2024-09-21 19:18

Yo, I am here to tell you that this story is peak...how can I say that? Uhhhh..then let me point out some things. 1- the main character is so good. He is not your some beta MC. He have a brain, he can think surprisingly, and he knows how to handle situations, and he have a really really good humor 2-now we are talking about comedy then let me say the comedy of this novel is so peak there are times when I just laugh continuously for minutes and the author might be freaky sometimes while writing which is peak 3- Now when we are talking about writing then it's good like really really good grammar is good author usually write in 3rd pov which is i prefer generally and tbh writing is so good that it doesn't seem like the writing of an amateur author NOW...AUTHOR LISTEN TO ME IF YOU DROP THIS NOVEL ISTG…… I THINK YOU KNOW WHAT I WILL DO So conclusion of this yapping is to read this novel it's peak

Liked by 92 people


thanks for the review bbg


You know what I will do If you drop this :tsugun:

FailedWriter101:thanks for the review bbg


FailedWriter101:thanks for the review bbg

can you plzzz tell who is the FML.. I really like tyrant queen..

FailedWriter101:thanks for the review bbg

It's not confirmed yet and it's no use asking the author cuz he doesn't know himself who is fml

Ankit_Bhanot:can you plzzz tell who is the FML.. I really like tyrant queen..

Plus making the tyrant queen the Fmc would be weird well, it doesn't matter cause the story slaps

DEMON_450:It's not confirmed yet and it's no use asking the author cuz he doesn't know himself who is fml

Is there yuri in this ?!


Why did you assume that there would be Yuri in this? Anyway no there is not

NO_YURI_000:Is there yuri in this ?!

I mean that’s usually what happens in oyakadon type stores ?

DEMON_450:Why did you assume that there would be Yuri in this? Anyway no there is not

Thanks btw.

DEMON_450:Why did you assume that there would be Yuri in this? Anyway no there is not

Thank you random fellow🤝🏽


Has he decided yet or the FML is still unconfirmed?

DEMON_450:It's not confirmed yet and it's no use asking the author cuz he doesn't know himself who is fml

Thanks, you made me want to read it... and if the novel disappoints me, you know what happens ...


Why is it so important to know the FML 🤦🏾‍♂️

Insane_S:Has he decided yet or the FML is still unconfirmed?

It is rather disappointing to think a character is fl and it turns out to be someone else. It does not bother me much but I would still like to know

TJ_Rose:Why is it so important to know the FML 🤦🏾‍♂️

It’s not a dominant love story so I never understood why people are so fixated on it. More people spend so much time on action nobels love life than they do on actual romance novels with good romance writing.

Insane_S:It is rather disappointing to think a character is fl and it turns out to be someone else. It does not bother me much but I would still like to know

@failedwriter101 come here and answer

Insane_S:Has he decided yet or the FML is still unconfirmed?

The reason why people like me are asking about FL, is because, for us the MC's lovelife is as important as his strength and other aspects. As normal men, we all wish to be extremely strong and powerful and have a great lovelife. Now think about this, out of so many Female characters, you start liking a particular girl and the author is ambiguous about whether she'll be the FL or not. You start rooting for her and subconsciously start considering her to be the FL, only for the author to side cast her and choose someone else. This makes you feel betrayed. And this is why I prefer genuine harem stories where you don't have to worry about who the MC will choose, because the MC will get them all.

TJ_Rose:It’s not a dominant love story so I never understood why people are so fixated on it. More people spend so much time on action nobels love life than they do on actual romance novels with good romance writing.

Not going to lie you sound crazy.

Ahmed_Bhai_9711:The reason why people like me are asking about FL, is because, for us the MC's lovelife is as important as his strength and other aspects. As normal men, we all wish to be extremely strong and powerful and have a great lovelife. Now think about this, out of so many Female characters, you start liking a particular girl and the author is ambiguous about whether she'll be the FL or not. You start rooting for her and subconsciously start considering her to be the FL, only for the author to side cast her and choose someone else. This makes you feel betrayed. And this is why I prefer genuine harem stories where you don't have to worry about who the MC will choose, because the MC will get them all.

Hi author can you confirm if this is harem or no harem pls 🙏 (from the no harm sect it wud be wonderful if this is no harem)

FailedWriter101:thanks for the review bbg
Other Reviews

We've Been Tricked, We've Been Backstabbed and We've Been, Quite Possibly, Bamboozled. FailedWriter101? My. Foot. So yeah, I stated the author was just a new author in my previous review. And I wasn't exactly wrong. But new facts have come to light that has made me review my opinion. The level of improvement this author has shown cannot be explained unless he is a 1000yr old master who is regaining his abilities after a long period of rest. The novel has shown such a stark improvement in the past month or so that I am left bewildered. So yeah, I stated this was a novel with good potential in my previous review. But so were 100s of other extra novels I have seen fail. But contrary to his pen name, this author has been an enormous success. The rate at which his popularity shot up is comparable to how well Extra's Descent did at its early stages. Could this novel be the second coming of ED(Extra's Descent)? Or wait, THIS NOVEL IS ED(Extra's Death). Oh my, oh my, do I smell a connection here? Mayhaps, mayhaps. Coincidence, I think NOT. Ahem, half-baked half-high detective stuff aside, lets move on to the novel. The writing quality has always been good, and it has only improved from the early chaps. In terms of update stability, the author is a beast of writing, maybe on magecrafter levels but he did manage to reach the 100 chapter mark in just a little over a month of beginning to write. That is plenty commendable in my humble opinion. In terms of story development and world background, top notch, as always. From the very beginning it was very clear that the author has put much thought into these aspects. Moving on to the most important factor, character design. The extra trope is a washed and repeated trope on this platform. I have read 100s of novels of the theme, and the one of the, if not the only part that always stays as the deciding factor whether or not an extra novel succeeds is always the character designs. AND THIS NOVEL EXCELS AT THIS. Hot mommy? Check. Hot daughter of hot mommy who is a senior at the academy? Check. Hot OP girl from the same year? Check.(best girl btw) Wait, wait, wait. Just because I only listed the female characters doesn't mean this novel is a harem or that there are no important male characters. It's just that I focus on the female characters more. The male characters well, uhh, they exist. They... do stuff?(icl, i havent even looked at their character arts). At any case, they are important to the plot and are good characters too(i am pretty sure). CONCLUSION: So, well, yeah, that's about it. If you are into novels of this type(with extras, and weak to strong mc, and academy arcs), I would 10/10 rec this to you. But if you are here because you are into mythos, then well, there hasn't been much to see for now. I mean, we haven't even seen hades yet and that guy's name is a part of the novel's name. So in the end whether or not you will like this novel depends on what you are looking for. One thing I can assure you though is the fact that you won't dislike this novel even if it isn't what you want to read. Finally, I would like to mention(threaten) the author by saying that I will [REDACTED] his ahh with my [REDACTED] if Morrigan di Montaigne ain't the fml.


Aight, Young Sosa on the review h o *. Alright listen, if you stalking my profile and saw that MABI review where I said that I seldom review novels and see me reviewing this novel hours later then let me clarify. First, I just thought that since it's Sunday let me review all the novels that I found peak. Don't worry, after 1 or 2 reviews after this, you won't see reviews from me in a long time. Anyways, like I previously said, if you see me reviewing any novel with 5 on it, yeah it's good so just try it. PTSD (Yeah, I still can't remember the name and I'm high so just go with this) at the end. I'm not even a moderator for this novel or anything, so yeah, don't accuse me of glaz- Ring...Ring. Just a second. Yes? Oh.. Yeah, I see. I gotchu. See, it's my homie so.... KRISPY KREME DONUTS, WE GLAZIN Just kidding, my boy and this novel so good, that my genuine praise would seem like glaze to you haters. Anyways. MUSTARRRRRRRRRRRRRD! Writing Quality: Yeah, so I'll just give you blockheaders a clue. This guy, yeah, this guy named FailedWriter101 who got this roblox ahh username trying to show that he's new to the platform. For someone new, bro's got really peak writing, I can't lie. Coincidence? I think not. But then again, since when was my thinking not dumb half of the time. Wish I could be as wise and clever as Ryuk from De*** Note. In any case, the quality is peak. The author clearly knows how to write better than 80% of the writers on this platform. Just him taking minutes to reread the chapter and edit out puts him above most people. There's barely any errors. SO ITS PEAK, I DONT CARE WHAT OTHERS SAY. Sorry, didn't mean to scream. It's just that I get aired and ignored alot. In any case, the explanation, the description and everything is done in simple easy to understand, Wn-readers brain like words. Aight, next. Stability of Updates: Yeah, so if you got a problem with this, there's a door to the right. Just walk some steps. Yup, right here. Open it. Yeah, see that space outside? Get out. For someone who released multiple chapters early on to satisfy his readers (Don't worry jadey, I didn't see those tier messages), and also keeping his stability perfect till date, this deserves a big 5 star. Yup, that star that the teachers used to draw on your cheeks. Yeah, come here jadey. Let me draw it on your cheeks as well. Just not the ones on your face. Story Development: It's peak. Genuinely peak. Yeah, I know you prolly saw my Reading Status when reading this review to see how serious you can take me. Anyways, the plans, foreshadowings and how the story progresses genuinely leaves every reader wanting for much more. As an author, I, myself love how he progresses his story. This is also why whenever I want to do something in my novel I take his opinion. genuinely serious. I swear you will love it. It's never too light or too dark (who am I kidding with that mini gege pfp). Anyways, for you WN readers, I assure you will love it. Character Design: Cooked. The humor the author puts into characters genuinely makes me laugh and crash out so much that my soul flies out of my body into oblivion. .exe crashed. Pinched the red peak. Marshmallows. Yeah, chapter 24. Author definitely changed gege to za-za at that time. The character's personalities are also not annoying or make it feel unnatural at all. Neo's personality for his age is peak. Morrigan, love her. Elizabeth, hate her. World Background: For an extra story, author took a big leap here. Rather than that organizations and cliche everything, he introduced clans. Especially of Olympian Gods. How much more unique can it be? No info dumps or over explanations at all. Author really put his mind into developing the world before writing it and I love it. PTSD: Still don't remember the name, forgive me. In any case, every aspect about this story deviates from the cliche extra trops and characters and everything. Author genuinely thought that throw this all out, and we make Extra good again. After all the stains on it, author did a fresh turn and turned it into a genuinely peak 5 star meat that makes me want to swallow and eat it. HUH? Nah, I said 5 star meal bruh. Eat a 5 star meal. What you guys on? Anyways, Peak 5 star, wonderful novel. so.... GO READ!!!!! METROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!


I'm dropping this book. But not for the reasons one would expect. In fact , the story is well-written . The characters I have seen so far( except Amelia) are interseting( even elizabeth’s adopted children), the plot is slowly uncovering and the aventure promises to be exciting! But that said , this book just has too many pet peeves of mine for me to be willing to continue. First , the annoying female companion trope. Really they are not cute! To me they just mess up good books . And the fact that they are reoccuring characters makes it even harder for me to get through a read when such a character is in. Second , the " oups! It’s an opportunity for the perverted ones~" trope. Creating situations to sexualize Mc or other characters just doesn’t sit well with me . It’s not funny, it doesn’t sevre the plot , it takes away some of the charisma of the characters... So I just don’t understand the reason why so many authors like this! As of chapter 23 , there had only been two such scenes. But it was enough for me to understand that the author would continue in the same way. Third ,"all the main girls are sexually/romantically interested in Mc "trope. This is the major reason why I'm dropping this . Seeing as they are in the characters sheets , I get that Elizabeth and amelia are proeminent characters in the story. But it’s such a shame that the author made them both interested romantically in the Mc( or is at least headed this way). That’s why whenever I try to read further and I see Elizabeth is involved , I' m just unable to continue because my heart aches at the sight Of the big wasted potential she is. Can’t there ,for once, be a female main character who is not the mc’s love interest but has a great friendship with him? Neo and Elizabeth 's first meeting , ignited this hope in me. But then they went to sit naked in the divine pond and it just showed the author's intentions. It’s not a bad thing . It’s the author 's choice . The problem lies with me so I'm only expressing my feelings so that others with such pet peeves can be fixed on what to and what not to expect. Aside from all that , I still recommend this strongly to anyone the afore stated things do not annoy. And for the author :May God bless your writing journey !


While the story is good, the more I read the story, the more I feel less motivated to read it. I think the main reason I feel this way is that the MC just dosent seem to have much personality. Yeah he is edgy silent and strong but at the same time I feel like I wish there was more in him. Normally when you have an emotionally impaired mc you need more internal monologues to understand the mc psyche or a system like companion to humanist or explain mc’s opinions, though process, beliefs, etc. Right now the mc does a lot of things but I have deeper connection or appreciation for the mc. At the same time the supporting cast is utter garbage, half of the time I wished they all died in an accident or just left the mc. Specially Felix and Jack, these two make me lose respect for the mc. Being funny(cringe in this case) or strong is not enough to make a good side character. Also a lot of things related to mc’s power just stagnated. Like mc didn’t ever try to improve his water affinity, he just used it to make water once and use his one skill. World Building is lacking as well. Like there are mythical creatures and hybrids in this world. But even then a centaur was mentioned once, mermaid were used in the first part and never again. And the whole story being a novel became less and less relavent. Like if someone asked me where is the mc from, I coudnt answer. Important world questions like which country the mc is from, what is the political situation, how are normal humans treated in this world. But I have to give creadit where it’s due and say the story and the plot is very good. It is intresting most times to ignore some of these shortcomings. I think it’s a good enough book that many people will like it but I really feel like this is where I will stop.

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