The story isn’t bad but the loss of emotion shit will become a huge issue later so pls address that and the way he spends more time in the underworld than the academy
it’s getting annoying cuz your delaying character development. By the way is Felix a girl or a boy pls don’t say both I need a definite answer, it would be weird if the mc or Arthur got with him if he was both or is constantly jumping genders so just keep him in one most of the time. One more thing is morrigaine or the princess or her mom the fl I wouldn’t mind if it was all three honestly.
Pls answer my questions.
1. Mc won't become emotionless.
2. The current arcs are focused on the Academy.
3 and 4 are spoilers so I won't answer them. but Mc won't get together with Felix.
Ps you used curse words so your review might be shadow banned.
Another thing why does he dismiss everything even though it’s right in front of him it’s really confusing and stupid you’d think a smart person would figure it out, first he denied the message from the previous neo Hargreaves even though everything pointed to it being the truth and him having no way to prove it wrong then he denied the fact that Elizabeth sent him the message 5 minutes late even though there was no reason to. Pls stop this theres no reason to make him look dumb it’s not even funny
FailedWriter101:1. Mc won't become emotionless.
2. The current arcs are focused on the Academy.
3 and 4 are spoilers so I won't answer them. but Mc won't get together with Felix.
Ps you used curse words so your review might be shadow banned.
felix is both
he has the bloodline of love or maybe lust i forgot