Story is good and was great to me until events started playing out exactly the same as the OG universe. but in this universe a pack of mutant werewolves have been changing history for 50 years, or at least their actions should have but they had absolutely zero change on captain America's origin story. with a little creativity you could of written the event differently at least, even with the same outcome. but no, author got lazy and suddenly the story stopped being AU until the origin of captain America is over. I get it, some events you don't want to change but not changing them after you've changed so much is just bad writing. I'm hoping this isn't going to happen for every avenger introduced. but the author wants the best of both worlds which doesn't work in real writing but when it comes to fanfics I guess we shouldn't expect such quality, so maybe im just being too critical because like I said the story is good other than the points I've stated. also they kill innocent people who find out about them but letting the govt know about them is alright. lol so much you gotta just accept.
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