Fast paced, protagonist becomes a god overnight, characters are not built, they are just plot devices with names, boring cheat, this story is a complete mess. The author has potential in writing, but in this story he wants things to happen, this leads to inconsistent developments and a strange plot. I do not recommend.
Liked by 32 people
LIKEI think you should lower your expectations about fanfic quality because most of the fanfic is written by amateur writer that might be their first time writing a story and most of fanfic is free, so don't expect to find gem because most of the time you often find trash and sometimes if you lucky you find silver.
How are they supposed to get better when people don’t talk about their writing errors because “their expectations should be lower”.
nacht:I think you should lower your expectations about fanfic quality because most of the fanfic is written by amateur writer that might be their first time writing a story and most of fanfic is free, so don't expect to find gem because most of the time you often find trash and sometimes if you lucky you find silver.
what my reply mean toward the rating, not the review itself. imo 1.5ish rating too harsh, and if Im rating this fanfic with op review I would rate this fanfic 3.6
AzureFluteFan2:How are they supposed to get better when people don’t talk about their writing errors because “their expectations should be lower”.