
Review Detail of Echo_Fox in Naruto: Mixed Heritage(Rewrite)

Review detail


My biggest issue with this story is how the author uses too much detail for every little thing. I don’t need to know how the desks are arranged in a room, I don’t need to know about the posters on the wall of a classroom, And I don’t need to know that the chairs in the classroom are comfortable, unless the character outright states it when he sits on it. There are more examples of this throughout the 11 chapters that I read.

Naruto: Mixed Heritage(Rewrite)


Liked by 39 people




I disagree. This attention to detail the author's created will make it easier to visualize the story. Usually one of the things that makes a bad story is little attention to detail and descriptions of what the story looks like.


There is clearly an exaggeration of details by the author. Useless details, which are the worst kind of error for an author, so don't defend such nonsense.

Arigo101:I disagree. This attention to detail the author's created will make it easier to visualize the story. Usually one of the things that makes a bad story is little attention to detail and descriptions of what the story looks like.

I agree but to much detail ruins it.

Arigo101:I disagree. This attention to detail the author's created will make it easier to visualize the story. Usually one of the things that makes a bad story is little attention to detail and descriptions of what the story looks like.