2023-11-14 06:46

Irei ler com um pouco de expectativa, sempre que vejo uma sinopse onde diz que o Mc tá querendo voltar pro mundo original eu dropo na hora, tipo quem em sã consciência iria querer voltar pra terra?. Mas irei dar uma chance dessa vez.

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I also do the same thing, I'm going to give this one a chance because I see few fanfics of this cartoon that is so nostalgic for me.

Other Reviews


I had the absolute pleasure of coming across a fanfic that, without a doubt, deserves all five stars possible. This well-written, captivating story is a real treasure trove for fans of the universe it's based on. One of the first things that caught my attention was the quality of the writing. The author or author is skilled in creating engaging dialogues and detailed descriptions, which made me feel like I was inside the story. The narrative flows smoothly, maintaining a steady pace that left me eager to find out what would happen next. The characters are extremely well developed and realistic. Each of them has their own distinct personality and clear motivations, which makes them easily identifiable and memorable. In addition, the interaction between the characters is believable and exciting, creating strong ties and interesting conflicts throughout the plot. Finally, I would like to mention the dedication and commitment of the author or author to regularly update the fanfic. Nothing is more frustrating than getting caught up in a story and then waiting months for a new update. Fortunately, this isn't an issue with this fanfic, as the author or author maintains a consistent schedule, which makes for a seamless and immersive reading experience. In summary, this fanfic deserves all five stars and more. I strongly recommend reading this extraordinary story to all fans who are passionate about how to train your dragon. I apologize if my grammar is bad because I'm still learning English because it's not my native language

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