2024-07-13 13:33

I'm sure this is just a copy and paste, you don't even bother to correct things. fhfhvkdbjy uci tfucutvufi xhdjfjfjfhfhfhfjfdxnfjfjfjfjjfhfhfufuffhhfjdududd

Liked by 7 people


Do it yourself and translate the 3 thousand chapters


That's not the problem, don't divert the topic, YOU are the one who decided to translate the novel, so you did the job well.

Copia_kun:Do it yourself and translate the 3 thousand chapters

Is there r 18 in the original?

Santy_Melay:That's not the problem, don't divert the topic, YOU are the one who decided to translate the novel, so you did the job well.
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I am in Kuroinu? (LongChinChin)

Un chico muere salvando una vida, se le conceden 5 deseos y un destino de su elección para reencarnar. (In English next) Un Fanfic de Kuroinu, y el Multiverso. Los capítulos serán cuando no tenga nada que hacer. Puede que los capítulos iniciales no sean perfectos, pero te aseguro que después mejoran, además, también estoy pensando en reescribirlos más adelante. También, si no sabes leer español, tranquilo, puedes traducir la novela con la opción que te da el navegador de Chrome, y como mi escritura no es demasiado complicada, todo se entenderá bastante bien. Tags: Harem, Romance, R-18, Ecchi, Multiverso, Anime, Hentai, Yandere, OP-MC, Comedia, Drama, Slice of Life, Acción, Isekai, Waifus. ********************** [Now, in English.] An adolescent dies saving a life, he is granted 5 wishes and a destination of his choice to reincarnate. A Fanfic of Kuroinu, and the Multiverse. The chapters will be when I have nothing to do. The opening chapters may not be perfect, but I assure you that they improve afterwards, and I'm also thinking of rewriting them later. Also, if you don't know how to read Spanish, don't worry, you can translate the novel with the option that the Chrome browser gives you, and since my writing is not too complicated, everything will be understood quite well. Tags: Harem, Romance, R-18, Ecchi, Multiverse, Anime, Hentai, Yandere, OP-MC, Comedy, Drama, Slice of Life, Action, Isekai, Waifus.

Long_ChinChin · Anime & Comics
269 Chs