Editor review. Hey guys, glad to see this novel finally published :D It's been in the works for over a year now, but due to a few changes of translators, it'll been constantly delayed. When we lost the first translator, I specifically requested to stay on this project because I enjoy the story so much. So, obviously, I'm a big fan of the story. The MC has some heartfelt moments, some hilarious moments (the 'Spicy.' in one of the early chapters killed me), and some smart/scheming moments, which is pretty much all I ask for in a novel :D If you have any questions or notice any errors or inconsistencies (they're inevitable, especially with a change of translator midway), feel free to reply here or message me on Discord. My ID is millman97#8008.
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LIKENo contract covering that, it's all left to the translator's discretion; as long as you meet your minimum amount, Webnovel don't care 😅 As for if we'll release bonus chapters, we'll see what our ranking is next week before we decide anything. There's a trend of new novels being high the first week and dropping in the rankings immediately after, so we'll wait and see what happens next week 😄
That's unfortunate, i was just marvelling at the translation quality ( i swear 60% of the novels on this site are barely better than MTL). Hopefully the new translator is just as good as the first chapters.
I'll vote for you, this stuff is awesome!!!
I think I'm fortunate that all the translators I work with are excellent 😁