
Her Triplet Alphas Novels & Books - WebNovel


  • Mr. President: You Are The Daddy Of My Triplets

    "M... Marissa! Are they my kids?" Rafael's eyes weren't moving away from the adorable kids' faces. "No, Rafael. They are not," Marissa said with a fake smile, "They aren't yours. Remember?" she batted her lashes quite dramatically, "We were never married!" Marissa Aaron’s elder sister Valerie Aaron jilted her blind boyfriend on her wedding day and ran off. For face-saving, Merissa's family pleaded to her to marry Raphael Sinclair. The irony? She was not allowed to tell her blind husband that she was not Valerie but Merissa Aaron. On the day of Raphael's successful eye surgery, Marissa got to know that Valerie was back to take her rightful place as Sinclaire’s daughter-in-law. Marissa tried explaining to her husband that she was the one married to him, but he did not believe her. Instead of any more convincing, heartbroken Merissa decided to leave the city without telling him, her secret. Raphael Sinclair was the classic definition of drop-dead gorgeous and was the only heir of the Sinclair group of industries. What would he do when he came to know that all this time the woman who offered him, her love and her body was not Valerie but her younger sister Marissa Aaron? How would he react when he came to know that he was the father of the babies Marissa was carrying in her womb? Would he go after Marissa and win her back? And the million-dollar question! Would Marissa ever be able to forgive him and love him again?

    JessicaKaye911 · Urban
  • Two times rejected Luna, the desire of all Alphas

    Valerie, the daughter of the murdered Alpha of the Yellow Stone Pack, could never lead the pack because she had a Luna wolf. Her mate, Tristan, was made the Alpha in her stead. After assuming the title of Alpha, Valerie was set up and brutally rejected, not only by Tristan but also her whole pack, and her kid sister, Scarlet, with whom Tristan had secret affairs. “I reject Luna Valerie as my mate. She was caught in bed with a stranger, meaning that she would sell the pack out. The punishment for treachery is death,” Alpha Tristan announced heartlessly. The chants from the pack members and visiting Alphas who had come for the Alphas' conference attracted them to the judgment. No one thought that Alpha Denzel, whose name caused the hairs on their skin to stand straight due to his ruthlessness, would make it to the conference. Valerie found hope when she realized that Alpha Denzel was her second chance mate, but painstakingly, she was rejected once again. The double rejection caused her to lose her wolf, and she was condemned to die by all the Alphas present. She thought her fate was sealed when Alpha Denzel left and a warrior was ready to execute her. Everyone was shocked when Alpha Denzel suddenly turned around. “Stop! The treacherous daughter of a late Alpha should not be killed. More suffering awaits her,” he declared. Valerie’s heart dropped when she saw his dark look, which was like a bottomless pit, as she blacked out from exhaustion. A few months down the line, there was a war among the Alphas as they began to lay claim to the two-times-rejected Luna. With her wolf dead, will the moon goddess be gracious to give her another wolf? And which Alpha would be able to melt her now cold heart?

    Glorious_Eagle · Fantasy
  • Zweimal Luna abgewiesen, der Wunsch aller Alphas

    Valerie, die Tochter des ermordeten Alphas des Yellow Stone Rudels, konnte das Rudel nie anführen, weil sie einen Luna-Wolf hatte. Ihr Gefährte Tristan wurde an ihrer Stelle zum Alpha ernannt. Nachdem sie den Titel des Alphas angenommen hatte, wurde Valerie reingelegt und brutal zurückgewiesen, nicht nur von Tristan, sondern auch von ihrem ganzen Rudel und ihrer kleinen Schwester Scarlet, mit der Tristan heimliche Affären hatte. "Ich lehne Luna Valerie als meine Gefährtin ab. Sie wurde im Bett mit einem Fremden erwischt, was bedeutet, dass sie das Rudel verraten würde. Die Strafe für Verrat ist der Tod", verkündete Alpha Tristan herzlos. Die Rufe der Rudelmitglieder und der anwesenden Alphas, die zur Alphatagung gekommen waren, zogen sie zu dem Urteil hin. Niemand hätte gedacht, dass Alpha Denzel, dessen Name ihnen wegen seiner Rücksichtslosigkeit die Haare auf der Haut zu Berge stehen ließ, es zur Konferenz schaffen würde. Valerie schöpfte Hoffnung, als sie erkannte, dass Alpha Denzel ihr Partner der zweiten Chance war, aber sie wurde schmerzlich zurückgewiesen. Die doppelte Zurückweisung führte dazu, dass sie ihren Wolf verlor und von allen anwesenden Alphas zum Tode verurteilt wurde. Sie dachte, ihr Schicksal sei besiegelt, als Alpha Denzel ging und ein Krieger bereit war, sie hinzurichten. Alle waren schockiert, als Alpha Denzel sich plötzlich umdrehte. "Halt! Die verräterische Tochter eines verstorbenen Alphas sollte nicht getötet werden. Sie erwartet noch mehr Leid", erklärte er. Valerie fiel das Herz in die Hose, als sie seinen finsteren Blick sah, der wie ein bodenloser Abgrund war, und sie wurde vor Erschöpfung ohnmächtig. Ein paar Monate später entbrannte ein Krieg zwischen den Alphas, die Anspruch auf die zweimal abgewiesene Luna erhoben. Wird die Mondgöttin ihr nach dem Tod ihres Wolfes gnädig sein und ihr einen anderen Wolf geben? Und welcher Alpha könnte ihr nun kaltes Herz zum Schmelzen bringen?

    Glorious_Eagle · Fantasy
  • POSSESSION: The Hidden Omega In All Alphas' Academy [BL]

    "Do you think you can run away from me? Or is this your way of tempting me, huh?" ... For his entire life, innocent yet brave-hearted Kylian had always yearned to shift into a strong Alpha, considering the tough resilient trait he was born with. But with that bold determination, when he entered the Elite Alpha Academy, his entire world came to a crashing halt when he encountered the infamous 'Silver Devil', Alpha Zenith. Their miraculous meeting drastically turned over his entire life on his 19th birthday when instead of turning into an Alpha, Kylian transitioned into an Omega, a dominant one of course! What happens when two polar opposite young hearts confront each other head-on and reveal the dark scars hidden deep inside them? What happens when Kylian is trapped inside the Alpha Academy, where the omegas are strictly prohibited? How will Kylian escape from becoming Zenith's deadly possession, while he also catches other Alphas' attention? Will their forbidden love break every odds or will destiny win in the end? .......................... **My latest entry for CUPID QUILL (Aug 2024). This is not a typical Omegaverse story, so your gifts, power stones, and support will be my greatest aid. Please continue reading ^^

    ShadowPrincess96 · LGBT+
  • Presiden: Anda Adalah Ayah Dari Triplet Saya

    "M... Marissa! Apakah mereka anak-anakku?" Mata Rafael tak berpaling dari wajah anak-anak yang menggemaskan itu. "Tidak, Rafael. Mereka bukan," Marissa berkata dengan senyum palsu, "Mereka bukan milikmu. Ingat?" dia berkedip dengan dramatis, "Kita tidak pernah menikah!" Kakak perempuan Marissa Aaron yang lebih tua, Valerie Aaron, meninggalkan pacarnya yang buta di hari pernikahannya dan kabur. Untuk menyelamatkan muka, keluarga Merissa memohon kepadanya untuk menikah dengan Raphael Sinclair. Ironisnya? Dia tidak diperbolehkan memberitahu suaminya yang buta bahwa dia bukan Valerie melainkan Marissa Aaron. Pada hari operasi mata Raphael yang berhasil, Marissa mengetahui bahwa Valerie telah kembali untuk mengambil tempatnya yang seharusnya sebagai menantu perempuan keluarga Sinclaire. Marissa mencoba menjelaskan kepada suaminya bahwa dialah yang menikah dengannya, tetapi dia tidak percaya. Alih-alih meyakinkan lebih lanjut, Marissa yang patah hati memutuskan untuk meninggalkan kota tanpa memberitahunya rahasianya. Raphael Sinclair adalah definisi klasik dari sangat tampan dan adalah satu-satunya pewaris grup industri Sinclair. Apa yang akan dia lakukan ketika dia mengetahui bahwa selama ini wanita yang menawarkan padanya, cinta dan tubuhnya bukanlah Valerie melainkan adik perempuannya Marissa Aaron? Bagaimana reaksinya ketika dia mengetahui bahwa dia adalah ayah dari bayi-bayi yang Marissa kandung di rahimnya? Akankah dia mengejar Marissa dan memenangkan hatinya kembali? Dan pertanyaan senilai jutaan dollar! Akankah Marissa bisa memaafkannya dan mencintainya lagi? ```

    JessicaKaye911 · Urban
  • My Triplet Alpha Stepbrother Mates

    “You had a boyfriend?” Stefan nibbled on my ear, driving me crazy. “Hmm” It came out more like a moan when I felt Kevin’s warm breath on the burning skin of my neck, making my whole body shiver with excitement. “Did you sleep with him?” Riven’s hoarse voice came from my side, his hands roaming my body freely, touching the forbidden places. “Noo…” My voice was breathy, full of need. My head fell back on Stefan’s chest. “Don’t worry, we are going to f*ck him out of your system!” Kevin promised in his seductive deep voice. …………… Giselle Swan was forced to join Dark Sapphire pack to stay with her mother, Vera Smith and her new husband, Alpha Riley and his kids, when Vera won the case of her custody. The Dark Sapphire pack is one of the wealthiest packs and Alpha Riley cherishes her. But the problem was her triplet stepbrothers Kevin, Riven and Stefan. The Famous Triplet Alphas! For some unknown reason, Triplet always despised Giselle but they made sure to make her life a living hell when she entered their territory. What will she do when she will get to know that Triplets are her mates? What will happen when the two of the triplets Kevin and Stefan will try their best to persuade her to be their Luna? Will she accept them? Why is Riven so hard to impress? Will she be able to tame him? Will she reject them all because of one? What will be their reaction when it be revealed to them that there are foxes around them in the disguise of werewolves, who are playing with their lives? WARNING: Extremely Mature Content (18+ only)

    Mahek_Salvatore · Urban
  • Verworrene Herzen - Die Baby-Mama des Alphas

    "Dachtest du, wenn du mich heilst, würde ich dich mehr lieben?" Spöttisch packte er mich an den Haaren, während er mich zur Tür zog. "Du tust mir weh, Xavier", weinte ich und schlug schwach gegen ihn. Es gab nicht viel, was ich tun konnte. "Wenn ich dich jemals auch nur einen Zentimeter in meiner Nähe sehe", warf er mich gegen die Wand, "werde ich die Konsequenzen verdammen und dich töten. *** Mein Gefährte und ich waren dazu bestimmt, einander zu hassen, nur ein Akt wahrer Liebe oder Selbstlosigkeit des stärkeren Gefährten konnte unsere Schicksale auf den richtigen Weg bringen, aber sieben Jahre lang musste ich die Misshandlungen meines Gefährten und seine vermeintliche Liebe seines Lebens ertragen, bis ich eines Tages beschloss zu gehen. Ich ging, entschlossen, mich für immer vor ihm zu verstecken... aber ein paar Wochen später fand ich heraus, dass ich schwanger war.

    Ejiofor_Dorcas · Fantasy
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  • Die Braut des Alphas

    Alpha Damon, der unverheiratete Alpha des größten Rudels Nordamerikas, sieht sich mit der Realität konfrontiert, in der die Ältesten ihn drängen, eine Braut ihrer Wahl zu heiraten. Eine Vernunftehe. Eine Heirat um der Macht willen. Damon ist sich bewusst, dass die Ältesten ihn für ihre Pläne benutzen wollen, und er ist entschlossen, ihnen zu zeigen, dass er kein Spielball von irgendjemandem ist. Niemand kann ihn zu einer Ehe zwingen, nicht einmal die Mondgöttin. "Ich brauche keine Frau in meinem Leben, die mir im Weg steht. Eine Freundin ist ein Ärgernis, eine Ehefrau wäre ein Problem, und eine Partnerin wäre eine Katastrophe." Wird er nachgeben? Welche von ihnen wird er wählen? Wird er eine Wahl haben, wenn er seine Partnerin gefunden hat? Begleiten Sie Damon auf seiner Reise, auf der er seinen Horizont erweitert und sich auf die unerwartetste Weise verändert, wenn die richtige Frau in sein Leben tritt. --- Hinweis: Die Haupthandlung endet mit Kapitel 986. --- Verbinde dich mit mir. Discord: https://discord.gg/cFaejHB Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RedSonia.Novels Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/redsonia_novels/ --- Das Cover gehört mir. --- Probieren Sie meine anderen Romane aus! - Amara - Wiedersehen - Der oberste Alpha - Ist dies das Schicksal? - Anfällig für Unfälle

    RedSonia · Fantasy
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  • The Beta Dominates Alphas

    Kestrel was a beta, and an aggressive one that most folks didn't like much. The Empire had picked a future husband for her. This guy was pretty much perfect: born into a high-class family, good-looking, rich, nice, and the envy of everyone around. People were quick to start whispering. "Why did such a great guy end up with her? She can't even make tea right and she barely passed her cooking class." "He won't be able to put up with her for long." "Right, their love story is a train wreck waiting to happen." Hearing this stuff over and over, Kestrel started to think that she and her guy, Tarian, were doomed from the start. So, when Tarian showed up with a sweet and pretty girl, Kestrel pulled off her engagement ring and tossed it into the gutter. From that moment, Kestrel lived free and happy, like a bird soaring in the sky, a fish swimming in the wide ocean. But a few years into her easy-going life, at a royal shindig, Tarian cornered her. His eyes were all red, and he confessed that he was sorry for everything and that he couldn't stop thinking about her. But Kestrel, wild as ever, wasn't interested in going back to her old life. Tarian turned white, gritted his teeth and said, "I don't care what you're like, and I can handle your shortcomings. You won't find a more understanding alpha than me." "Well, I already have a new alpha." To totally shake him off, Kestrel made up a name on the spot. She quickly thought of all the alphas she'd met on the battlefield over the years, and chose the name of a buddy she was tight with, guessing he wouldn't mind. "He's a good listener, and we're a perfect fit. Plus, he really likes me and doesn't care about my mistakes." Right after a bummed-out Tarian took off, Kestrel turned around and smacked right into the guy she'd just made up. This guy, a real war hero who'd taken down tons of enemies, turned a bit pink, looked away, and muttered, "You... when did you figure out that I have a crush on you?"

    Treein · Fantasy

    WARNING: MATURE CONTENT! ~Who'd ever thought the young Alpha's son would fall in love with his nanny?!~ She was like the mother he never had, the older sister he's always wanted, his ONLY best friend. After an incident at the Dark Risers's pack, the Alpha sends his son away to another pack to be trained and nurtured into a better person; the future Alpha. Twelve years later, Daniel returns a full grown teen with a high sex drive and lust for beautiful women. At such a young age, he handles the pack solely and also bears the pressure of finding a mate from the elders and his relatives. But Daniel doesn't want a mate. Never does and never will. Why get stuck with one woman who would cause him trouble than spend every night of his with women of his choice? Will he live alone in his carnal pleasures or eat his words? I.G: C3e_Jay Discord: C3e_Jay#0881 Discord server: https://discord.gg/C7zhwcQkQS Disclaimer: Book Cover not mine. Fonts and design by me. (◔‿◔) Volume 1 status: COMPLETED Volume 2 status: ONGOING Volume 3 status: COMING SOON Excerpt; for Volume (2) But…" John held the pillow in his hand with a serious, thoughtful look. "Is this what you really want?" Jephthah looked up from where he was finishing up a sketch of Talia and frowned slightly. "What are talking about?" John sighed and came close to him and Jephthah tensed up because his brother looked really serious. And when he did, he always had something really important to say. "You want Talia to be your fated mate, don't you?" "More than anything in the world." Jephthah said without missing a beat, a light glinting in his eyes like stars, but they died down when he noticed John still had that serious look on his face. "John, What's wrong?" "Jephthah," John sighed. "We're twins... you know that right?" Jephthah almost flicked his head at the stupid question. "So?" "And we're like two peas in a pod. We're each other's half." Jephthah narrowed his eyes at him. "Do you think YOU might be my mate?" John hit his head with a pillow this time. "No!" "Then get straight to the point, John." "70% of girls who are mated to a twin usually are mated to…" he paused looking Jephthah In the eyes before finishing his sentence. "the other twin as well." The pencil fell off his grasp, rolled over the sheet of canvas paper and dropped with a thud to the floor, the sharp pointy end of the graphite breaking off to fall next to the door. "What?!"

    C3e_Jay · Fantasy
  • CEO's Ex-Wife Is Mommy of Hidden Triplets

    [Sweet pampering, weak to strong, grovelling ex] After loving him for ten years and never winning his heart, she decided she didn't want him anymore. After dumping her wealthy husband, she took her pair of Cute Babies and became successful on her own. When he found out about the babies, he decided to take them from her. But how could she let this happen?

    Mole Sweet · Urban
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  • Die Versuchung des Alphas

    (Erwachsener Inhalt) Welchen Preis bist du bereit, für deine Freiheit zu zahlen? Die wolfslose und verwaiste Tania war im Leben einer Sklavin gefangen. Ein Teil ihres Geistes wurde von ihrem Herrn gefangen gehalten, um Kontrolle auszuüben. Um ihre Freiheit zu erlangen, ging sie den Handel ein, König Eltanin, den rücksichtslosesten und mächtigsten Alpha von Araniea, auszuspionieren. König Eltanin mit seinen stürmischen Augen war dominant, arrogant und befehlshaberisch wie die Hölle. In einem Wettlauf gegen die Zeit, um seine Wölfe und sein Königreich vor dem Dämonenkönig Alpha Felis zu retten, trifft er auf Tania. Sie ist eine Spionin und die personifizierte Verlockung. Und nun muss sich Eltanin zwischen dem Schicksal seines Reiches und dem seiner Gefährtin entscheiden. Wird Tania ihre Freiheit wählen und ihre Gefährtin zurückweisen? Oder wird sie das Einzige aufgeben, was sie jemals wollte? Thesaurus-Definition von "Libertin": ausschweifend Synonyme für libertinär: freidenkerisch, ausschweifend, ausschweifend, unmoralisch, lasziv Meine anderen Romane sind: Wilde Bekenntnisse: Adrianna und der Alpha (abgeschlossen) Der Alphaprinz des Silbernen Halbmonds (Nominierung WSA 2021) Ileus-Der dunkle Prinz (Silberne Auszeichnung WSA 2022) Dunkler Hunger (5. Preis im Werwolf-Wettbewerb) Das Cover gehört mir. Es ist eine Auftragsarbeit. Künstler des Covers: Micehellwd Herausgeber: Astromnia

    MishaK · Fantasy
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  • Her Triplet Alphas And The Lycan Prince

    At seventeen and waiting to join Med school, Lucia's dream of becoming a doctor is about to be shattered one fateful night when the lycans attack her pack, killing everyone, including her parents. Raphael, the Lycan Prince, takes her captive as his slave. What he does not know is that he has fallen for her as he waits for her wolf to appear to know if she is his mate. She manipulates this weakness of his into not only allowing her to pursue her dream career, but also into sponsoring her. In Med school, she meets her childhood friends, the triplet alphas from the Blood Moon Pack. Her first shifting delays, but when it finally does happen, she discovers that she is mated to the triplets. She then decided to avenge the murder of her parents and despite what Raphael has done to her, he must be brought to book, along with all those who had orchestrated the heinous act. The triplet alphas are only too willing to be at her service. Meanwhile, each of the triplets is becoming possessively jealous and a fight-to-death duel is declared. Only the survivor would be her mate. What can she do when her heart is mostly into Ramon, the eldest, most decisive and romantic of the three? Can he survive his brothers' lethal dueling? Above all this, rumour is rife that Raphael is very much alive and slowly advancing.

    pax1 · Urban
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    [completed] "What are you doing? " he asked solemnly "We kissed " Lia confessed, finally letting the cat out of the bag. It was better for him to release his anger openly than giving her this silent torture. "I'm not going to lie, I enjoyed it" She disclosed "It just felt so right like this is what a part of my soul was missing out on all these years but.... " She stared him straight in the eyes and asked "But as blissful as that sounds, why do I still feel guilty?" His gaze remained unwaveringly on her's while Her voice broke and tears began to slide down her face. "W-why do I feel bothered? Why does my heart feel guilty when in fact I'm following it? why does everything seem so complicated with you? Why do I feel for you when I've already been destined for someone else? " Asher clutched his fist, trying so hard to contain his emotions that were threatening to surface but the girl's words were tearing his heart out The tears continued to trickle down her cheeks "What is wrong with me ? " she asked exasperated, and began to wipe her face with her palm obsessively. At her sixth wipe, Asher stopped her and drew her towards him, staring at her with this odd gleam in his eyes. His cold, smooth hands cupped her cheek and rubbed away a hot tear with his thumb. "Nothing is wrong with you" He assured her, his thumb caressing her cheek while his eyes fixed on her's intent. He was just conflicted, was it right to confess the truth to her now? All this time, he's been careful, what would happen if he becomes careless for once? Maybe it's time to become selfish after all. ------ Having two Mates? What an absurd joke Here comes Lia originally mated to a werewolf but an accident and conspiracy had her mated to a vampire as well. Now she has to figure out the raging feelings she has for the Alpha of the silver pack and the Alpha of the Nicoli Clan and fighting off dark forces in need of her ability as well. You can check out my other book " Taming A Billionaire " & "When Death Does Us Apart " Official discord server, "https://discord.gg/swmysryXAG,"

    Glimmy · Fantasy
  • Her Vengeful Lycan Alpha

    "As I said, I'm keeping you here to torture you! Don’t make me repeat myself!” Princess Laurel's eighteenth birthday turns into a nightmare—kidnapping, murder, and the revelation that her mate is the perpetrator, a revenge for her father's annihilation of his pack. Their union is fueled by hate, unwanted longing and mixed emotions. She swears to survive and escape but her mate vows to keep her besides him to torment her. With no choice left, Laurel tries to get stronger to survive the torment her mate dishes to her. The infamous Lycan Hunter hears of her predicament and hatches a plan to save but it's thwarted by her mate's brother, who finds her interesting. But even worse befalls Laurel, when the King of all Lycans goes on a rampage to destroy all of werewolves, her kind. DISCLAIMER!! ~ Slow Burn Romance ~ The Female Lead Gets Stronger ~ Daily Updates! ~ No Rape ~ Has Gory Scenes

    Princess_Treasure · Fantasy
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  • After Divorce, The CEO's Triplets Turn the Tables

    She was an outcasted ex-wife, a downfall heiress. Her family didn't trust her, her husband rejected her. Five years later, she returned with her twins, only to be harassed every day by her domineering and obsessive ex-husband. "Who dares to bully my Mommy?" The twins joined forces to cause mayhem in their father's business empire. The man looked at the miniature version of himself and the little one clinging to his leg, calling him "handsome uncle," and he decided to settle the score with his ex-wife. But when she decides to go away again, he hugged her and kissed her in front of the children, "Honey, I can't live without you... let's go home and have more babies."

    Mu Xingwan · Urban
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  • Der lange verlorene Erbe des Alphas

    ÜBERSPRINGEN NICHT GENANNTER KAPITEL AUFGRUND EINER VERWECHSLUNG... "Warum hast du mich dann geheiratet, wenn du wusstest, dass du mich wegwerfen würdest!" Sie schrie auf. Er atmete leise aus und wandte sich ihr zu, sein Gesicht war ausdruckslos, seine Augen überraschend kühl. "Ja, weil ich meine Krone und meinen Thron retten musste. Jetzt lass mich mein Leben leben." "Warum musste es ausgerechnet ich sein?" Sie fuhr sich mit der Hand über das Gesicht. "Du weißt, dass sie meine Schicksalsgefährtin ist und dass ich nichts dagegen tun kann." Mit Tränen in den Augen richtete sie sich langsam auf und nickte. "Ich werde die Scheidungspapiere unterschreiben." - - - Nyx ist hin- und hergerissen, als Alpha Oberon, ihr Mann, beschließt, sich von ihr scheiden zu lassen, nachdem er behauptet hat, seine Schicksalsgefährtin gefunden zu haben. Aus Angst, zu ihren missbrauchenden und grausamen Eltern zurückzukehren, verlässt sie das Rudel und zieht ihr Kind ganz allein auf. Die Jahre vergehen und die neue Luna ist nicht in der Lage, einen Erben für das Königreich zu zeugen. Ein Seher sagt dem König, dass er einen Erben hat, in dessen Adern das Blut des Königs fließt. Was passiert, wenn er erfährt, dass das Kind von der Frau stammt, die ihn einst beleidigt hat? Was wird er tun, um sie zur Rückkehr zu bewegen, um seinen Thron und sein Reich zu retten?

    Tessy_Writes · Fantasy
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