Endearing start, taboo cliches, surprisingly little nationalism. Irritating changes in character and repetitive phrases to accommodate word padding. FML treated as a dumb ditsy weakling. Slow paced with no real improvement, ML ignores system use "Father system" and spends more time speaking sweet nothings to his wife than raising and teaching his children. 20ish Shameless plugs into other books you have to pay for if you want to buy in bulk and get a discount. All of that, while moderately irritating, doesn't detract from what is at minium, a well written book. What does disgust me and ultimately made me regret reading it, was the random weird cultivation turn that ultimately serves no purpose. If I wanted a cultivation hack'n'slash, they're a dime a dozen. I definitely wouldn't be reading a story that purportedly revolves around a 'father system' As for coherent grammatically correct writing, it is on point, so if my complaints sound like 'noting much' to you, you will probably enjoy it.
Liked it!