too many clichés and the relationship with the people who hurt him is weird and stupid, like his mother loves him but ignores him, neglects him and even completely forgets about him.
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LIKEWell it doesn’t matter if it’s chapter 32 or 132 because the story didn’t progress at all. So even if the commenter made this review post chapter 130 , it would still be the same because the author doesn’t know how to progress the story . He’s baiting yall very good with those “I’m sad” mc trope real good
Look at my review
bro tell me he isn't being a little bit** even after many chapters ( 150), cuz i am already getting tired of his mentality
As I said , the author is baiting most of his readers with the same “I’m hurt , I’m sad” trope. He most prolly ain’t have a good story in his mind and is Just milking the story so he could get the contract money or something. I dropped it around 130 because my brain was actually hurting . And guess what , none of this is me hating. It’s the truth
i figured, i actually dropped a long a** spoiling review about the matter sadly i got an issue with the spacing between phrases and all every time a post a longue review.but i got what you mean, it was a bunch of nonsenses and totall waste of time reading about a loser who don't want to change.