I honestly don't understand all this hate. Sure the description does not really make sense but this is straight out disrespecting author, translators and even qidian for having this novel on their site. If you don't see it interesting the just don't read it's that ****** and people can vote to whatever they want too
Liked by 171 people
LIKEI just don't know why people who judging by how they wrote their comments haven't read the novel can still rate it, that's the epitome of stupidity. Obviously some people might have read it on another site and have it still say chapter 0 here but some people just rate it without reading it.
1. Here's the thing. We go in expecting something good, and all we get is something mediocre. As in, we see it as interesting when we read the synopsis, but after actually getting into the book, we realize that it really isn't anything great. As in, we go in expecting something good, and all we come back with is a bag of cliches and overused storylines, recycled, blah blah, crap. 2. Also, while the translators deserve all the respect, we aren't disrespecting them, because it's the STORY we're unhappy with. People bashing (or whatever they've been doing) the novel, is bashing the storyline and stuff. We admire the translators, and the work they put into whatever project it is, (I mean even when the translations have perfect grammar, punctuation, no errors), when a novel sucks. It sucks. 3. While we appreciate the reading platform Qidian has given us, true respect and whatever you're talking about is out of the question, as you should know, Qidian is a corporate company and like most corporate companies, their hands are rarely ever truly clean. 4. And author wise, many Chinese novel authors half-ass their books, simply to put it out there and make profits. While some authors may not be like that, their work could still suck. Referring back to number one, if you decide to put work out to the world, then you're leaving it for people to judge. If people like it, great! If people don't, then, well, sucks to be you. If one can't stand criticism, then don't even bother putting it out there.
yea its annoying i once saw a guy make a 5* review based on the cover like wtf