This is some professional level writing,the character building is amazingthe world building is also 10/10everyone feels alive and unique, the conversations actually feel human, the interactions are nigh impeccable I'm honestly amazed by everything this novel has to offerEven how smooth the author is with the main characters own unique personality, like i find it so awesome that he has a trauma or panic attack when buneary is away from him for even a moment, and it just so subtly gets introduced without being told it's amazing how everything just blends in perfectly and in harmony, the battles are in depth and the adventures actually leave a very good impression, the slice of life here and there are also so we'll mixed it I'm just loving this novel, keep up the great work
Liked by 13 people
LIKEThanks a lot for the very positive review. It means a lot to me to have the stuff I produce get validated - but don't do it too much, or else I might get complacent at some point ;) --- As for the subtle story-telling: I'm a firm believer of the world-building practice "Don't show and don't tell either." Stuff needs to happen off-screen/page, or else the world won't feel "alive".
Anytime, keep up the great work and I agree with you so much on this, out of all novel I've read the ones that follow this sort of wavelength turn out to be the worthwhile one, maybe why I love stories from souls games so much, they tend to be subtle you have to explore the world to even find out what is going on or be within the storm of it. I find it hard not to praise your work since most fanfic here is mostly self satisfaction, writing with braindead thinking there's not many that tend to stick around people.Then there are novels written by actual authors, I like them, but they tend give out bad endings like Christmas presents so I usually resort to fanfic, plus I'm writing a pokemon fanfic myself and I stumbled upon this
Is there any kind of yuri?