The story is so unrealistic that meat pies falling down the sky everyday literally. Thats what this story is all about. Mc no money. Boom! extinct fish from nowhere for sale. Mc poor health. Boom! Fishing rod hook onto cultivation manual. Mc needs sugar daddy. Boom! Billionaire passby his moutain. Mc restaurant no ingredient. Boom! Comes out once a day from an old well. Mc restuarant on some rural moutain for one meal four pax portion only still need to walk to top, cost price random, food type random, opening hour random anyhow when mc is happy. Shi.t this is not a story. This a dude winning lottery x999 everyday.
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LIKEYou’ve only read up to Chapter 17 and can’t get a bigger picture of the story. BOOM! In the tags it says “Lucky Protagonist” BOOM! He’s literally fishing in different worlds, what do you expect? BOOM! If you’re going to write a review, don’t make it to Chapter 17 and whine like a newborn just because you don’t like the story.