
Review Detail of The_WheelOfFortune in Lord of Mysteries : The Undead Do Not Die from Kindling the Fire

Review detail


The story is really good, it’s basically about a transmigrator that lived through dark souls I -> dark souls III but then ends up in the LOTM world. The only thing that is annoying is the fact that the mc barely even remembers the LOTM series. The translation is pretty good too.

Lord of Mysteries : The Undead Do Not Die from Kindling the Fire


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Brother. You want him to die to corruption on the spot??


its worse then you think... he even forgot that the world he is currently in is a book that has nothing to do with dark souls.... yet he still only thinks of doing dark souls stuff, even if he cant recall anything from the book ( wich is untrue because he does remember some of the content) its extremely vexing to read the mc constantly target people to create so called kindling thus wanting to kill anything and anyone as a murder hobo, even the main character who he at least should have recalled slightly he wants to turn into kindling

dankoku:Brother. You want him to die to corruption on the spot??

The said "dark souls stuff" clearly work in this world, why shouldn't he think about it?

VermaWyrda:its worse then you think... he even forgot that the world he is currently in is a book that has nothing to do with dark souls.... yet he still only thinks of doing dark souls stuff, even if he cant recall anything from the book ( wich is untrue because he does remember some of the content) its extremely vexing to read the mc constantly target people to create so called kindling thus wanting to kill anything and anyone as a murder hobo, even the main character who he at least should have recalled slightly he wants to turn into kindling