
Review Detail of Tengri02 in Why Do the Women in My Stories Plead for Self-Forgiveness.

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Why Do the Women in My Stories Plead for Self-Forgiveness.


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Thank you for saying this, the million dollar app has officially turned on me. I want to declare you my godfather :D

Sabaroth_zarkiel:Author I think your comment are being shadow banned for some reason, they a re not appearing on the reviews section. I only saw your comments after checking your profile. And also you probably don't know this but webnovel has an A.I that shadow bans certain words that are inappropriate or explicit, if you want to not get shadow banned then try writing in cryptic words like seggs for Mc sleeping around with heroines

Author I think your comment are being shadow banned for some reason, they a re not appearing on the reviews section. I only saw your comments after checking your profile. And also you probably don't know this but webnovel has an A.I that shadow bans certain words that are inappropriate or explicit, if you want to not get shadow banned then try writing in cryptic words like seggs for Mc sleeping around with heroines


Your not the only one we are in this together, it has turned on every reader on this app

Tengri02:Thank you for saying this, the million dollar app has officially turned on me. I want to declare you my godfather :D