
Suster Victoria Novels & Books - WebNovel


  • Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

    Eighteen-year-old Trinity is unlike any other werewolf in her pack. For one, there were unusual circumstances surrounding her birth, for another, she is the only pack member to never shift into a wolf form. So now she doesn't quite belong anywhere. Not quite human and not quite wolf. She thought she would be able to live her life how she wanted when she had turned eighteen. Go to college, make some friends, have some fun. But what is she to do when the dangerously sexy Alpha literally falls right into her lap? "I am not human, and I am not a wolf. I don't belong anywhere..." "...we both know that no one is going to mate with me, and even if they did, they would just reject me anyway." What is the sexy, brooding Alpha going to do? The elders are making him hold these ridiculous parties to search for a mate. He doesn't want a mate, but he knows he needs a mate to finish the Alpha Circle. Without a mate, a Luna for the pack, his people would suffer. And what is he going to do when he stumbles across the girl that fate has chosen for him and he finds out she has no wolf? "This cannot be!" I roared. "There is no way that I can mate with a girl that does not even have a wolf. She will be too weak. She will be inferior. She will not be strong enough to be a Luna." "I simply could not accept her as my mate. Not fully. It wasn't safe for her. She would get herself killed. And she would bring my pack down with her." When these two meet, sparks will surely fly. But will it be from passion, or their constant fighting? Neither of them wanted a mate. Neither of them wants the mate that fate chose for them. And neither of them can make that mate bond go away. What are they going to do now that they're literally stuck with each other? ***Rating Warning*** Adult Language Violence Strong Sexual Content THIS BOOK IS UNDERDER AN EXCLUSIVE CONTRACT AND IT IS NOT TO BE POSTED OR PUBLISHED ANYWHERE ELSE. Follow me to find my other books or ask me question, thanks for reading!!! FOLLOW ME AND LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK https://discord.gg/8wrYgHqemB https://twitter.com/DCinMI https://www.facebook.com/deni.chance.71 https://www.instagram.com/dcinmi87/ ***COVER ART IS THE SOLE PROPERTY OF THE AUTHOR AND WAS ILLUSTRATED BY VICTORIA DAYEN OF MSPUGLUVER'S ART***

    Deni_Chance · Fantasy
  • Vom Schicksal auserwählt, vom Alpha zurückgewiesen

    Die achtzehnjährige Trinity ist anders als alle anderen Werwölfe in ihrem Rudel. Zum einen gab es ungewöhnliche Umstände bei ihrer Geburt, zum anderen ist sie das einzige Rudelmitglied, das sich nie in eine Wolfsform verwandelt hat. Deshalb gehört sie nirgendwo richtig hin. Nicht ganz menschlich und nicht ganz wölfisch. Sie dachte, sie könnte ihr Leben leben, wie sie wollte, wenn sie achtzehn geworden ist. Aufs College gehen, ein paar Freunde finden, Spaß haben. Aber was soll sie tun, wenn ihr der gefährlich sexy Alpha buchstäblich in den Schoß fällt? "Ich bin kein Mensch, und ich bin kein Wolf. Ich gehöre nirgendwo hin..." "...wir beide wissen, dass sich niemand mit mir paaren wird, und selbst wenn sie es täten, würden sie mich sowieso nur zurückweisen." Was soll der sexy, grüblerische Alpha denn jetzt tun? Die Ältesten zwingen ihn, diese lächerlichen Partys zu veranstalten, um nach einem Partner zu suchen. Er will keine Gefährtin, aber er weiß, dass er eine Gefährtin braucht, um den Alphakreis zu vollenden. Ohne eine Gefährtin, eine Luna für das Rudel, würde sein Volk leiden. Und was wird er tun, wenn er über das Mädchen stolpert, das das Schicksal für ihn ausgesucht hat, und er herausfindet, dass sie keinen Wolf hat? "Das kann nicht sein!" brüllte ich. "Ich kann mich auf keinen Fall mit einem Mädchen paaren, das nicht einmal einen Wolf hat. Sie wird zu schwach sein. Sie wird minderwertig sein. Sie wird nicht stark genug sein, um eine Luna zu sein." "Ich könnte sie einfach nicht als meine Gefährtin akzeptieren. Nicht vollständig. Es war nicht sicher für sie. Sie würde sich umbringen lassen. Und sie würde mein Rudel mit sich in den Abgrund reißen." Wenn sich diese beiden treffen, werden sicherlich Funken fliegen. Aber wird es aus Leidenschaft sein, oder aus ihrem ständigen Kampf? Keiner von ihnen wollte eine Gefährtin. Keiner von ihnen will die Gefährtin, die das Schicksal für sie ausgesucht hat. Und keiner von ihnen kann diese Bindung auflösen. Was werden sie jetzt tun, da sie buchstäblich aneinander hängen? ***Rating Warnung*** Sprache für Erwachsene Gewalt Starker sexueller Inhalt DIESES BUCH STEHT UNTER EINEM EXKLUSIVVERTRAG UND DARF NIRGENDWO ANDERS VERÖFFENTLICHT WERDEN. Folgt mir, um meine anderen Bücher zu finden oder stellt mir Fragen, danke fürs Lesen!!! FOLGEN SIE MIR UND LASSEN SIE MICH WISSEN, WAS SIE DENKEN https://discord.gg/8wrYgHqemB https://twitter.com/DCinMI https://www.facebook.com/deni.chance.71 https://www.instagram.com/dcinmi87/ ***DAS COVER IST DAS ALLEINIGE EIGENTUM DER AUTORIN UND WURDE VON VICTORIA DAYEN VON MSPUGLUVER'S ART***

    Deni_Chance · Fantasy
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  • Rebirth 1983: Building My Business Empire

    Having traveled to the year 1983, Lu Jiaxin found herself at the start facing the failure of the original host in a high school exam, a stepmother who was sweet on the outside but dark-hearted, and a purely self-interested father. Designer Lu, facing a hellish start, decided: if her stepmother made a move, she'd countermove tenfold! If her father failed to act like a human, she'd teach him how to! She still intended to continue college; she heard that the degrees from Hong Kong University in the '80s were quite valuable, so she flung her sleeves and bravely explored the financial and business circles of Hong Kong. Bulky mobile phones, beepers, "007" on the dance floor! Victoria Mountain, Shallow Bay, female tycoons of Victoria!

    Snowfall in June · Urban
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  • Escolhido pelo Destino, Rejeitado pelo Alfa

    A Trindade, de dezoito anos, é diferente de qualquer outro lobo em sua alcateia. Por um lado, houveram circunstâncias incomuns em torno de seu nascimento, por outro, ela é o único membro da alcateia que nunca se transformou em forma de lobo. Então agora ela não pertence a lugar nenhum. Nem bem humana e nem bem lobo. Ela pensava que poderia viver a vida como quisesse quando completasse dezoito anos. Ir para a faculdade, fazer alguns amigos, se divertir. Mas o que ela faz quando o Alfa perigosamente sexy cai literalmente em seu colo? "Eu não sou humana e não sou um lobo. Eu não pertenço a lugar algum..." "...nós dois sabemos que ninguém vai se acasalar comigo, e mesmo que o fizessem, eles simplesmente me rejeitariam de qualquer maneira." O que o Alfa sexy e carrancudo vai fazer? Os anciãos estão fazendo ele realizar essas festas ridículas para procurar uma companheira. Ele não quer uma companheira, mas sabe que precisa de uma para completar o Círculo Alfa. Sem uma companheira, uma Luna para a alcateia, seu povo sofreria. E o que ele vai fazer quando se depara com a garota que o destino escolheu para ele e descobre que ela não tem lobo? "Isso não pode ser!" Eu rugi. "Não há como eu me acasalar com uma garota que nem sequer tem um lobo. Ela será muito fraca. Ela será inferior. Ela não será forte o suficiente para ser uma Luna." "Eu simplesmente não poderia aceitá-la como minha companheira. Não inteiramente. Não seria seguro para ela. Ela se mataria. E ela derrubaria meu bando junto com ela." Quando esses dois se encontram, faíscas certamente voarão. Mas será por paixão, ou por suas constantes brigas? Nenhum deles queria um companheiro. Nenhum deles quer o companheiro que o destino escolheu para eles. E nenhum deles pode fazer esse vínculo de companheiros desaparecer. O que eles vão fazer agora que estão literalmente presos um ao outro? ***Aviso de Classificação*** Linguagem Adulta Violência Conteúdo Sexual Forte ESTE LIVRO ESTÁ SOB UM CONTRATO EXCLUSIVO E NÃO DEVE SER POSTADO OU PUBLICADO EM NENHUM OUTRO LUGAR. Siga-me para encontrar meus outros livros ou me faça perguntas, obrigado por ler!!! SIGA-ME E DEIXE-ME SABER O QUE VOCÊ PENSA https://discord.gg/8wrYgHqemB https://twitter.com/DCinMI https://www.facebook.com/deni.chance.71 https://www.instagram.com/dcinmi87/ ***A ARTE DA CAPA É PROPRIEDADE EXCLUSIVA DO AUTOR E FOI ILUSTRADA POR VICTORIA DAYEN DO ART MSPUGLUVER'S***

    Deni_Chance · Fantasy
  • Choisi par le destin, Rejeté par l'Alpha

    Trinity, dix-huit ans, est différente de tous les autres loups-garous de sa meute. Pour commencer, il y a eu des circonstances inhabituelles entourant sa naissance, de plus, elle est le seul membre de la meute à ne jamais se transformer en forme de loup. Donc maintenant elle n'appartient vraiment à aucun lieu. Pas tout à fait humaine et pas tout à fait loup. Elle pensait qu'elle serait capable de vivre sa vie comme elle le voulait quand elle aurait eu dix-huit ans. Aller au collège, se faire des amis, s'amuser. Mais que doit-elle faire quand l'Alpha dangereusement sexy tombe littéralement sur ses genoux ? "Je ne suis pas humaine et je ne suis pas une louve. Je n'appartiens à aucun endroit ..." "...nous savons tous les deux que personne ne va prendre pour compagne, et même s'ils le faisaient, ils me rejetteraient de toute façon." Que va faire l'Alpha sexy et taciturne ? Les anciens le font organiser ces fêtes ridicules pour chercher une compagne. Il ne veut pas d'une compagne, mais il sait qu'il a besoin d'une compagne pour compléter le Cercle alpha. Sans une compagne, une Luna pour la meute, son peuple souffrirait. Et que va-t-il faire lorsqu'il tombe sur la fille que le destin lui a choisie et qu'il découvre qu'elle n'a pas de loup ? "C'est impossible !" Je rugis. "Il est hors de question que je prenne pour compagne une fille qui n'a pas même un loup. Elle sera trop faible. Elle sera inférieure. Elle ne sera pas assez forte pour être une Luna." "Je ne pouvais tout simplement pas l'accepter comme mon âme soeur. Pas complètement. Ce n'était pas sûr pour elle. Elle se ferait tuer. Et elle entraînerait ma meute dans sa chute." Quand ces deux se rencontrent, des étincelles vont sûrement s'envoler. Mais sera-ce de la passion, ou leur combat constant ? Aucun d'eux ne voulait d'un compagnon. Aucun d'eux ne veut du compagnon que le destin a choisi pour eux. Et aucun d'eux ne peut faire disparaître ce lien de compagnon. Que vont-ils faire maintenant qu'ils sont littéralement coincés l'un avec l'autre ? ***Avertissement de Classement*** Langage adulte Violence Contenu sexuel fort CE LIVRE EST SOUS UN CONTRAT EXCLUSIF ET IL NE DOIT PAS ÊTRE POSTÉ OU PUBLIÉ AILLEURS. Suivez-moi pour trouver mes autres livres ou me poser une question, merci de lire!!! SUIVEZ-MOI ET DITES-MOI CE QUE VOUS PENSEZ https://discord.gg/8wrYgHqemB https://twitter.com/DCinMI https://www.facebook.com/deni.chance.71 https://www.instagram.com/dcinmi87/ ***L'ART DE COUVERTURE EST LA PROPRIÉTÉ EXCLUSIVE DE L'AUTEUR ET A ÉTÉ ILLUSTRÉ PAR VICTORIA DAYEN DE MSPUGLUVER'S ART***

    Deni_Chance · Fantasy
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  • The Reincarnated Villainess Wanted To Run Away From The Plot

    One day – an avid reader faced death by an unknown car hitting her. She felt like she had died. However, she woke up to be the Villainess she despises in her favorite novel, “The Obsessive Male leads.” “This can’t be true?!” Victoria Chutlier is a wealthy duke’s daughter – she always got what she wanted, and even the crown prince became her fiancé. Yet, in the novel, she was destined to die - the moment she attempted to hurt Hersha Groisle, a nanny's daughter and the crown prince’s true love. Victoria died at the hands of the crown prince However, that was not what Anne wanted – especially since she became Victoria. The only thing she’ll do to avoid such death is to annul the engagement with the crown prince and run away from the plot “Finally, I’ll be free if I do those plans.” Yet, she never expected what would come later on “I thought you were my fiancée, then why are you avoiding me?” “Milady, Didn’t you know I could trace you wherever you are?” “Don’t think you could get away from my grasp.” “……you’re mine, remember that.” What she thought was all wrong “I’m running away from my fate of being killed by the crown prince. However, why did all the male leads act out of the plot?” “Wait, did I miscalculate something?” Little did she know what she truly meant to them. ---- AN ORIGINAL STORY ------ Cover Pic from Pinterest ctto^^ "I hope you enjoy reading the story." -nerdybukme23 ^^ *** CHECK OUT MY NEW STORY: THE PRINCESS OF HEARTS NOTE: June - 2022 - 2 chapters daily updates onwards! ^^ *** (A/N: Hi guys, since the main story has been completed, I'll revert to updating 1 chapter daily until I can come to conclusion and make it as complete as a whole or continue serializing it, who knows, right? ~~~^^~~~ Reasons: Mainly for Side stories ~^^~ Although the main story is completed, there are still questions left unanswered - If you wanted for book 2 ~^^~ 1. Who is count Florence? 2. Who are the emerging groups? 3. Xyle, Giovanni, Fahar, Haine, and Primo's journey 4. Xyle, Giovanni and Charles' POV and side stories 5. Hazier empire's secrets 6. Lambourge empire's treaty with the Heiston empire (Who was Elion once?) ^^ Well, it might have a different book, who knows, so if you wanted to read the story and feel like it, please leave a comment for me to think if the story deserves a book 2 However, the 2nd book will not focus on the villainess now. It might focus on each interesting part ^^ Oh and by it, I'll be currently editing some of the chapters by then ~^^~ Once again, thank you for giving this book a try to read. I hope you all enjoy the reincarnated villainess' story. Please be safe and sound! ^^ -nerdybukme23 ^^) *** Currently editing

    nerdybukme23 · History
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  • The Alpha King

    SHES MINE, MINE TO HEAL, MINE TO LOVE *** I have problems but don't we all? The difference is, will mine lead to my destruction or resolution? Will it lead me to my soul mate or keep me forever lonely? Will I be able to overcome my misery or welcome it as company? *** Victoria Miguel has always been an outcast and she's never understood why. When her mate finally finds her she does not want anything to do with him as she fears he will take one look at her and reject her just like everyone else has but he doesn't, in fact he is possessive, demanding and controlling. Victoria fears the more time she spends with her mate the more she is likely to cave and give in. The fact that her life and his is threatened makes her staying away from him extremely difficult. What will happen? Will she give in? Will he heal her soul?

    chillnutella · Fantasy
  • The Shadow of Great Britain

    “Next, we have the most noble recipient of the Order of the Garter, the Grand Cross of Saint Michael and Saint George, the Grand Cross of the Bath, the Victoria Cross and the lower grades of Knighthood, the leader of the anti-colonial movement, the bell-ringer of the East India Company, the hero of the Crimean War, a Fellow of the Royal Society, a lifelong dear friend of literary giants such as Dickens and Great Dumas, a steadfast supporter of scientific luminaries like Faraday and Darwin, having served as assistant under-secretary, deputy under-secretary, and permanent under-secretary in departments of the Home Office and the Navy Department of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, the inaugural Cabinet Secretary and head of the civil service, the first graduate and most distinguished alumnus of our school. Please welcome Sir Arthur Hastings to deliver a speech on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the founding of the University of London.” Arthur's gaze swept across the crowd before him, looking at the young faces and murmured, “Agares, what do you think I should say?” The Red Devil's wraith hovered behind him, saliva almost dribbling from the corner of his mouth, “Look at these ignorant souls; they still worship you as a hero. Why not say something they'd like to hear?” Arthur took a deep breath and let out a deafening roar, “Oxford is a bunch of whores' bastards!” “Oh!!!!” The audience erupted into thunderous applause. “Cambridge is the same!” he added immediately. The applause grew even more fervent... (The protagonist, possessed by a devil, travels through 19th-century Britain in a world without magic)

    Chasing Time · Fantasy
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    It is to be known, when a girl turns sixteen-: She is no more a girl! And, it is to be added, a man's greatest charm, is his rich earns and wit of standing out!! ***** ‘To, Miss Victoria Lancaster… My pen has sung, my writing has spoken… and I still remain a stranger! Or am I? My apologies for the wait, I stood by the riverside in Welsh lands, wondering why an imposter would impersonate my writings to you… Forgive me for calling him the word—I stand hurt, and hurt even more by this! From Prince Harry McVourse… with Love.' ***** Victoria Lancaster, fourth of the six Lancaster siblings, stands in the predicament of societal wants and her lone desire for love. Being introduced to society for the first time, and as the first daughter of her family to be introduced, she needs a successful first season. And a successful season for a lady means, securing a suitor and a husband! Concurrently, Harry McVourse, standing as Knight, seeks the same accomplishments as Victoria, but his situation is quite melodramatic! His mother, the third of King Charles' five wives—though each was married one after the other and divorced except for the last—seeks to have her two sons marry swiftly and bless her with a grandson. A grandson is not her will but a want from King Charles, demanded of his sons. This, indeed, is an all-queens' contest to see whose son shall deliver a grandson first. Knight, despite understanding the depth and urgency of the matter, knows that the partner must be his. An uncareful selection would lead to years of despair and pain! As of that matter, he depicts societal balls and celebrations as a confined showcase of hypocrisy and pretense. He needs see the eligible spinsters beyond societal confines, and that’s what leads him to stand as a night guard in the Lancasters' new London mansion. A coincidence? Therefore, with Victoria Lancaster being the definite spinster Knight becomes much engaged with, he gradually develops a desire for the girl. However, despite this desire, he is opposed by many admirers, especially his brother, Prince Edward McVourse, whose efforts cannot be overlooked, in addition to his half-brother, Prince William McVourse, a lad whose in future leaves Knight wrathful due to a certain impotent depiction. As a result, he delights in the idea of writing to Lady Lancaster every morning. An anonymous write! His intention being; to the least, stand out from the men in pursuit. However, without Knight’s knowledge, Victoria is slowly enjoying the curves and words in those writings. Each night, she dreads time to pass quickly, anticipating another writing to be brought to her. She becomes intrigued until she desires to know the man behind the writing. Additionally, her mother pressures her to stand firm on the choice of the man she is to choose—Lord Edward, Knight’s elder brother, who is said to possess two hundred thousand a year. The letters draw Victoria and Knight closer, but their budding connection faces significant challenges. Knight must navigate the rivalry with his brothers, particularly Edward and William, both competing for Victoria's hand, in addition to formally acquainting himself with the ladyship. Victoria, on the other hand, struggles to reconcile her growing feelings for the unknown writer with her mother's expectations and the societal norms of the time. What happens next? "In His Writing" is a novel set in the Victorian era, embracing themes of romance, mystery, and conflict, in addition to societal conflicts, identity, and desires. (DAILY UPDATES A WEEK.) I HOPE Y'ALL SHALL ENJOY. LIKE, COMMENT.

    Rhoda_Andrian · History
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  • Heredero de la Magia: El Rey Magi

    ``` Habían pasado cientos de años desde que la humanidad y sus aliadas las Brujas se vieron obligadas a replegarse en las ciudades fortaleza tras la desastrosa guerra para eliminar a los Clanes Magi. Las armas nucleares habían quemado los cielos, y la Gran Magia hundió continentes enteros bajo los mares antes del fin, pero la victoria estaba asegurada, ningún Magi quedó con vida en su mundo lentamente recuperándose. O eso creían. Wolfe Noxus nació en los niveles inferiores de una ciudad fortaleza gobernada por el Aquelarre Morgana, criado bajo el resplandor de luces mágicas, con magia y tecnología entrelazadas en cada aspecto de su vida. Pero tras su decimoctavo cumpleaños, cuando un esquema rápido para enriquecerse lo llevó a la habilidad prohibida de usar los poderes de los Magi, toda su vida cambiaría. La herencia prohibida de los Magi era suya. Todo lo que tenía que hacer era vivir lo suficiente para aceptarla. Encuentra mi discord en discord.gg/hxTpqZQtKN ```

    Aoki_Aku · Fantasy
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  • Lost Love Rekindled: My Charming Ex-Husband

    Ethan thought his marriage was perfect, happy, until one day his wife Victoria coldly asked for a divorce. Married for three years, Victoria's career had skyrocketed, and her family had long disdained Ethan as a husband. However, what they didn't realize was that without Ethan Gray, they would be nothing! The revenge starts now.

    Jrwut · Urban
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  • The Bullied Husband's Club

    A group of friends who met by chance and fate. Kenzo and Maverick were on the run from their assassins ever since they were a child as Caleb was the rich boy who independently build his own company. Kenzo and Maverick were known broke as they've been working multiple jobs just to pay for the bills. Everything turns around when Victoria Parson, granddaughter of the Baroness of Berkon met Kenzo in the bar. After witnessing the adulterous act between Victoria's fiancé and her sister, Stacey, her best friend make sure that they had a proof. Victoria's parents didn't care of whatever her sister took from her. A night in the bar and a few drinks led Victoria to an impulsive decision, by marrying the man she's attracted to. And doesn't care if he was broke or a beggar. From broke or beggar, Kenzo and Maverick turned out to be more than a middle class or a noble.

    TheIllusionist · Urban
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