sooo, I don't feel like reading this after finding out he's a demon, it's only a matter of time b4 he meets frieren. The moment that happens, he's going to get instantly zoltraak'd into oblivion. If you can't interact with the characters that are interesting, then whats the point?
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LIKEYou said he was a demon in the description. that's an immediate death sentence upon meeting frieren. It's either wildly lore innacurate in which case I don't want to read it or he somehow avoids the literal main character for eternity in which case I don't want to read it. if the premise is bad I think it deserves the review.
It's true that she doesn't attack first, but ONLY for POWERFUL demons. She doesn't bother to use the "trick a demon" method in the source material for weak demons. for them it's kill on sight because there's no risk of collateral damage. In the source material she shot a demon in the brain with a concentrated yet accurate zoltrak in order to eliminate them as fast as possible. She didn't bother to trick it cus it wasn't necesary. go read the books first. then read the manga. the anime isn't far enough into the story yet for you to make that assertion.
That guy with the threads was weak no?
Although, yes, this novel is trash, I have managed to read it since I answered you. Although not for the reasons you said. I still want to read a good demon si. As of this book mc has already become a god or at least the strongest mortal in the world.
That adds another reason to drop it. lol.
It's completely justified. when you claim your story is in the "frieren fandom" and then replace a main character trait of a vital character or main character with nonsense, then it isn't frieren anymore because you broke a rule of the setting. Amikiry also said that you broke a cardinal rule of power fantasy storytelling which is "A character cannot become "basically god" level of power without at least a lengthy character arc. according to them, you did it in 8 chapters. what the heck is with that? who would want to read something like that?
thanks bro I HATE this kinda fics
yeah MC its quite lore inaccurate. human in frieren world known has the fastest growing race in magic aptitude and yet the demon MC million times faster. there is also body transformation magic which change MC appearance to human which beg question why author makes mc demon if they transform him to human anyway. also the plot is rather heavy handed, in a chapter, a group of human and frieren bent on killing MC but they stop and become friendly in the next chapter. but its fanfic so low quality is expected. with so few frieren fanfic around, i think this is one of the better frieren fanfic despite its not that good. the other frieren fic is even worse, with frieren acting out of characters like shounen manga skit. i'm grateful that this fic is here despite all the flaw
….. that can’t work like at best one in a million demons have the self control to live in human society for an extended period of time and even then they’re still sociopaths