
Review Detail of JaxWolf4 in More than a Dragon Warrior

Review detail


1. 15k spammer 2. Pretty much the same story 3. How did this get to number 1 with powerstones.

More than a Dragon Warrior


Liked by 46 people




Who asking? Get a life, loser.



Its a review. People are wondering how good it is. A lot of people are asking dummy.

JojoTheReal:Who asking? Get a life, loser.

It's probably author alt, look at his profile, new account and he has only ever commented on this work.

JaxWolf4:Its a review. People are wondering how good it is. A lot of people are asking dummy.

It stops being the same story after tai lung kills wubao. Why do so many people have a problem with a word count chapter? Just scroll past it. Are you telling me you are too lazy to just scroll past it? You leave a review of a story that is just starting of course the content will be almost exactly the same because you didn't give it time to deviate. It's already deviated completely from canon.


People have a problem because it's lazy, and they want to get on the leaderboards as fast as possible. It's annoying when you want to have 15k words of content just to get 2 chapters of nothing. Scrolling past it has nothing to do with the issue. It is annoying and shows that they care more about the leaderboards than their story.

TaterRumble:It stops being the same story after tai lung kills wubao. Why do so many people have a problem with a word count chapter? Just scroll past it. Are you telling me you are too lazy to just scroll past it? You leave a review of a story that is just starting of course the content will be almost exactly the same because you didn't give it time to deviate. It's already deviated completely from canon.

I'm 50/50 on that. Yes it is lazy HOWEVER no one is going to be able to see the story without it so I get why they do it. I spend 2 seconds to scroll past it, no skin off my back.

JaxWolf4:People have a problem because it's lazy, and they want to get on the leaderboards as fast as possible. It's annoying when you want to have 15k words of content just to get 2 chapters of nothing. Scrolling past it has nothing to do with the issue. It is annoying and shows that they care more about the leaderboards than their story.

wow an alt really

JojoTheReal:Who asking? Get a life, loser.

Even then, it's not entirely necessary. They can just stack their chapters and release them all at the same time rather than the 15k word spam. And besides, eventually, they'll hit 15K words, and people will still see it anyway, so there's no even need for the word spam in the first place

TaterRumble:I'm 50/50 on that. Yes it is lazy HOWEVER no one is going to be able to see the story without it so I get why they do it. I spend 2 seconds to scroll past it, no skin off my back.

jax what are you doing here. get back to making more chapters

JaxWolf4:People have a problem because it's lazy, and they want to get on the leaderboards as fast as possible. It's annoying when you want to have 15k words of content just to get 2 chapters of nothing. Scrolling past it has nothing to do with the issue. It is annoying and shows that they care more about the leaderboards than their story.

There's authors here with 15k words of actual content, good content, and their stories are buried under these greedy PoS.

TaterRumble:I'm 50/50 on that. Yes it is lazy HOWEVER no one is going to be able to see the story without it so I get why they do it. I spend 2 seconds to scroll past it, no skin off my back.

yet his word spam has long been deleted after he hit the word mark and has been in the top ten for weeks. stop crying bruh.

Genn_stars:There's authors here with 15k words of actual content, good content, and their stories are buried under these greedy PoS.