
Omega Mutant Marvel Novels & Books - WebNovel


  • Omega Summoner

    In the year 2077, the first FIVR Game or Fully Immersive Virtual Reality Game, Pandemonium, has been created. Pandemonium which is the first ever fully immersive virtual reality game made in human history. In the universe of Pandemonium, Fantasy meets science. Where order is chaos and chaos is order. A universe of endless possibilities in which anyone can become the invincible hero fighting against the forces of darkness or a sage which dives into the abyss of magic and so much more. In Pandemonium, the inhabitants comes in all shapes and sizes. Adrian, our main character, who experienced an accident that caused him to be temporary limp used the game as a way for therapy but mainly to experience the new world of virtual reality. He will experience countless adventures and challenges and rise to be the most influential person in this new reality. Join our Protagonist on his new adventure to become the strongest. The cover is made thanks to all who supported my novel. Thank you!

    XiaoKongxu · Games
  • Omega's Rebirth

    What was worse than death itself? Well it was dying knowing that no one would miss you, knowing that your death was a favour to everyone you ever knew. This was exactly how I felt the day I died. I was the love child of the Eclipse Alpha King, in a time where the mate bond was considered sacred, a child born out of wedlock was nothing short of sacrilegious... 'It was his fault, he loved someone other than his mate...' 'It was his fault, he had carnal knowledge of a human woman.' 'It was all his fault, my only crime was being born out of his lust.' But why was that Alpha King father of mine perfectly safe, while I was hated, scorned and blamed for everything instead? Why did I have to be my father's bargaining chip, used to achieve his goals? Why could I not get a rejection like everyone else but was instead murdered by my own mate? Why was I killed before I even had a chance to live? I had a thousand questions and yet there was no one to answer and this was exactly how I died... So why then did my eyes flutter open to that day, a month before my death? Was it because of my little secret? A secret I will tell no one else but you... From the title of my tale, you must think I am an omega wolf... No, you got it wrong... I am not an Omega wolf, I am an Alpha wolf and my name is Omega. ~Second Book in the Werewolf Rebirth Series. *Not a prequel or sequel to 'The Alpha King's Nemesis', both books are not related save for the world setting and Werewolf Rebirth concept. *Cover art sourced from the internet, all credits to the original artist.*

    JHeart · Fantasy
  • Fallen General's Omega (BL)

    I watch him, his green eyes brimming with concern as he gently massages my scarred leg. The sensation is both soothing and a stark reminder of my own inadequacy. The once-feared Crimson General, a symbol of power and invincibility, is now nothing but a frail shadow of his former self. I’ve been abandoned, left to decay in this forsaken place, my family and comrades long forgotten. Darkness had become my only solace, and I had resigned myself to it. Then he arrived, a beacon of light in my endless night. His presence, his care—it’s more than I ever deserved. Yet, I find myself clinging to him with an intensity that borders on madness. I hate that I need him so desperately, that his every action and word have become my lifeline. It consumes me, a torment I can't escape. "You don't have to do this. Please, don’t do this. I’m nothing. You deserve better. Leave. Please," I beg, my voice trembling with raw anguish, the very words tearing me apart. He continues his work, seemingly unaffected by my pleas. "Why are you here? Look at me! I’m nothing." Desperation and anger swell within me, mixing into a maelstrom of anxiety. I can’t comprehend the emotions coursing through me. "You're my alpha, where else would I be?" he responds softly, his gaze unwavering, as if my pleas were mere background noise. My heart races, torn between overwhelming relief and paralyzing dread. In that moment, I realize the truth: you would have to tear him from my cold, lifeless arms. I’m never letting go. - General Thorne, betrayed and broken, finds new life and love with Omega Noelle, who nurses him back to health. Their deepening bond reveals Thorne’s softer side, offering a chance at happiness. Unfortunately, Thorne’s past soon catches up with them, threatening their newfound peace. **** STOP!!!! HERE IS 9 REASONS YOU SHOULD GIVE THIS A SHOT 1. Omegaverse 2. The Alpha is a greenflag. 3. Fluff, and cheesey cliche romance. 4. Faceslapping and revenge. 5. Smut, with no dubcon or noncon. 6. OP husband. 7. Really cliche plot honestly. Those historical manhwas but make it gay. 8. The omega/bot is not a pushover. 9. I'm asking you give it a shot please.

    Sofie_Vert01 · LGBT+
  • The Emperor's Omega Is An Extra

    Arren was reincarnated as an extra in the book world. However, unlike the others, Arren was determined to play his role well and be the best extra ever. He was successful until that one unfortunate night that would make his second life an unpredictable one. He also began to doubt that perhaps... He wasn't the useless extra he always thought he was. R18. OMEGAVERSE/ BL

    ladyaize · LGBT+
  • Love Me, My Omega!

    Tristan Lee, a dominant alpha through and through, meets Justin Vincent Alvarez—an omega who has never gotten his first heat in his 22 years of life. A fateful encounter between the two intertwines their fates, making them meet over and over again, just because Tristan helps Justin in his first heat. With the things tying their fates together, read how their love story will unfold. _____ The face that I have been longing to see all this time made my heart skip a beat as if I fell in love with him over again. His cat-like icy blue eyes stared at me as if he was looking into my soul, while I felt like I was drowning in them. I was getting sucked in again without any care for what has happened before—for what broke me into thousands of pieces. Just a single look from him made me realize how much I still love him after all this time. "Justin..." I called his name. "Yes?" He responded, feigning innocence as if he doesn't know how much that eye contact affected me. He had a different kind of effect on me that no one could ever compare to. I took a deep breath, preparing myself for what I was about to do. I don't feel hesitant in doing this at all. Instead, I feel nervous that he might reject me. He must have hated me a lot after all that. But I can't afford to lose him again. If I do... I might really lose myself this time. "Please love me, my omega." _____ *R18* NOTE: This story contains sexual content and vulgar words that may not be appropriate for some readers. Cover art: @tamailustra Next book: "The Alpha's Downfall" is now up! The story takes place in the same universe.

    surprisinglypretty · LGBT+
  • Falling for the Omega Idol

    Kang Haneul’s once-happy life was shattered by tragedy when his family was struck by a devastating traffic accident. His parents died and his sister fell into a coma. He worked himself to the bone to support his comatose sister’s medical expenses. Yet fate dealt another cruel blow. Just as his sister passed away from heart failure and he received a grim diagnosis of stage 4 cancer, he found himself in the path of an oncoming truck while saving a child. Facing death, he unexpectedly encounters the king of the underworld, who offers him a remarkable gift for his selfless act: a chance to rewrite the past. With determination burning within him, Haneul seizes this opportunity to change the course of his life and fulfill long-lost dreams. But wait- why do these people keep calling him an Omega? What the heck is an Omega??? #BL #Omegaverse #Idol #notsmut

    Tyramisu · LGBT+
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  • El Renacimiento de Omega

    ``` —¿Qué podía ser peor que la muerte misma? —Pues morir sabiendo que nadie te echaría de menos, sabiendo que tu muerte era un favor para todos los que alguna vez conociste. —Así fue exactamente como me sentí el día que morí. —Era el hijo amoroso del Rey Alfa de Eclipse, en una época donde el vínculo de pareja se consideraba sagrado, un hijo nacido fuera del matrimonio no era nada menos que sacrílego... —Fue su culpa, él amó a alguien más que a su compañera... —Fue su culpa, tuvo conocimiento carnal de una mujer humana. —Todo fue su culpa, mi único crimen fue nacer de su lujuria. —Pero, ¿por qué ese Rey Alfa que era mi padre estaba perfectamente seguro, mientras que yo era odiado, despreciado y culpado por todo en su lugar? —¿Por qué tenía que ser la ficha de cambio de mi padre, utilizada para lograr sus objetivos? —¿Por qué no pude obtener un rechazo como todos los demás, sino que en cambio fui asesinado por mi propio compañero? —¿Por qué fui asesinado antes de tener siquiera la oportunidad de vivir? —Tenía mil preguntas y sin embargo no había nadie para responder y así fue exactamente como morí... —Entonces, ¿por qué mis ojos se abrieron de repente a ese día, un mes antes de mi muerte? —¿Fue a causa de mi pequeño secreto? —Un secreto que no le contaré a nadie más que a ti... —Por el título de mi relato, debes pensar que soy un lobo Omega... —No, te equivocas... No soy un lobo Omega, soy un lobo Alfa y mi nombre es Omega. —Segundo libro en la serie Renacimiento de los Hombres Lobo. —No es una precuela o secuela de 'El Némesis del Rey Alfa', ambos libros no están relacionados salvo por el escenario del mundo y el concepto de Renacimiento de los Hombres Lobo. —El arte de la portada obtenido de internet, todos los créditos al artista original. ```

    JHeart · Fantasy
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  • Die Wiedergeburt von Omega

    Was war schlimmer als der Tod selbst? Nun, es war das Sterben in dem Wissen, dass dich niemand vermissen würde, in dem Wissen, dass dein Tod ein Gefallen für alle war, die du je kanntest. Genau so fühlte ich mich an dem Tag, an dem ich starb. Ich war das uneheliche Kind des Eclipse-Alpha-Königs, und in einer Zeit, in der der Bund zwischen Mann und Frau als heilig galt, war ein uneheliches Kind nichts weniger als ein Sakrileg... Es war seine Schuld, er liebte eine andere als seine Gefährtin... Es war seine Schuld, er hatte Geschlechtsverkehr mit einer menschlichen Frau. "Es war alles seine Schuld, mein einziges Verbrechen war, dass ich aus seiner Lust geboren wurde. Aber warum war mein Vater, der Alphakönig, in Sicherheit, während ich stattdessen gehasst, verachtet und für alles verantwortlich gemacht wurde? Warum musste ich das Druckmittel meines Vaters sein, um seine Ziele zu erreichen? Warum musste ich mit meinem eigenen Stiefbruder verpaart werden? Warum konnte ich nicht wie alle anderen eine Abfuhr erhalten, sondern wurde von meinem eigenen Partner ermordet? Warum wurde ich getötet, bevor ich überhaupt eine Chance zu leben hatte? Ich hatte tausend Fragen und doch gab es niemanden, der sie beantworten konnte, und genau so bin ich gestorben... Warum also flatterten meine Augen an diesem Tag auf, einen Monat vor meinem Tod? War es wegen meines kleinen Geheimnisses? Ein Geheimnis, das ich niemandem außer dir erzählen werde... Nach dem Titel meiner Geschichte musst du denken, dass ich ein Omegawolf bin... Nein, da liegst du falsch... Ich bin kein Omega-Wolf, ich bin ein Alpha-Wolf und mein Name ist Omega. ~Zweites Buch der Werwolf-Wiedergeburts-Serie. *Kein Prequel oder Sequel zu 'The Alpha King's Nemesis', beide Bücher sind nicht miteinander verwandt, mit Ausnahme des Weltsettings und des Werwolf-Wiedergeburts-Konzepts. *Das Titelbild stammt aus dem Internet, alle Credits gehen an den ursprünglichen Künstler.

    JHeart · Fantasy
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    The Human Race is faced with a dilemma after an unknown race attacks and abducts humans. With their intentions unknown, the humans fight dearly for their lives, even though they make little to no progress. While humanity struggles to survive, one particular characters gets chosen to become a walking weapon for the Alien Race, The Granians. Ace Underwood, who was one of the unlucky thousands that got abducted,wakes up to find himself inside a green tube. With no idea what's going on, he manages to escape only to learn of his new changed form. [Congratulations: Your DNA is a match with the Blood Mutant Gene.] [You must consume blood in order to survive.] Left to roam on the Earth, Ace must now survive from the Granians who wish to use him as biological weapon and learn to cope in a world of humans, and higher, intelligent life forms. Instagram: jt3art. Discord:https://discord.gg/fXdgzMrsmQ. ------------------

    joshua_jt3 · Fantasy
  • Married To A CEO. Omega

    Erwin Warner is a material dominant alpha with a very unsteady financial background. Though he has the face of an angel, his personality is the polar opposite. He can even kill a person if there is enough money paid for that. Leo Snow is an exceptionally beautiful dominant omega. Even the gods envies his unparalleled beauty from the heavens. He has a very strong personality and is very picky about his partner. He can be as deadly as his face when the time comes. Jean Snow, a very unstandable uncle of Leo, who has an unsubmissive greed for everything Leo has, that doesn’t exclude the Snow Groups and Company. Even being the blood brother of Leo’s father doesn’t change the fact that he is exceedingly obsessed with this pretty, small omega nephew of his.

    Nj_Ashart · LGBT+
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  • Lord Of The People: I Recruited A Mutant Succubus From The Start

    The whole world mutated. Mysterious resurrections happened in real life. The Tribulation descended. Everyone would awaken the ability to rule over beasts at the age of 18 and obtain a Lord Space of their own. After one month, their Lord Space would materialize and they would become a Lord. When they awakened, each Lord would obtain a summoning pool to summon their own troops. They had to plunder resources, strengthen their troops, expand their territory and defend themselves against the invasion of demons! Ren Qi recruited a mutated succubus from the very start. She could keep ascending until she became a fallen angel! Someone exclaimed, “Someone managed to recruit a succubus?” Another person said, “Why are you envious of him? Succubi don't have much combat ability and are weak. When his Lord Space materializes, he will most likely be consumed by the demons.” Someone said, “Hahaha, I awakened a top-tier troop, the Golden Tiger. I am invincible.” Not long after, Ren Qi’s territory expanded to the Warring Nation Level. A group of fallen angels stood beside him as they looked down on all the demons. The weakest fallen angel was an existence akin to a demigod.

    Long Qingwen · Sci-fi
  • The Claimed Omega [BL omegaverse]

    Suddenly presenting as an omega, attacked and claimed by a stranger while celebrating the end of exam season with his friends, Wonho struggles to except all the new changes in his life. Then came Minwoo, a narcissistic, proud noble alpha with distaste in omegas who can't seem to leave Wonho alone, thinking Wonho is a mere beta who shows no interest in him. How in the world with these two strong-headed males even get together? Or, will they even get together in the first place? ---excerpt 'Tall, dark and handsome…' He starts, and as he expected, Minwoo blushes as if he knows Wonho is talking about him, '… just the type I hate.' Wonho smiles in triumph as he successfully wipes the smug of that face. Unfortunately for him though, Minwoo crouches beside him, too close for comfort. 'Looks like we have another thing in common, I prefer pale, beautiful people shorter than me too.' --- An original campus omegaverse AU, with none of the heavy alpha-dominating-omega storyline. [Warning] An angsty omegaverse with a twist. Not for the easily triggered. Proceed with caution! Also, contains Mature Contents for you pervs out there :3

    Tiffany_JC · LGBT+
  • Mutant Farmer in the Apocalypse

    In the year 2022, one year after the Z-20 Virus outbreak, all of humanity had been infected by the virus, and their bodies reacted differently. The majority of the humans turned into zombies, while the minority turned into ability users. Some didn’t change into either. They were powerless in comparison, as even feral zombies were more powerful than an average human. At 20 years old, Yang Zhang was used as a scapegoat and kicked out of his town; a medium-sized shelter base used to protect humanity from the ever-growing threat of zombie attacks. Scared and powerless against the harsh world infested with zombies, he stumbled upon a squirrel that ate the brain of a dead ability user and began discharging electricity constantly. He realized that he could use this newfound information to protect himself. “That’s right! I can build a farm and create more and more of these mutated animals and plants to protect myself!” Thus started the journey of Yang Zhang as he created a farm while continuously breeding many magical —albeit grotesque— mutated animals and plants. Yet, once the zombies and ability users started noticing his unique farm, they began to invade. With no choice left, he armed himself by creating stronger mutated animals and plants to protect the farm at all cost! “Get off of my lawn, you bunch of greedy pigs!” ** Tower Defense + (Mutated) farm simulator + Zombie waifu (Small harem). ** Daily Update -- Cover art is Kureiji Ollie, I got it from Pinterest. English is not my first language. Pardon me if there are few mistakes. --

    EvilPupa · Fantasy
  • Owned By The Omega Emperor [BL]

    [Story of an Omega Emperor who will fall in love with one of his true blood brodalisques ^male odalisques^] Read if you want to find out what happened and what will happen to Magnus in the emperor's royal palace and how a special love story will start between him and the heartless emperor Octavius who used to hate love and deny its existence. This book contains: Submissive Shy alpha top. Dominant omega/power bottom. {The emperor} The book cover is made by me. Words count: 200k-250k

    AuthorWissal · LGBT+
  • Her Omega Husband

    The employers saw their boss walking to her office with a grin on her face. As soon as she disappeared into the room, the employers' gossip session started. "I think she likes betas!" "Why do you think so? I think she likes omegas." "Female alphas like omegas the most!" "She even rejected that pretty omega actress's confession. So I think she likes betas." But they had to pause their argument because their boss suddenly appeared there giving them a panic attack. 'Did she hear us?' "I only like my omega husband." "..." She walked away again with that same grin. Here we go again! "I never knew she was married?" "And she had married a male omega!" "Who is that lucky omega? I am envious..." "Stop it. She might hear us again." They got back to their work, but all of them remembered that they must spread the news as fast as possible. Well...Everything was back to normal. But why was that new omega employer blushing so hard? * * * Note: Omegaverse Female Alpha × Male Omega (If you are not a fan of this trope, then please don't move further. I already warned you, so don't complain later. Thank you.) ( I don't own the cover.)

    Sweet_Vanilla553 · Urban
  • The Princess Fall In Love With the Omega Queen

    Wang Zheng is the powerful queen of the country of Wang, a beautiful and exuberant woman omega. After living almost 30 springs, much of the kingdom doubts her ability to marry and produce an heir. The council of elders of the realm obliges her to participate in the Bloody Spring: an event that forces the queen to choose a person to marry. Now she's being forced to find a good alpha... But what really catches her eye is a bold and beautiful omega with an eccentric mint scent. Fate had in store for them a challenging and exciting future. __________________ Support me and give me a gift! https://www.wishtender.com/moonsside __________________ *Isekai and Reincarnation are worked on directly from volume 005 second chance [extra]. _______________________________________ I don't own the rights to the cover image, it's an image taken from the internet and I couldn't find the author to offer the due credits.

    moonsside · Fantasy
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  • Mated To A Special Omega

    Werewolf book :{BL} Completed Levi Whitlock is a male Omega, But he has a heart of an alpha and is even stronger. Levi despises one thing which is Alphas . Levi is not like any other male omega who usually stay inside their houses waiting for their mates. Levi is an adventurous person who likes to explore new places such as mountains , caves, and forests . He is not scared of anything . Levi also hates the fact that he is just a weak omega who can get pregnant . And the most important thing is that Levi is able to not submit to anyone , even to his own father Henry Whitlock !! What if one day Levi finds out that his fated mate is Lucas Dawson , who is also a True blood alpha . Will Levi submit to his fated mate ? Will he even accept him as his mate ? Will he forget his hatred towards alphas ? Will he accept the idea of getting pregnant ? _____________________ " What is a beautiful omega like you doing here in the woods alone ? " -The alpha in a rut - " Levi Whitlock your messenger to hell" -Levi Whitlock to the alpha in a rut - ****** "If you just gave up and started looking for your mate, you would have studied what you wanted while your mate was going to run the companies. But you are so stubborn and cold and don't even try to accept your rank, you have to realize that you are just an OMEGA. You were born to obey your Alphas and submit to them." - Henry Whitlock- "Levi Whitlock does not submit to anyone! Understand it as you wish Mr. Alpha! I listen to you SOMETIMES just because you are the Alpha who put his sperm inside MY father's womb." -Levi Whitlock - ****** " You're my alpha and I am your Omega and I am on your bed and ready to give you my virginity and I'm telling you to put your pups inside of me !" -Levi Whitlock to Lucas Dawson _____________________ {{word count : 60,000 - 65,000}} BOYXBOY Mpreg Book cover by me

    AuthorWissal · LGBT+

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