Melodramatic soap-opera with a heavy helping of 'rape-****'. (Soap-operas are popular tho - so if that is your jam... try it out) Now for all the stuff that made me hate it: - The "time-travel" part is mere setup with historical anachronisms EVERYWHERE. - The tone whipsaws from campy porno to foodie adventure to gritty rape drama. Often within a single chapter! - The main male lead is either a misogynistic criminal or... a undercover good guy. Pick one or the other book! (You can't have your bad boy cake and eat it too) - The rape. - The very pervy way the book lingered on (multiple) rape scenes. Complete with moans, and the girl "secretly liking it". - The way the book tries to justify the rape by being "historical". Gave it a three simply because the translators did a great job.
Liked by 18 people
LIKEThank you, because of the tags "comedy" "rape" I thought this makes no sense and read some reviews. Your is so far the best in answering my questions. So, I'll skip this book, I want to feel good when I read a book, rape is nothing I want to associate with fun. Thanks for the good review!
This is actually a really good novel.
I did read it. Don't care if the author wrote her "enjoying" the rest of the *** scenes - she did NOT consent to them! Unless you consider "consent" in the broadest possible terms of "did not commit suicide/homicide to prevent action from occurring". A mere lack of active resistance does NOT mean that consent was granted.
Honestly. The story warned it would be graphic. I dont understand why its such a big deal. If it can happen in real life then it can happen in a story. But at least the story isnt real life. Trust me when i say i would rayher read about rape and abuse in a story then be the victim in real life. Its hard to deal with. I know first hand. Besides i like how it puts a real peice of life into this fantasy. Life isnt fair, and for the time period in the novel, i say the author did a great job.
So raping once does not matter? The whole setting of rape victim becoming lovers feels so wrong to me at least.
The situation called for said rape to happen but as they were forced to get to know each other they grew feelings. Plus he made up for it. And he did say it was the only way to keep his cover so his plan would work. He is also making up for it now trying to win her the right way.
😳Are you truly serious with your comment? “Only raped her once?”😳 You do know the meaning of “RAPED” right? I presumed that your either benighted or RAPE is a norm to your kind... right? FANTASTIC 👌🏼😳
Yes i know what RAPE means. This is not only a FICTIONAL place and world. But its also FAKE. if it was a real story like news or a documentary or something in the REAL world i would be seriously offended. but its only a fictional setting with a hint of real life difficulties. Ive personally have been molested. I know what it feels like to be violated. It sucks and its gross. But this story is fake. This story is driven by life like senarios to create depth and drama. The story isnt about rape. It isnt about real life. You have tons of stories that go farther than that. But real rape is wrong. Dont dis the whole novel based on one scene. Thats unfair.
😐are you really rationalizing your twisted comment ( Only raped her once?) ? Then you really are beyond damage in the head. You’re missing a great point... it’s neither “Fiction nor Non-Fiction” story... Raped is something that is crude, disgusting, violent and a crime. Other individuals are sensitive, uncomfortable, and infuriated by it especially the victims that have been raped, or violated in any other ways. Why do you think a lot of books, movies, etc. are being rated? Ponder on that. And one more thing, RAPIST or PREDATORS are more likely to say a comment like yours ( Only Raped Her Once...)
Have you been raped or molested? I have. Thats why i HAVE to make light of this. So maybe your right. Maybe im messed up. You wouldnt be the first person who thought i was. I thought it a long time ago. But. I cannot change the past. And i certainly cant change that one scene. So why make a big deal out of it? I have been molested and to this day i cannot go a day without thinking i am broken or messed up. I am filthy and i am not innocent. I have to remind myself that as a 20yr old now i will have desires that are normal. I have to get reassurance from my boyfriend. I have major anxiety and i get depressed. I have to make jokes about my own dad being in jail because thats the only way i can cope with losing him and having him take my child like love and innocence for her father down the drain. Please dont think bad of me because if i dont think lightly about this fake stuff then my real problems are too much to bear. The weights already bad enough i already get pitty apologies and wierd looks because i am different and abused. I hate being pittied. I dont do it because i want to be different or difficult. Rape and molestation are real problems. But its worse if it has happened to you. Sometimes people like me need to make a real and fake rather than making one big pile of bad. Call me what you will. But im not lying about this. If i make the world rape real every time i see it. I dont think i would be able to live or function like a normal human being.
Look. Im sorry if i sound derannged. But im honest when i say if i make fictional rape a big deal, then i am making my life a big deal. I get very anxious and i just like the whole rest of the story. Go ahead and call me a rapist or a preditor. And im sorry. I was molested by my own dad and i think i should die. But there are people who tell me i am normal and i am not a monster. Im sorry i am still trying to cope with my life and i cant do that without going to this story and that scene and saying that this particular setting and description of event is completely fake and fiction.
Pls we don't need to hear the story of ur life. Learn 2 keep things private. If u can blow up BC of a lil rant on the internet then there's something really wrong. Rape isn't gud either in real life or the real world. Mind DAT also teenagers(early) absorb books like these and will want something like this 2 happen 2 dem. Be4 u say Hw I know this my friend legit imagined her husband doing this to her. U might not mind it but others do.
Rape is a big deal - if you are making light of your own memories to deal with them.... that is a valid coping stragity! Just like wight lifting, you need time and practice to work your way up to the really heavy stuff. Good luck on your journey.
it's fine if you want to make light of your own or fictional stories SA, but quit tryna convince others to think as stupidly as you. You're like that guy who made and uploaded a story glorifying and downplaying pedophilia because he had experienced grooming before. it's not the excuse you think it is, trust me.