I'm here from your previous fanfic which you decided to scrap because of some reason. I've read this remake and I've like this one better but I'll give a serious review unlike last time.Writing quality is very good and there's no grammatical mistakes whatsoever and even if there were, I'm sure that it's atleast readable.The story development is goof and I see no changes from the last book but I really hope you write for your own sake instead of your readers since that's the most enjoyable way to do it.Character design seems to be the one that changed the most compared to the last fic but this ones way better. updating stability seems good until now but I hope everything is going well at your job. world background... it was already done by JKR so there's no point talking about it. oh wait, it'll be better to write down the fact that this is an AU since there are a few key differences compared to the original if you are following your other fanfic's setting.As for the FL, assuming that you are going to make your own decision since you asked about the personalities, I'll write down what I think.Luna seems to be the best choice if you want an innocent and wholesome atmosphere since she's just weird but in a good way.Daphne will be a great choice if there's going to be some politics and drama. she's actually a great choice for most of the things since there isn't much written about her.Fleur.... a few months of relationship and then it'll go long distance. Better for a fling instead of a proper relationship.Hermione... well, keeping my prejudices aside, she will be a decent girlfriend but she will probably not listen to Alex and get into the thick of things. She'll be a great friend but she's just overused.I guess that'll be it. I put a lot of effort into this review so please don't quit. I love this book.
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