
?Keywords=Completa Novels & Books - WebNovel


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    National School Prince Is A Girl

    Fu Jiu appears to be a normal lad in high school on the surface. But in fact, she (Yes! She!) is the hacker, Z, a villain-terminator in the online world of an alternate world. Having reincarnated into the body of a woman and being forced to disguise herself as a young man, she reigns over the game world, fights for justice, and puts a spell on all the girls around with her innate charm. However, her flirting comes across as gay to the rich Almighty Qin and his inner circle. Over time, the Almighty Qin falls for him… her. Has he turned gay for him… her? Now, that's confusing! Keywords: Rebirth, Face-slapping, Online gaming, Pet lover, Hacking, Chocolate-flavored lollipop Sugary Scene: Fu Jiu said, "Almighty Qin, do you have a girlfriend?" Qin Mo lowered his laptop. "No." Fu Jiu lowered her voice and started flirting carelessly. "You have one now, me." Upon hearing that, Qin Mo pounced on Fu Jiu domineeringly! Fu Jiu was stunned. "Wait, what are you doing?" Qin Mo replied, "Exercising my boyfriend rights." Please support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/henyeetranslationsNSPG If we hit certain milestones, we will release more chapters in a mass release as well as increase the release rate!

    Warring Young Seven · Teen
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    Apocalypse: I Have One More Keyword Than Others

    Brave, sly, kind, slippery, generous, greedy, elegant, ferocious, happy, abnormal, honest, hypocritical... In this apocalyptic world, only by winning on the Alien Star battlefield can one obtain resources to ensure the continuity of civilization. Every warrior that enters the Alien Star battlefield receives a randomly assigned keyword that belongs to them. If one's actions align with their keyword, their attributes will rapidly grow, granting abilities akin to Superman. On the contrary, if they fail to comply, they will swiftly weaken; This is a world where performance skills are paramount; Performance skills equate to sustenance, performance skills are glory, performance skills provide privileges, performance skills are life... ... Already concluded with thousands of orders are the works "Dream Fufiller of Ten Thousand Realms", and "Ten Thousand Methods to Remove Players." There is a guarantee of completion, so please feel free to dive in.

    Cotton Jacket Guard · Sci-fi
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    I Forged the Myth of the Ancient Overlords

    Traversing parallel worlds, Lu Ban, who only wanted to make some money by making films, awaken a System, which granted him rewards every time he completed a task. Awesome! Wait a second, look under the bed at midnight? Piano sounds in a theater deserted for twenty years? The artist of an art exhibition gone missing? As Lu Ban completed these tasks, he realized that this world might be haunted! This System is not normal. He found that the System not only sent him on deadly explorations in forbidden places but also recorded all his near-death experiences as video material, and later even threw Lu Ban into the Indescribable Another World! “Eh, if I edit these videos into a movie, wouldn't that be the perfect horror film?” Lu Ban began to understand everything. Thus, within the Foreign Domain, legends about the Ancient Overlord and the Indescribable horror began to spread. —— Another title of this book is "Strange Descent, Filming in Cthulhu's World" "What Did I Do Wrong to Live a Streamer's Life in an Infinite World?" "I, the Investigator, Excel at Getting in Over My Head" Keywords: Cthulhu, Original Infinite Streams, Myth-making, Roleplaying, Silly, Psychotic, a novel that heals the heart, light and enjoyable.

    Golden Dreamland · Urban
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    The Rest Of My Life Is For You

    Yu Yuehan is the usual rich, perfect, aloof president—the richest man in City H; but one day, a female toddler suddenly appears in his life as his daughter! Despite being certain that he has never touched a woman before, DNA tests certify that the toddler is his! He soon becomes a good 'daddi' for the little toddler, Xiao Liuliu. Two years later, for some inexplicable reason, Xiao Liuliu becomes very fond of a trial nurse, Nian Xiaomu, hired to take care of her. Nian Xiaomu has a strong personality and refuses to let anyone bully her. Constantly wary that anyone might cause harm to his daughter, Yu Yuehan keeps a constant watch over Nian Xiaomu. However, his black-bellied daughter has plans for her father up her sleeves… Over time, Nian Xiaomu reveals her charming side bit by bit; and for the first time in his life, Yu Yuehan is drawn in by this mysterious woman… Keywords: Mysterious Daughter, Cute Daughter, Aloof, Nurse, Strong Woman Cute Scene: "Daddi, you are so handsome!" Xiao Liuliu blushes. "Daddi, I want hugs!" Xiao Liuliu coos. "Daddi, I want a younger sister! Quick make one with Mommi." "Daddi…" Yu Yuehan says in a deadpan fashion, "I have never slept with any woman! How can I have a daughter!?" "Did Mommi sleep with you without you realizing it?" Yu Yuehan: "…” We have a Patreon which you can support us at: https://www.patreon.com/restofmylifeisforyou We have advanced chapters to offer, as well as goals to increase our weekly release rate!

    Stupa Demon · Urban
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    La hermosa esposa del matrimonio torbellino

    Rico, poderoso y apuesto. Gu Jingze es la crema y nata del país. Todos los hombres quieren ser como él, y todas las chicas quieren estar con él. Su vida es perfecta, excepto por un pequeño secreto que le impide acercarse a cualquier mujer, una aparente afección. Es así hasta que un día se despierta en la cama con una completa desconocida. Lo siguiente es que se ve obligado a casarse con esta extraña, una mujer pendenciera y escandalosa llamada Lin Che. Lin Che es una chica promedio cuyo único objetivo es convertirse en una actriz exitosa. Excluida por su familia y obligada a ser independiente, trama una intriga para lograr su objetivo. Pero su plan fracasa y termina casándose con el frío y, según parece, insensible Gu Jingze. No solo eso; ahora debe encontrar su lugar en la alta sociedad, en la que abundan las mujeres celosas y las conspiraciones intrincadas, todo mientras hace malabares para manejar su nueva carrera. Dos extraños bajo un mismo techo: desde el principio, acuerdan mantenerse al margen de la vida del otro, pero de alguna manera, él siempre logra aparecer en los momentos de crisis de ella. Poco a poco y sin darse cuenta, Lin Che comienza a tener dificultades para imaginarse un futuro sin él. ¿Crecerá su relación? ¿O su matrimonio está destinado a seguir siendo solo un contrato?

    Bath Robey · Urban
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    Elite Doting Marriage: Crafty Husband, Aloof Cute Wife

    Wen Xuxu is a tenacious, talented, smart and brave woman who was fostered by the Yan family at the age of four when she lost both her parents. Brought up to be the successor of a huge conglomerate, Yan Rusheng is an aloof, intelligent and arrogant man who is the most sought-after bachelor in the capital city. Despite growing up together, both of them seem to treat each other as an eyesore. She labels him as a jerk and womanizer while in his eyes, she is a shrew. Over time, they fall for each other, but they continue to conceal their feelings for each other. By a twist of fate, they are forced into a marriage. And unknown to everyone else and Yan Rusheng, she has harbored a deep secret for many years… Keywords: Childhood sweetheart, Womanizer, Aloof, Soulmates, Forced marriage, Orphan, Secretary Sugary Scene: Suddenly, Wen Xuxu stretched her hand to clutch his wrist and pulled him forcefully. Yan Rusheng was caught off guard and he lost his footing. He fell on the bed and then his breathing became sluggish. Young Master Yan was afraid that he might lose control of himself and do something to Wen Xuxu... the woman he loathed. So he hastily raised his head. But he had barely moved away when Wen Xuxu stretched out her hands and put them around his neck. "Don't leave." We have a Patreon which you can support us at: https://www.patreon.com/elitedotingmarriage We have advanced chapters to offer, as well as goals to increase our weekly release rate!

    Slight Uplifting · Urban
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    Corazón Condenado al Infierno

    "[ADVERTENCIA: CONTENIDO PARA ADULTOS] - [HISTORIA PRINCIPAL COMPLETA] Izabelle subestimó el fuego con el que pensó que iba a jugar esta noche. Pero, ¿cómo podría haber previsto que el hombre con el que se había topado no juega con un simple fuego, sino con todo un infierno? ___ Extracto: —Pasar por este matrimonio conmigo podría ser como si estuvieras cavando tu propia tumba. Porque en el momento en que empieces a querer más de mí, te divorciaré. Y en el momento en que rompas tu promesa y trates de luchar contra mí... Te arruinaré y te romperé por completo. Sin piedad. Te arrepentirás de haber conocido a este diablo esta noche —dijo él con una voz suave pero fría. Pero Elle ni siquiera pestañeó. Su mirada tampoco titubeó. Este hombre era despiadado, y ella lo sabía claramente. Sus ojos en ese momento prometían pesadillas y oscuridad sin ninguna promesa de respiro. Pero no importa lo que diga ahora, eso aún no cambiaría su decisión. Realmente no tenía otra opción. —Ahora entiendo... —dijo en voz baja, reuniendo su valor—. Ya que no confías en que cumpliré mi palabra, ¿qué tal si hacemos esto? Preparas los documentos de divorcio ahora y yo los firmaré. De esa manera, cuando decidas divorciarte de mí en el futuro, los papeles ya habrán sido firmados y no habría manera de que pudiera molestarte por ello. Simplemente tendrías que enviarlo a los abogados y hacerlo notariado. Un pesado silencio reinó antes de que su risa incrédula y callada rompiera el silencio. —Me dejas sin palabras, princesa Izabelle —dijo él, sonando maliciosamente divertido—. Pero luego comenzó a asentir con aprobación—. De acuerdo, princesa. Me casaré contigo. ___ Cuenta de Instagram: kazzenlx.x Página de Facebook: author_kazzenlx Servidor de Discord: https://discord.gg/UGTA3A4 La portada es mía, así que no la utilices. Arte de la cubierta de @azihidalgo Logotipo de @gisel.arts"

    KazzenlX · Fantasy
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    Mi juventud comenzó con él

    Siete años atrás, luego de su separación, él desapareció sin dejar rastro alguno. Ahora, ha vuelto a aparecer, un día antes de su boda. Usó todas sus fuerzas para obligarla a casarse con él y, con un certificado de matrimonio, la ató a él sin piedad. Desde ese momento, esta "Cenicienta" comenzó su nueva vida como la esposa del heredero de un imperio comercial. La señorita Huo: una mujer íntegra, con una lengua afilada y extremadamente inteligente. El señor Qin: un hombre que consiente infinitamente a su esposa y es un completo "esclavo" para su hija. Una historia de amor de calidad y completa. Sumérgete en esta historia junto a nosotros.

    Baby Piggie · Urban
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    Coração Amaldiçoado

    [AVISO: CONTEÚDO ADULTO] - [HISTÓRIA PRINCIPAL COMPLETA] Izabelle subestimou o fogo com que achava que ia brincar esta noite. Mas como ela poderia ter previsto que o homem com quem ela se deparou não brinca apenas com um pequeno fogo, mas sim com um inferno inteiro? ___ Excerto: "Passar por esse casamento comigo pode ser como você cavando seu próprio túmulo. Porque no momento em que você começar a querer mais de mim, eu vou me divorciar de você. E no momento em que você quebrar sua promessa e tentar me enfrentar... Eu vou arruinar você e te despedaçar completamente. Impiedosamente. Você vai se arrepender de ter conhecido este diabo esta noite." A ameaça dele foi dada na mesma voz suave, mas fria. Mas Elle não se abalou. Seu olhar também não vacilou. Este homem era implacável, e ela sabia disso claramente. Seus olhos naquele momento prometiam pesadelos e escuridão sem qualquer promessa de alívio. Mas, não importa o que ele diga agora, isso não mudará sua decisão. Ela realmente não tinha outra escolha. "Eu entendo agora..." ela disse calmamente, se fortalecendo. "Já que você não confia que eu manterei minha palavra, que tal fazermos isso? Você prepara os documentos do divórcio antecipadamente agora e eu assino. Dessa forma, quando você decidir se divorciar de mim no futuro, os papéis já terão sido assinados e não haverá como eu te incomodar a respeito. Você só precisará enviá-los aos advogados e tê-los notarizados." Um pesado silêncio reinou antes da sua risada incrédula e silenciosa quebrar o silêncio. "Estou sem palavras, Princesa Izabelle." Ele parecia perversamente divertido. Mas então ele começou a concordar com a aprovação. "Tudo bem, princesa. Eu vou me casar com você." ___ Conta no Instagram: kazzenlx.x página no facebook: author_kazzenlx servidor no Discord: https://discord.gg/UGTA3A4 A capa é minha, então não a use. Arte da capa por @azihidalgo Logo por @gisel.arts

    KazzenlX · Fantasy
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    Mi Sistema de Dragón

    —Sen, el último y más poderoso dragón que quedaba surcando los cielos causando caos y destrucción en la tierra. Cuando toda esperanza se pierde, la raza humana recurre a su última esperanza: una poderosa bruja. Incapaz de destruir al dragón, la bruja utiliza el último de sus poderes para lanzar un hechizo. —Sen no ha sido derrotado, pero ahora ha renacido como un humano. ¿Cómo vivirá Sen su vida ahora como un humano al que una vez despreció y consideró débil? Novela Completa —El primer libro en la trilogía de la serie SYSTEM Lee— ¡Mi sistema de vampiros a continuación! —P.A.T.R.E.O.N JKSmanga para más contenido y soporte.

    JKSManga · Fantasy
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    Three Keywords

    Inspired by Mr. Moon from 'The Great Storyteller'. Writing a story revolving around three keywords.

    BlueKian · Urban
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    A Bela Esposa do Casamento Turbilhão

    Rico, poderoso e bonito; Gu Jingze é o melhor de toda a nação. Todo homem quer ser ele e toda mulher quer estar com ele. Sua vida é perfeita... exceto que ele tem um pequeno segredo que o impede de se aproximar de qualquer mulher - aparente impotência. Isso é, até que ele acorda na cama com uma completa estranha um dia. A próxima coisa que ele sabe, é que ele é forçado a casar com essa estranha; uma mulher vivaz e barulhenta de nome Lin Che. Lin Che é uma garota comum cujo único objetivo é se tornar uma atriz de sucesso. Ostracizada por sua família e forçada a se tornar independente, ela cria um plano para alcançar seu objetivo. Mas seu plano falha e ela acaba se casando com este frio e aparentemente insensível Gu Jingze. Não só isso, ela agora deve encontrar seu lugar na alta sociedade, onde mulheres ciumentas e tramas enganosas abundam - tudo isso enquanto ela equilibra sua nova carreira. Dois estranhos sob o mesmo teto: Desde o início, eles concordam em ficar fora da vida um do outro, mas ele de alguma forma sempre consegue aparecer durante seus momentos de crise. Lentamente e sem querer, Lin Che começa a achar difícil imaginar um futuro sem ele. Será que o relacionamento deles irá crescer, ou o casamento deles está destinado a permanecer apenas um contrato?

    Bath Robey · Urban
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    If the Deep Sea Forgets You

    When Xia Qingyi wakes up and finds herself in a hospital without any memories of her past, what else can she do other than to approach the person who had saved her? Enter Mo Han, a renowned barrister in the legal world famous for his coldness, arrogance, and competence. With no one to take care of Xia Qingyi, Mo Han finds himself with no other choice but to act as her elder brother for the time being. However, it does not take long for him to realize that there was something wrong with the girl. What’s up with her ability to read others at a drop of a hat? How is she so adept in fighting? Just… who in the world is this girl? With his world being turned upside down with the appearance of this mysterious girl whose new world has nothing else but him, Mo Han’s search for her lost memories begins… Keywords: Memory loss, "Siblings"-turned-lovers, Unknown identity, Law

    Su Fuling · Urban
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    The Revered Magus

    A man who once tasted the bitter flavor of betrayal and isolation has been given another chance in life, armed with a system and his wits from his previous life, how would he fare in a foreign world where the only thing that matters is not how right you are but how powerful you are? Rio Casmir is someone outside the scope of human understanding, for his objective, he will cheat, lie, scheme, and kill. He will tolerate no obstruction toward the apex of power Join our protagonist to see how he will venture the arduous path to the pinnacle of power. Keywords: Reincarnation, Action, Adventure, System, Male Protagonist, Anti-hero Protagonist, Calm Protagonist, Cautious Protagonist, Cheat, Selfish Protagonist, Strength-based Social Hierarchy, Hard-Working Protagonist

    VenerableDio · Fantasy
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    Sons of High Society

    What happens if the person you thought you hated the most turned out to be the one who loves you ceaselessly, unconditionally, and passionately? Status: Completed ... Xue Guangli was a young woman who followed her mother’s legacy; she won’t marry to get above her status. She will earn it. However, when a tragedy struck her home, she lost sight of the things she wanted. To get her life in order, she must regain the classy legacy she left behind, find the real suspect of her mother’s killer, and pave a way through the challenges thrown at her. But when it comes to her mother’s murder trial, Xue Guangli is forced to get help from the man she hates the most—Long Huojin. Long Huojin is an achingly handsome and devastatingly perfect successor of a large conglomerate, but the two never got along. Xue Guangli hated Long Huojin for most of her life—so much that when he looks at her, she can hardly breathe. Long Huojin, on the other hand, secretly pines for Xue Guangli patiently waiting for the day she’ll let him in. ***Novel Completed at Chapter 70*** —— “Her eyes dropped to the hollow of his throat, to the bob of his Adam's apple. Her gaze lingered and stopped at his mouth, at the seams of his lips. It hadn't occurred to her what it would feel like to taste them.” Keywords: Male Lead; Female Lead; Romance; Crime Drama; Strong Female Protagonist; Respectful Male Lead; No Prolonged Misunderstandings; No Sexual Assault; No Evil Sisters; Detailed Smut; 18+ —— Other Works: Daughters of the Elite (4.8) A Song For a Summer's Night Art cover isn't mine. Will remove when asked.

    TheRedQueen · Urban
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    Sistema Multiplicador de Ingresos Cien Veces

    ``` Jack Alfonso, el séptimo hijo de la generación más joven de la familia Alfonso de Ciudad Cristal, pasa por muchos problemas en casa. Su madre muere cuando él tenía solo quince años. Luego, las cosas empeoran ya que es acosado por sus medios hermanos mayores. Al final, decide que ya que la familia Alfonso no podía ayudarlo en esta vida, tendría que buscar la manera por sí mismo. Decide usar la pequeña cantidad de dinero que había estado ahorrando desde que tenía trece hasta los diecinueve años. Deja Ciudad Cristal que estaba bajo la influencia total de la familia Alfonso y se va a una ciudad atrasada, Ciudad Incoada, donde comienza un pequeño negocio. ¿Quién hubiera sabido que cuando recibió su primer ingreso, recibiría una notificación que lo sobresaltaría? [¡Ding! Felicitaciones por activar el Sistema Multiplicador de Ingresos Cien Veces.] [¡Ding! Has ganado trescientos dólares. Multiplicador aplicado. Has recibido treinta mil dólares.] [¡Ding! Primer ingreso. Como recompensa, ganas una Suzuki GSX-R1000] [¡Ding! Primer ingreso. Como recompensa, ganas un Bugatti Veyron hecho a medida.] [¡Ding! El sistema puede asistirte. Serás recompensado con habilidades profesionales de conducción. Pero, tendrás que completar una tarea que se te dará en el período de tiempo especificado. Si la tarea no se completa, entonces no solo perderías la habilidad, también serías castigado por el sistema.] [¡Ding! Primer ingreso. Como recompensa, ganas un Eurocopter EC135] [¡Ding! Primer mes de ganancia de ingresos. Recompensado con el Hotel Glaze.] …. Con eso, su vida cambió inmediatamente para mejor. No sabía qué pasaría después, pero había ganado un nuevo sueño. Quería ser más rico que la familia Alfonso. De esta manera, al menos se arrepentirían de no haberse preocupado por él. Pero eso no sería todo, tendría que asegurarse de que la familia se arruinara. La razón para esto era bastante simple, ¡descubrió la razón de la muerte de su madre! …. Hola, chicos. Esta historia es principalmente de romance y podemos decir que hay algunas partes de ficción. Pero, espero que les guste la historia. Chicos, con cada 100 piedras de poder, habrá un capítulo extra. 200 PS = 1 capítulo extra 100 GT = 2 capítulos extra y así sucesivamente. El lanzamiento de los capítulos de bonificación será al comienzo de cada mes. Así que por favor, si quieren más capítulos, entonces entreguen esas piedras de poder y tickets dorados, y dejen el resto en mis manos.... …. Pueden darme sus opiniones a través de; https://discord.gg/yaBqh38Q Pueden apoyar mis otras novelas, de género fantástico, 'La Estrella Dorada' y 'The Soul System in the Apocalypse'. ```

    Alan_Wafula · Urban
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    Transmigrated Scoundrel's Exchange System

    Han Cai had a very good life, as he was born into a wealthy merchant family. He had access to anything he wanted, and he was always safe, protected by guards at all times. His family was one of the wealthiest in the town, and no one dared to offend them. All of this was going to change. Han Cai's father was taking him to the Sky Soaring sect, where he would begin his life as a cultivator. His past life was filled with regret and loneliness, and he was grateful for the opportunity to start anew in the world. But honestly, he knew he was a Scoundrel in his past life and will be one in this life too. He looked at his system panel [Name: Han Cai] [Age: 10] [Life Span: 40 Years] »Strength: 1 »Perception: 1 »Agility: 1 »Speed: 1 »Constitution: 1 »Intelligence: 2 »Charm: 1 [Exchange Points: 820 (1/day)] [System Update : ? (Collect 1000 Exchange points to unlock)] [Initiate Law of Equal Exchange?] ______________________________________________ Keywords: Transmigration , Action, Adventure, System, Male Protagonist , Accelerated Growth ,Anti-social Protagonist ,Calm Protagonist ,Cautious Protagonist , Charming Protagonist, Cheat , Clones , Handsome Male Lead , Selfish Protagonist , Strength-based Social Hierarchy , Hard-Working Protagonist ______________________________________________

    Daoist_Drumstick · Eastern
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    Leyenda olvidada de la Flor Ensangrentada

    ``` —Vive la vida que deseas esta vez. Una asesina sin igual, nombre en código: Hua, ya había comenzado su carrera desde que era niña. Su historial de misiones era perfecto y aquellos que se consideraban sus enemigos acababan muertos sin saber por qué. Cuando la guerra terminó, fue enviada a una institución donde era vigilada estrechamente. El médico a cargo le dio una novela wuxia ordinaria para leer. Una avalancha ocurrió después de que terminó de leer. Cuando despertó, se había convertido en Nan Hua, la joven señorita de una poderosa familia militar en la novela que leyó. La chica también era la ex prometida del personaje principal, quien moriría por obstruir el amor del personaje principal. Ahora que ella había tomado el control, ¿quién se atrevería a actuar tan presuntuosamente a su alrededor? ¡Nunca sabrían cómo terminaron de manera tan miserable! Pero... personaje principal, ¿qué estás haciendo merodeando a su alrededor? ¿No deberías concentrarte en la guerra inminente y salvar a tu protagonista femenina? ¿Por qué estás intentando de todas las maneras ganarte su favor en cambio, eh? ... Historia situada en un mundo ficticio con cultura similar a la antigua China. Únete al discord para conversar con la autora y otros lectores: https://discord.gg/pBy2wGB Agradecimiento especial para Jiyen (usuario de webnovel Cookiejiyen) que ha creado una hermosa portada *enviando corazones* ... PD: Esta historia también está publicada en Amazon, si la lees allí, por favor deja un comentario. Gracias ^^ ... Secuela: Flor Astral [en curso] ... Otras novelas: - Flores florecen del campo de batalla [completa] - Bajo el velo de la noche [completa] - 7 Caminos de los Lirios [en pausa larga] - 1 Año de Comienzo [completa] - Dama Villana [completa] - Ciencia y Fantasía [completa] - 2 Años de Reinicio [completa] - La Emperatriz Silenciosa [en curso] - La Pequeña Gata del Villano [en curso] ... Sígueme en IG: @sora100518 ```

    Sorahana · History
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    Restauración completa

    sarada es hija de sasuke y sakura , su madre la adora la cuida y la protege pero su padre sasuke no reconoce sus logros y esfuerzos para mejorar al punto que la hecha de su casa y la deshereda ademas de ya no poder usar el apellido de su familia , sarada sera cuidada por tsunade la actual hokage pero en una de sus misiones encontrara un extraño pergamino que contiene un misterioso jutsu que pasara cuando lo active y conozca a las personas de las que su padre jamas le hablo. No se permite copia o adaptación de esta historia sin mi autorización. No al plagio.

    Daniela_uchiha · History
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    Restauración Completa

    Daniela_uchiha1 · Fantasy
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