Shameful author here:- I wrote it so obviously I am gonna give it five stars and hope you will too, also if you find any mistakes or have some doubt do comment them in chapters or paragraph comments I read them all. Even if you don't find any mistakes or don't have some doubts make sure to give feedback I need to know what readers are likes and do not like in my work. Thanks for reading my novel.
Liked by 25 people
LIKEIf you don't like threesomes with two girls and one boy then yeah it's Yuri otherwise no, there will be no girl-to-girl romance or lemons without MC's presence in the scene.
Wow not even 50 chaps and heavy yuri already. Looks like i made a good choice to not start it. Thanks for the info fellow daoist. Thats not culture at all.
I have no problem with that. I never understood why so many people do not like female-on-female actions of their own woman. I mean, if you supposedly love them but do not trust them enough, why be with them? And if you're just with them for the pleasure, what's the problem?
Because we are Completely Straight is as simple as that..i can make this comment much longer to explain more clearly but it would not matter much because most who will read this comment would get my point from just first line..and I am happy that i didn't read this novel much longer than needed to understand it.. because after observing and reading a little..i can guess that with what kind of women he would make out and later how it would evolve.....
I completely agree with you, not a single lemon scene with 2 or more girls is complete without yuri, absolutely all of them have it, and quite intensely, and often mc simply forces the girls to do it.