This is an incredible story. The elements that form it are humble, and the archetypes that drive it forward are familiar. Yet as you read on, you watch the author take these ****** pieces, and give them a life and beauty rarely seen in any novel. The characters are interesting and layered. The world and society are well thought out, and well expressed - this isn't the tale of a shapeless protagonist slashing his way through every challenge. The MC is but part of a grander story, one significant piece among many, each striving and struggling to accomplish their own goals and motivations. There is a richness to both the character development and world building. Even as you recognize each familiar archetype, you come away *satisfied* by the fullness and depth the author fills in each element. Parts of the story are pure poetry, written with true artistry and a sublime sense of storytelling. This is one of those rare works that make you feel like you have stepped into another world, where the backdrop is more than just painted facades and the side characters are more than a handful of lines on a page. The author manages to capture that fleeting, powerful feeling - the impossible belief - that if you could somehow peek into each alleyway, sidestreet, side-story or side-character.... you would find a fully realized life, moving and acting on its own. Way of Choices captures the essence of what makes a choice interesting. Namely, that we all want things, and sometimes getting those things means giving up something else. Every character in the story wants /something/, and all of them - not just the MC - have difficult or costly choices to make. As a reader, I hope you choose to give this story a chance. I believe you will find that beneath the familiar surface, waits something that is altogether special.
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