I just came from kevin novel. I have now fallen in love with this novel but damn i am pretty sure this is dropped. But i cant decide if i want this or kevin novel.
Liked it!
LIKENo it's not. It's on a pause, if anything I want to compile chapters before releasing. And thanks. This is actually my first fanfic, you can consider this a child I won't leave behind haha, so worry not. I have assured the readers here too. When I resume which isn't long, I'll let you and the others know.
Oh! In actuality before reading the novel i skim a read through the released chapters to get an idea of what type of novel it is such as the kind of plot and power scaling. I loved the concept so next on i read reviews and see the update stability. So after screening i decided i totally wanted to read but then checked the chpaters released and thought this is on hiatus and didn’t want to preasure you to continue as that would decrease the kevins fanfic chapters. So on the last 10 chapters of Kevin novel before i will actually read it and give you a review as you say you will continue it!! Sorry for the misunderstanding and love your work and patreon free images you give!!