2017-11-29 07:19

If you are REALLY curious about the meanings of character names, read below. Might be a little LONG. No spoiler. First of all, we should know that Chinese is a tonal language, while English assigns stress to one syllable of every word. Tone is one of the distinctive features of standard Chinese(Mandarin). If we neglect the four tones in the transcription of Chinese names, we may lose/misunderstand informations, sometimes are quite important. Just look at these names: Chén Guǒ(Boss), Wèi Chēn(God of shamelessness), and Wǔ Chén(Captain of Team Everlasting). We’ve got three “Chen”s here but they don’t share the same tone. Yep, there are still two of them alike, but if we write them down in ideogram, you’ll see that they are completely different(of course their meaning varies). Now we’re at around Chapter 800, as a Chinese fan who has run through the whole novel four times, if you already find it hard remembering Chinese names, well, keep working, cuz still loads of new names ahead. I mentioned this point just because I saw a comment saying their names are similar. In fact, not at all😂. Second, Chinese is a high-density language, it means it carries more information per syllable than English, besides, Chinese has an enormous amount of so called set phrases(Chinese idioms) which are in general consist of only 4 ideograms each, but can tell a whole story!(that’s an insane information density). For the fluency of reading, it’s not possible to translate their names accurately. The translator has had to trim. Butterfly Blu is a vey talented writer, his works are written with much literary skill, as well as naming. We know that names can convey something, and almost every author would use this technic. For instance, in the Beggar’s Opera of John Gay, we have Lockit, Macheath, Peachum, etc. Without knowing the meaning of the names, it will definitely be a great loss. So, enough talk, let’s get started. [1] 叶修[Yè Xiū], MC 叶秋[Yè Qiū], the younger brother In Asian culture, if we are brothers, our names are usually some how similar, as if to demonstrate that we are brothers. It’s kinda like the rhetorical figure anaphora😄 another example will be more obvious: 苏沐橙[Sū Mù Chéng] 苏沐秋[Sū Mù Qiū] (Sū is their family name, not Sū Mù.) They doesn’t need to rhyme, but “anaphora”. Here we can see 叶秋 and 苏沐秋 have a character in common—the last character [Qiū], means autumn. This is merely a coincidence.But in the case of “One Autumn Leaf” is not. *I’ll write word-for-word translation between【】 一叶之秋[yí yè zhī qiū]【One Leaf ’s Autumn】 The second and the last character are exactly the name of Yè Qiū. Or, it might be a combination of Yè Xiū and Sū Mù Qiū. We know that it’s Sū Mù Chéng who picked this name for YX. She knows YX’s real name from the very beginning, so maybe she wished that they could fight together in the Glory. And, “One Autumn Leaf” is a mistranslation, cuz the literal translation should be “The autumn of one leaf”, “one leaf” is actually an attribute of the word “autumn”. We shift the order, and the artistic conception changes. P.S.Chinese is an isolating(analytic) language, means it plays with word order, and lacks inflections in morphology. That’s one of the reasons why it has such a high information density. BUT! When Sū Mù Chéng picked this name, she made a typing error. She wanted to type “一叶知秋”[yí yè zhī qiū],the pronunciation is exactly the same as “一叶之秋”[yí yè zhī qiū], but you already found that the third character has changed. The third character “知” here means “know, foresee”, so the whole meaning changed completely, because “One Leaf ’s Autumn” is a noun phrase whilst the one with “know” is a sentence which means “From a falling leave we can tell this year/my life(here’s a pun) is coming to an end.” 【One leaf heralds autumn】This is precisely the set-phrase I mentioned above. Sū Mù Chéng preferred a poetic name, but her fingers slipped. So here we have 【One Leaf ’s Autumn】instead of 【One leaf heralds autumn】. Sad story. What about “Lord Grim”? Another mistranslation! 君莫笑[jūn mò xiào]【you don’t laugh】 “Lord” in this context is the second person imperative when you address sb in a very respect way, kinda like “my lord” in English, but a little different. The sentence means “please don’t laugh”. It comes from a verse of a poetry of Tang Dynasty. The whole poetry is: (There are two translating versions) Version One: Grapewine I would like to taste, have to go yet I would crave. Thou dost not tease drunk soldiers of all, Long ago few come back from war. Version Two: Exquisite wine in cups that glitter at night, The pipa(a Chinese instrument) playing on horseback urges us to drink. Laugh not if we lie drunk on the battlefield. Since ancient times how many have ever returned from campaigns afar? So “君莫笑[jūn mò xiào]【you don’t laugh】”are the last three words of the third verse. What the hell is “Lord Grim”?😂 When we see this name, we can perceive the solemn and stirring shadings, when YX just got kicked out of EE then bring out a Card with this name. And thinking about the pro league is just like a battle field, only very few of the players could enter the pro circle and those who win the cup are even fewer. Nevertheless, we can not ask more, cuz as the translator of the Anime of TKA said, it’s a pity that we cannot make subtitles very much “faithful”, the cross-culture translation is so hard. I bet some of you has already blamed that the English subtitles just flying through the screen and you can not catch up with them. If anyone is interested in the true meaning of their names(not only for characters but also the names of guilds are so beautiful), please give me a thumb or reply in the comment, to let me know if it’s worthy to continue. btw, My major is foreign languages and literature. I major in German and live in Italy currently. So please forgive my low Englisch level.😂

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Wow! That's so incredible! You comments are really useful! I'm going to give a like to let other people see it!


I also have some other character's name: 夜雨声烦[yè yǔ shēng fán] The id card which Huang Shao Tian uses【night rain's sound is noisy】 黄少天[huáng shào tiān] The alternate captain in Lan Yu[蓝雨(lán yǔ)【Blue rain】] 王不留行[wáng bù liú xíng] The id card which Wang Jie Xi uses【Cowherb Seed(Wei Cao's id card's name are all Chinese herbal medicine】 王杰希[wáng jié xī] Captain of Wei Cao[微草(wēi cǎo)【Small grass】] Well...I will write more information if I have time...


Thank you for taking the time to write this! I found it really interesting, especially the part about One Autumn Leaf :)


This is very useful! I'm Chinese and my native language is also Chinese, and despite that, I learned a thing or two from this comment. I feel like such a disAppoiNtmeNt sighs Though I've only studied in china until I was in grade 1;;; but again, I can't blame my lack of efforts to continue to learn about my native language for me being lazy


Recall my friend hating me after pulling him multiple times to explain stuffs (his fault for making me read the original as my way to practice, not my fault I only started learning after uni... yeah, I dishonor our cow)


I have a question. In this novel and in others, I frequently see the word 'tyrannical' used when someone is surpressing another with sheer strength or ability. In TKA we obviously see the same word used for the Team/Guild, and often to describe Ye Qiū/Xiū's fighting. What does this mean precisely? Is there a difference between, say, 'Tyrannical Ambition' and the common phrase "it was too tyrannical?"


Thank you! It’s good to know this kind of info.


Please write more of this


Man you wrote a book, good job nice way to explain things!


Yeah, I kinda remember the meaning of some names because they were mentioned in the story. But mannn, do more! I really love this novel




Keep writing them


AHHHHH! We should be friends!!!


Lol, I'll do the replying since Charlatan is busy af. Sorry, to make you wait. The word "Tyrant" is 霸王 [bàwáng] in Chinese, while Tyrannical Ambition is 霸气雄图 [bàqì xióngtú], with 霸气 being "Tyrannical". When describing something as "tyrannical", it's usually either 霸气 [bàqì] or 霸道 [bàdào], so yes, they are the same. What it means, precisely, is imposing, intense, overwhelming, powerful, etc. in a way that asserts oneself and one's power/superiority. I think so, at least, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong haha

Jordan_D:I have a question. In this novel and in others, I frequently see the word 'tyrannical' used when someone is surpressing another with sheer strength or ability. In TKA we obviously see the same word used for the Team/Guild, and often to describe Ye Qiū/Xiū's fighting. What does this mean precisely? Is there a difference between, say, 'Tyrannical Ambition' and the common phrase "it was too tyrannical?"

This was really insightful, knowing this information gives knew meaning and life to the characters and game avatars. It might be easier for information like this to be posted in a more set place since wading through is a little difficult. Maybe make tumblr posts or something similar? I hope you continue this and thank you!


Never in my life did ever want to learn a language so that I can finish reading it. Of course it is not happening anytime soon, but thanks to this kind of informative posts, I get to appreciate the story more. I cannot remember the day where I did not reread a part of the novel before going to sleep sometimes I get read until up to the latest chapter translated.


30 minutes ago you posted and I am liking it as 100th person. Would like to know more. Continue it you can


My reply was to charlatan.


It was a great read ^_^


Shut up Sword Saint o more talking!!!! ...lol

Other Reviews

I have no intention to write a review cuz I finished this novel for almost 2 years, however, I just cross to the authors Weibo and find something he has to say about this story and readers. Here's his Weibo page if anyone is interested: http://weibo.com/p/1035051235627283/home?from=page_103505&mod=TAB&is_hot=1&noscale_head=1#_0 So here it is(I'm sorry if some of my translations are different from the novel cuz I basically didn't read it): Butterfly Blue: King's Avatar has a rather ****** storyline, an out-dated professional retired and started from the beginning then returned to the top. Stories like this aren't something new (Note: based on Chinese WN variety and non-gaming novels), and there are just two types of ending for them, either hero at miserable late years, which is more objective, realistic but sad; because of that I chose the other way, make it back to the top with glory. This kind of ending is more enjoyable, like most of the fairytales. However, in competitive sports, that's not that unrealistic, some people just have that kind of potential, keep their high-level performance way past their peak age. E.g. Micheal Jordan, returned to NBA at 32 in 1995, since then till 35 years old, these 3 years he kept the championship in his pocket, made others to feel the fear of domination again. In this case, Ye Xiu didn't do anything nearly crazy, but he is this kind of person - in the area of Glory competitive gaming, a premium player. What makes it even worse for others is that as a genius he also had the passion, concentration, and diligence which stronger than anyone, even in the last year of his pro-life, he led a team he gathered at retirement and fought so hard towards the championship. What he wanted was not leaving no regrets behind, he was way past that point, championship means nothing to him, he had that a long time ago, hell he actually dominated the league for ages, if he liked he would just say "Glory(the game) has no more challenge to offer me" and leave. He didn't, not because "Championship means everything to me", more important thing is that he loved the game. Quote Ye Xiu "I won't be bored with this game even for another 10 years." This kind of constant passion, for a story that's just one sentence, but to do it in real life, that's something different, that's harder than you can ever imagine. Myself, for example, writing novels for over 10 years, although interests keep me going, compare to where I was, I can't just say I'm still that passionate and aggressive - please don't bother to count my update frequency back then, I had worse update stability back then I know, but writing status and mood was much more active. So whenever people ask me if the MC is based on myself, I'll deny it directly without a second thought. How could it be? Characters in this story are way bigger and better than me. The reason I made them that way is that they are what I want to be. I'm so glad that my dream causes so many people's resonance. Thankfully Ye Xiu can be welcomed by so many people. (Skipped some of the otherwise concerned words) Last but not least, I'd like to point something out for all my beloved readers. This story and all the characters in are fiction, please keep rational love to them. There are a lot of things in your life such as health, family, work, study, friends, etc are more important. TKA, Ye Xiu and all other things in the story should just be something that amuses you from time to time, don't ever mind it too much. With this novel, they will always be here. If I don't change anything, then they will stay the way they are.


Hello, everyone! I'm one of the translators working under NomYummi on TKA, Jouissance! Just here to say that we hope you're enjoying our translations (and our bonus chapters) and we'll do our best to carry this through and give you the best translations! TKA will be going through a bit of refining in the near future and remember to check the Wikia, where additional information can be found (but beware of spoilers!) I myself am on chapter 1449 right now, and I can assure you that this novel just gets better and better, and even has an awesome prequel called Top Glory, so keep reading! Also, some very shameless advertising: There are two rather active discord channels that we know of (after I notified Nom of the existence of the comments section XD) The following link goes to the less spoiler-filled, more chat-based, slightly more tame (???) and very, very active discord with bots aplenty. https://discord.gg/PpRnvgK The following link goes to the more art/fanwork-based and nearly equally as active discord that has a NSFW section and shippers aplenty. https://discord.gg/GyHZgQT They have both been previously advertised, but we decided to make it official. I think there might be more - I know there's apparently a dead one derived from the reddit - but me and Nom know of and are on these two, haha. The next link takes you to the wikia! http://the-kings-avatar.wikia.com/wiki/The_King%27s_Avatar_Wikia And last but not least is our Patreon, where you can come to support us, read ahead and push us into releasing more often, haha! https://***.patreon.com/nomyummi Anyways, that's about all I have to say! Look forward to seeing you on the discord servers! All the best, Jouissance


First of all: if you are contemplating whether or not you should read this novel, just stop right now, don't have reservations and just read it because it's awesome and won't disappoint you. __________________________________________________________ Because TL;DR, here's two snippets of quotes from the passage summarizing what I'm going to say: "Ye Qiu! God Ye Qiu! If you only thought of him as a knowledgeable Glory player with incredible skill, then you were wrong, very wrong." (C. 540) "In the end, it was Little Cold Hands who reminded Chen Guo: 'you'd better not treat God Ye Xiu like soy sauce. If you treat him like soy sauce, the entire team will end up being soy sauce.' " (C. 643) . . . This is one of the best novels and the only one that I can really enthusiastically delve into. It's got a lot of Chinese culture in terms of mannerism, language (slang & idioms), and mostly its humour and gaming culture. There's a lot of comedy but it comes with a touch of realism in every aspect. Although the story is MMORPG-centered around the game called Glory, the author fluidly moves between in-game world and real life (so natural that you don't even bat an eye lol). You can also grasp the concepts easily. Pacing may seem a bit slow but the slice-of-life works really well in this case. The MC, Ye Xiu, is a God-tier, veteran player dubbed Textbook of Glory —but honestly, it's not all about his OPness, wouldn't even be accurate to label him so, right? He has unparalleled passion and love for Glory and he has the talent, skills, mechanism, knowledge and experience to go along with it. There are times when he displays his individual dominating prowess, but there are countless more times when he work behind the scenes to help his team and efficiently uses leadership skills to coordinate and command groups. So our God here is God because he is God: he has what it takes to start from pit-bottom up, wreak havoc among all the guilds and not give a ****, and his character is absolutely shameless (afterall, geniuses and gods are not like normal people, their flaws are hallmark reedemable features lol). His greatness is killing me... arghhh...


I have read many gaming novels, in most of them the MC simply gets overpowered stats, items and spells which enable them to fight 1v1000. In this novel the MC has 10 years of experience of the game and starts again from scratch in the new server. It is explained how the MC outclasses the average player and it shows the way of thinking that professional players have. The translation quality is very good, it doesnt contain extraordinary adjectives and it's structured very well. The update stability is good aswell, they release the 12 chapters/week as mentioned. The character design is very nice, every character has his own personality, and the diverse personalities represent different kinds of players. As an example the MC who is known as the best player only cares about the competitive aspect of Glory, while other pro players care about the media. There are also pro players that had to retire because of injuries (Sun Zeping) or age (Wei Chen). But it is not only about pro players. There are aswell characters like Chen Guo who are passionate Glory fans. Another one is the initial noobish player Steamed Bun who relies on his instincts while playing. On the contrary there are players like Concealed Light who understand the theory but are unable to implement it on their playstyle due to lack of mechanical skills. The world building is the best part of the novel. Initially the novel is about the game glory with its cities, quests, dungeons, wild bosses and so on, while later on the focus is more on the pro league. I really like that the author describes everything so detailed, especially the relationships between clubs, club guilds and pro players, but also the in-game components like dungeoning, PKing, large scale fights. I recommend this novel to all gamers who have some interest in the way of thinking of a pro player or professional e-sports in general.

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