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But you don't write a jumble of multiple languages in formal documents do you? its like filling in a government questionnaire with English, French, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, Indian, Arabic, German and Russian words, and all in correct grammatical order that is unique to each language.
For some chinese and Japanese girls (and korean girls too, but at a much lesser frequency) this kind of action is deemed cute and being naive. it's a cultural thing. notice i said some, not all.
Like, literally.
you're forgetting something. A bankrupt merchant would have nothing to his name. he's not a nobility that will have the backing of Royalties. He only had money to back him up. With no money, there's nothing behind him. So yes, even merchants can have this happen to them. It's either his workers does it or another noble merchant does it. And the workers would be well justified since they can claim it's what he owed them since he didn't pay their wages. The Govt back then won't interfere in small cases like these.
That's type 1 diabetes. Type 2 are the one where it's mainly lifestyle choices. And eating lots of sweet stuffs is a lifestyle choice. not to Mention type 1 (the genetic reason) is on a lower ratio compared to type 2 diabetes.
I had too. that previous was being so uppity with his "our West vs Asian culture". So a bit of reality check would do him good.
yeah, I did a cursory research, and found out how F-ed up people in the USA are with regards to their healthcare. I mean, treatments costs ranging in the thousands? And here I thought I was the one living in a developing country. Funny that with how rich the USA is supposedly is, they can't even give the minimum healthcare for free. not even talking major surgeries or illnesses like cancer. just bone breaks or accidents.
isn't that what I said? just in more polite form. 😂
Means he's kinda pandering to the old man and comforting him subtly, even though it's likely he can do a better job.
Big brothers looking out for younger siblings are always interpreted as bullying. kinda comes with the territory