Es muy bueno que le agregadas tu propio estudio, como con Tom al cambiarlo por una criatura mágica, gracias por traducir está novela y si puedes agregar más novelas pero con tu propio estilo por qué si e leído novelas chinas que si al principio están bien pero luego te agregan poderes que rompen rápida mente con el equilibrio del mundo o les dan sistemas que sacan poderes y cosa fumadas...bueno gracias por por traducir está novela sigue así, ánimo
Liked by 2 people
LIKE"It's great that you added your own touch to it, like with Tom by changing him into a magical creature. Thank you for translating this novel, and if you can add more novels but with your own style, because I've read Chinese novels that start off well but then they add powers that quickly break the balance of the world or they introduce systems that create overpowered abilities and nonsensical stuff... Well, thanks for translating this novel. Keep it up, and stay motivated!" ---- Thanks for the review! I promise I'll stay consistent with the updates, as for writing my own novel - I'll think about it, but I really don't have any experience as an author, I'm just translating for now. Anyway, thanks for reading :)