My very first xinxia novel i've read. Totally got me hooked to it. Originally it was translated on WW. Im pretty sure QI copy pasted it without permission
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LIKESorry buddy. Not gonna talk morality here. But lets talk business instead. In business, morality gets a nod only if its profitable, if not it's called charity instead. First things first, the original (Chinese) was posted on Qidian (China). Yes, there is actually Qidian China. So what's this we're using? This, my friend is developed by Qidian INTERNATIONAL (QI), a sub branch made to translate and spread the goodness that is Qidian novels (and make a tidy profit at the same time). So what's my point? My point is that, Qidian owns the original rights, which means they have a proxy right on translations made based on their originals. Also, based on the agreement between Authors and Qidian China (as stated in their Terms of Service), they retain Rights for an INDEFINITE TERM once posted. So they actually can let people translate and later swoop in and take the translations. Is that legal? If there is no WRITTEN contract expressing permission between them, yes its legal. Is it right? Mayne not, but as stated, I'm not here to talk morality. I'm looking at it from a business perspective. Also, I don't have enough info regarding the full conflict because W.W. did initially make a brouhaha over this but after some time it died down and got swept into the cupboard like so much dirty skeletons. Also, being put here means the AUTHOR (ORIGINAL OWNER AND FRIGGIN ORIGINAL SOURCE) has a cut in the money pool too.
Yea that’s how Chinese from China works no moral at all they are totally monks under the umbrella. No hair no sky. Say it in Cantonese that’s what you’ll see what I means. Money only matters.