
Review Detail of Eternalsylph in Endless Evolution: Last Star

Review detail


Well, another novel with potential, but what will we get? The generic +1500 caps?? Harem?? A successful MC, strong, handsome and for whom every girl who sees him needs to go change her underwear?? What could make this novel different? Will the author dare not to put a harem? Or even romance?? From the synopsis it seems like a "cold and emotionless" MC, but from experience and in the face of all expectations, they are the ones who end up having a harem with more women 🤣🤣🤣, I laugh so as not to cry. Author, you still have time not to screw up, unless you are one of those who puts your mental fantasies, which is not bad, but if it is that type, it is better to visit certain platforms before writing, you will 100% see how some ideas change. of romance and you will see the dissonance that is formed, not only in this one but in all of them, I don't know if you have noticed but the readers of this application are mostly people with 0 EQ who I bet a large part has not had a girlfriend, and If we talk about virginity I won't even comment on it, then when it comes to wanting harem or excessive romance things, you just need to think a little, whoever already has it in reality doesn't need to read about it because they already experience it, I personally don't experience it. normally be strong enough to go to space or split stars, then I see novels where there are people like that to excite me, then where does romance or even worse, the harem come in? 🤣🤣 This is something I've been thinking about for a while and it made me realize the type of people who read harem novels, or at least like them, I'm going to give an analogy "those who like NTR think they're the guy with who the girl cheats on the boyfriend" that is the type of mentality of a good part, not only of your readers, of the people of this platform, both authors and readers. Well, I see potential that's why I put effort into that comment and I hope that this novel goes well for you no matter what decision you make, good luck.

Endless Evolution: Last Star


Liked by 12 people




I'm going to give an example, why do I want to see a rich person get richer? It is more difficult to go from being poor to rich, than from rich to billionaire because money generates more money, if the MC is successful from the beginning, let's say a martial clan and he is ultra talented, what do I have to do with it? A machine that receives resources and becomes stronger without meaning? Where is the spirit? Mental strengthening? I give more priority to the mental and spiritual growth of the MC than to his powers. If I have to choose, I'll stay with the one who gave everything and I always look for more, to improve myself, not simply a resource eater. I am looking to read someone transcendental but I want to see how they develop their mentality up to that moment because it seems more important to me, just like when they begin to deduce their own path and not the one stipulated by their rich clan.

Nah_I_shall_pirate:yeah I agree with u but what's wrong with successfull mc is he supposed to be always suffering or slave to be called "Written well"?

yeah I agree with u but what's wrong with successfull mc is he supposed to be always suffering or slave to be called "Written well"?


Well watching the mc grow is one of the best thing for a novel, I just hate it when even after 300+chapters of hardwork. the mc still poor or not seeing any development. like they write the whole plot to make the mc weak,pathetic. and make the development at the end of the novel.

Eternalsylph:I'm going to give an example, why do I want to see a rich person get richer? It is more difficult to go from being poor to rich, than from rich to billionaire because money generates more money, if the MC is successful from the beginning, let's say a martial clan and he is ultra talented, what do I have to do with it? A machine that receives resources and becomes stronger without meaning? Where is the spirit? Mental strengthening? I give more priority to the mental and spiritual growth of the MC than to his powers. If I have to choose, I'll stay with the one who gave everything and I always look for more, to improve myself, not simply a resource eater. I am looking to read someone transcendental but I want to see how they develop their mentality up to that moment because it seems more important to me, just like when they begin to deduce their own path and not the one stipulated by their rich clan.

iImean most people like harem bro. so stop complaining about novels being harem instead go find the 1 in 10 good non harem book.