemed to play him a bad taste joke, a crazy robber, a gunshot and a bomb, why did I have to step in, when I have never cared about other people business, he wondered as his life faded away. The next thing he knew was that he was being held in the arms of the most beutiful woman he has ever seen, did he died and went to heaven, did he finally gained what he desired so much, or is he being a victim to some kind of scheme. The asnwer came to him as he was gazed by the tender eyes of that woman, the warmth of a family he longed for, during 18 years of his life, he finally got to experience it, so what could go wrong. If you were given a second chance, will you follow your desires even if they were against common sense? Follow Aster on his travel trough the multiple planets and realms as he gains the title "The Perverted Primordial" ------------------------------------ Achievement rewards: 800 power stones= 1 extra chapters (The reward chapters will be posted on the week, on a random day) ----------------------------------------------- Copyright the cover image is not mine if you are the author contact me and I will take it down. ----------------------------------------------- English is not my main language so there might be some grammar mistakes. ----------------------------------------------- Finnaly if you don't like harem and R-18 chapters this novel is not for you. (No NTR btw). ----------------------------------------------- If you like my novels please do support me by voting with your power stones, and reviewing them, also please give it a try to my other novel "Reincarnated With The Van Helsing System". ----------------------------------------------- For all those who are still reading this lets start our long journey.

    Barion_Trident · Fantasy
  • My Loyal Husband After Our Divorce

    Author's Synopsis: A piece of divorce paper sent Xia Xinghe into a state of destitution. However, a car accident later, she transformed into a professional hacker with more money than she could ever spend. All those that have belittled, bullied and laughed at me, please line up, I'll show you what the meaning of face-slapping is! Wait, wait, wait. That guy over there, the ex-husband that I no longer have any relations with, don't cut in line. What, you want to help me face-slap these people? “Not only that I will help you face-slap myself!” The wickedly handsome man with billions dollar in estate raised his own palm to slap his own face without reservation! Ps. This is a girl-power, no cheating, no misunderstanding, no harem, 1v1 romance story. Also, please expect the unexpected in terms of the plotlines, and not hold it to the standard romance plot structure. Translator's Synopsis: A van exited an orphanage under the cover of the night but wait, what is it carrying..? Dead bodies! Dead bodies of children and toddlers! No one knew for certain where it was going and what happened to the children but one thing's for sure, it had to do with the mysterious disappearance of highly intelligent children all around the world. A recurring nightmare triggered Xia Xinghe's desire to unveil the mystery behind her mother's disappearance, a mystery that led to the discovery of a larger conspiracy. Follow along as she made new allies and enemies as she delved deeper into the twisting conspiracy, all the while fielding her ex-husband's relentless romantic advances. The quarrelsome yet loving couple supported each other as they crossed the boundaries of class, nations, space, life and even dimension itself, each pursuing their own goal. For the wife it is to discover the identity of her origin and for the husband, to make his ex-wife fall in love with him.

    Enchanting Smile · Urban
  • Elegido por el Destino, Rechazado por el Alfa

    Trinidad, de dieciocho años, es diferente a cualquier otro hombre lobo en su manada. Para empezar, hubo circunstancias inusuales en torno a su nacimiento, y además, ella es el único miembro de la manada que nunca ha adoptado una forma de lobo. Así que ahora no encaja en ningún lado. No es completamente humana ni loba. Pensó que podría vivir su vida como quisiera cuando cumpliese dieciocho años. Ir a la universidad, hacer amigos, divertirse. Pero, ¿qué debe hacer cuando el peligrosamente sexy Alfa cae literalmente en su regazo? —No soy humana ni loba. No pertenezco a ningún lugar... —...ambos sabemos que nadie se emparejará conmigo, y aunque lo hicieran, me rechazarían de todos modos. —¿Qué hará el sexy y hosco Alfa? Los mayores lo obligan a realizar ridículas fiestas para buscar una pareja. No quiere una compañera, pero sabe que necesita una para completar el Círculo Alfa. Sin una compañera, una Luna para la manada, su gente sufriría. ¿Y qué va a hacer cuando se encuentre con la chica con la que el destino tiene ex esposa del Presidente Embarazada, Ex Esposa para él y descubra que no tiene lobo? —¡Esto no puede ser! —rugí—. No hay forma de que pueda emparejarme con una chica que ni siquiera tiene un lobo. Será demasiado débil. Será inferior. No será lo suficientemente fuerte para ser una Luna. —Simplemente no podía aceptarla como mi compañera. No completamente. No era seguro para ella. Se pondría en peligro. Y arrastraría a mi manada con ella. —Cuando estos dos se encuentren, seguro que saltarán chispas. ¿Pero serán de pasión, o de sus constantes luchas? Ninguno quería una pareja. Ninguno quiere la compañera que el destino eligió para ellos. Y ninguno puede hacer desaparecer ese vínculo de pareja. ¿Qué van a hacer ahora que están literalmente atrapados el uno con el otro?

    Deni_Chance · Fantasy
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  • Divorcié a mi despreciable esposo, me casé con su malvado hermano

    Chloe Carlson, 35, era una mujer casada que vivía con su esposo infiel — Vicente Gray y su hija — Mackenzie. Su matrimonio fallido la llevó a solicitar el divorcio después de 10 años, pero su esposo se negó a firmarlo. —¡Sé lo que quieres, Chloe, quieres mi dinero después de que nos divorciemos! Quieres quitarme todo y no permitiré que eso ocurra— acusó Vicente. —¡No necesito tu dinero, Vicente! ¡Solo quiero llevarme a Mackenzie conmigo e irme!—. Finalmente, dejó a su miserable esposo sin llevarse ni un centavo de él. Iba a trazar su propio camino en la vida y darle a su hija lo mejor del mundo. Sin embargo, las cosas no van tan bien con una madre soltera como Chloe. Era difícil encontrar trabajo porque había sido ama de casa sin calificaciones durante mucho tiempo. Así que, en su desesperación por cuidar de su hija, solo tenía una salida. Contactó a su cuñado — Vernon Phoenix Gray, 25, un joven despiadado mujeriego que resulta ser el CEO de una empresa en auge, pidiéndole un empleo en estos tiempos difíciles. —¿Un empleo? Eso no es un problema. Puedes trabajar como mi asistente personal y ocuparte de todas mis necesidades diarias—, dijo Vernon con una sonrisa burlona y se acercó. —Especialmente en la cama—, susurró en su oído. ¿Caería Chloe en manos de su malvado cuñado y se convertiría en esclava de sus caprichos? ¿O volvería con su abusivo y despreciable esposo por el futuro de su hija?

    ForeverPupa · Urban
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    After losing his life saving a girl from a robber, the man is given a chance of reincarnation by a god. However, he feels cheated when he lives a second life with a body that does not match his expectations. With a new name of Edvans or Vans, as he was called, he acquired magic powers and a pair of swords from the god. However, conflicts with the god who used him forced Vans into politics and interracial struggles in the Kingdom of Fostia. On his epic journey, Vans uncovers the mystery of his destiny while facing awe-inspiring challenges and obstacles. With courage and determination, he finds his place in this complicated world and seeks to fulfill his true purpose. Watch as Vans uncovers the truth and discovers his destiny in a fantasy world filled with challenges and wonders.

    BugatiCatForm · Fantasy
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  • Loving the Forbidden Prince

    [COMPLETE] Can a royal Romeo and Juliet find their happy ending? Ayleth, Princess of Zenithra, is secretly trained in hand-to-hand combat, and collects swear words she doesn't know how to use. During the Festival of Peace, in which every royal son on the continent will be at the castle for a month, she is instructed by her parents to find a husband. Yet, Ayleth has never even been kissed—until the very first ball, when she meets the man in the Lion mask. Etan is a seasoned warrior, and the Prince of Summitras. He attends the Festival hoping to find a powerful wife who will help him conquer the dark sorcery of their bloodsworn enemies, the Kingdom of Zenithra. But at the very first ball, he discovers the masked woman who captures his heart is the Heir to the evil empire. Ayleth and Etan face an impossible battle. Will their love survive? Or will their parents' dark dealings keep them apart forever? [Mature content. No sexual violence.] ****** “You…” She stepped back. Then back again, her mouth dropped open. “You… You cannot be…” “I am,” Etan said, and his hair raked back as he pushed his mask off his handsome face. So handsome her heart raced. His hair was ebony black, his skin a warm brown that threatened to fade in in the winter months. He stared at her with glittering green eyes, over high cheekbones and a noble nose, his jaw tight and shadowed this late in the day. His chin was high over the pillar of his neck that she’d just touched with its hard lines and steel strength, so different to her own. And his chest... She gasped and covered her eyes. She’d humiliated herself revealing her stupid, childish curiosity. “No, Ayleth. This changes nothing.” “How can you say that? It changes everything!” She was horrified to realize she was crying. “Ayleth, please.” His voice cracked on the plea and she stared at him, shoving her mask up and off, despite how it would pull her hair out of the beautiful twist the maid had managed for her. His eyes locked on hers and she couldn’t think. She couldn’t breathe. She had met her One. And he was the son of her bloodsworn enemy. She stared at him as he stepped forward again, offering both hands, palm up. “Touch me,” he whispered. “Hold my hands. This is real, Ayleth. I don’t know how it happened, but this is real. Please don’t deny it.” She couldn’t resist. She raised a trembling hand to his cheek, letting her palm catch on the scruff of his jaw. He blew out a breath and put his hand over hers, and that jolt that happened whenever they touched shivered through her again. “Please, Ayleth.” “I cannot deny it,” she whispered. [Cover specially commissioned and illustrated image by Same Van Rijn. See more of their amazing art on Instagram: @same.vanrijn]

    AimeeLynn · Fantasy
  • Zombie Van

    yasaku · Games
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  • The White Van

    Hollingsworth, once a thriving town, is now split by the railroad tracks. On one side, wealth and opportunity seem to flow freely. On the other side, in the shadow of the tracks, lies the Downside. Ravaged by the recession, the Downside is a place of neglect and despair. Teenagers are starting to vanish. A white van, its purpose sinister, is seen lurking around the edges of town. As the disappearances mount, whispers turn to fear. The privileged youth of Hollingsworth seem oblivious, but a spark of defiance ignites in a group of kids. They are determined to find their friends and expose the truth, even if it means venturing into the rough side of town where secrets are tightly guarded. Can a group of teenagers bridge the economic divide and unveil the truth behind the disappearances? Or will Hollingsworth’s dark secret tear the town further apart? [Novel still work in progress]

    Tyran_Howard · Horror
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  • Reborn As Reinhard van Astrea

    When all seemed lost, I found a light in the darkness. I was granted unlimited power, more than anything I could ever have bargained for, thrust into a new world with endless possibilities. But was it truly worth it? Am I really the one in control? Overpowered MC with a fear of losing everything he loves sprinkled in.

    emonoc · Action
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  • Van Hellsing

    BooWeebo · Fantasy
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    Topmost_Marvel · Action
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