
Review Detail of Magkus in The Crazy Adventures of Kevin

Review detail


Writing Quality - Not the best but not bad either. There are spelling mistakes and few inconsistencies here and there but it's ok. (4.2⭐) Story Development - Going Okay for now. It's a AU and author is doing good job. (4⭐) Character Development - This Kevin is different and I like it. He is willing to go to lengths and that's the best thing about him. The character of Gwen and Ben is portrayed correctly as well. Though you need to refine the character of side character a bit like I don't even understand what's on going about Melanie and those other plumber guys. World Background - Author is going for a more comprehensive World and that's good. (4.5⭐)

The Crazy Adventures of Kevin


Liked by 2 people




Haha, those plumber guys... Don't worry. You'll see more of them soon. It's a series you know, so you will definitely get more info as we go on. The editing part... yeah. For now I can't pay an editor but I would appreciate anyone here who could help, they would get to read ahead. As a serial writer, there are so many chapters I have to turn in each week and I may not create time to look over them since I am in my finals now but thank you awfully 😆.