
Review Detail of Yuri_is_not_ntr in Batman x Arc Reactor

Review detail


I hope that this Bruce Wayne will be a true hero, not some anti-hero nonsense. I miss seeing characters who are selfless and righteous. Nowadays, people are so edgy and always want to kill others. He has what it takes to be a hero too; he saved his last world by sacrificing his life, after all. I'll probably lose interest if it's another edgy character who wants to kill everyone.

Batman x Arc Reactor


Liked by 36 people




u do know iron man kills right


You...know Marvel actually takes "war on crime" rather literally, right? The superheroes and supervillains of Marvel are commonly trying to kill each other and succeed a lot.


he made a reference to tony in the mcu,a single character from a much dulled comic franchise and he didnt say tony has never tried to kill before but the only times i recall were Obadiah and Killian both of which literally took the situation out of his hands.They both basically killed themselves when he would have preferred a much peaceful resolution . Apart from that only Bucky,who actually killed his family and caused him grief amd Thanos,i dont think i need to explain this one


what about the iron man movie (2 or 3) where he was putting bullets in people

isaiah_Bissue:he made a reference to tony in the mcu,a single character from a much dulled comic franchise and he didnt say tony has never tried to kill before but the only times i recall were Obadiah and Killian both of which literally took the situation out of his hands.They both basically killed themselves when he would have preferred a much peaceful resolution . Apart from that only Bucky,who actually killed his family and caused him grief amd Thanos,i dont think i need to explain this one

I dont recall that ever happening but you seem to be referencing those with extremis working to kill/kidnap him/his family forcibly. if you are then they also did take the situation out of his hands in the heat of it as he couldn't put them down l9ng enough for it to count (mostly). though I haven't watched that movie in quite a while so till someone posts a reference video,gif or what have you ,I think we should leave it at that


yep he shuld just keep baby sitting joker let him run around and kill more people, so that he won't ran out of villains to play his hero fantasies. "ugh look at me i arrest psychos that murder for fun, I'm a good guy" "killing them breaks the law, let the law pass justice, as if I'm already not breaking said laws by being a vigilante dressed as a bat"


wait do you think batman don't kill the villains because he is afraid of breaking the law???? I don't think so. He just don't want to take another person life because they are a human being.

Zhawan2002:yep he shuld just keep baby sitting joker let him run around and kill more people, so that he won't ran out of villains to play his hero fantasies. "ugh look at me i arrest psychos that murder for fun, I'm a good guy" "killing them breaks the law, let the law pass justice, as if I'm already not breaking said laws by being a vigilante dressed as a bat"

he's afraid to kill them because he's afraid to lose control therefore making all of his physical and mental training useless since none of that matter in the end if he can't even have self control to that level if you can't dictate if someone is worth saving or just straight up killing since they have no redeeming qualities then he's just mentally illed I'm sorry but that's just the truth

Yuri_is_not_ntr:wait do you think batman don't kill the villains because he is afraid of breaking the law???? I don't think so. He just don't want to take another person life because they are a human being.