There are a lot of problems with the novel. 1- there are a lot of logical loopholes, for example when he pushes everyone out of the classroom and locks himself inside with a criminal for no good reason, and he has time to write a whole note to his family instead of escaping .2-the story jumps around and keeps skipping from scene to scene with no consistency, you see him in class one time and then suddenly he's in the theater singing and playing the piano and then in the parking lot. I'm not sure what exactly is going on here and I don't want to know .3- why the hell is Mr. Bertie teaching him? He's supposed to be 13 and Mr. Bertie is a high school teacher .4- this guy barely spent a day after his reincarnation and started flirting and singing on stage instead of grieving about his passing and what happened to his family in his previous life. 5- I'm pretty sure he supposed to sign up for a competition before it even started bye a couple of days. I want stay more than my welcome so goodbye
Liked by 39 people
LIKEI don't see any problem tho evrything is fun to read ... little bit funny and there would be great....too ........ actualy there is a problem...that is ...the chapter update is ...slow....i like fic with... atleast...300 up chapters....and Hello to the writer guy ...tnks for the fic tho ..... waiting for more chapters....