I feel like there's some untold meaning to the Synopsis, but for my sleepy brain, it's just giving me a headache thinking about it. Can get more detailed description? Is there like a main character or does this novel just talk about animals the whole time.... first there was a rabbit, then there was a goat, the goat said meow somehow meow said the goat, then the rabbit said 'why the hell are you saying meow' and the goat said meow. That's what I'm getting from the description right now. To summarize my review: Need more information, will read and be disappointed that it isn't a novel about a meowing goat and a talking rabbit. [4.0 for now, since I'm naice]
Liked by 76 people
LIKEThat would be hilarious. Perhaps I'll write it. I'm procrastinating on finishing a novel anyways might as well.
Necsys_Coldheart:Now i wanna novel about a goat named 'Meow' that says "meow" all the time and the only one who understands him is a talking rabbit named 'Jet' and they travel the universe as bounty hunters 😉😉😉