2023-04-23 03:28

Hey there, fabulous readers! I just wanted to give a quick shout-out to all of you for taking the time to dive into my writing. As a rookie wordsmith, I'm all ears for your feedback, even the constructive criticism that points out my "oopsies" and "uh-ohs." Butt hey, let's keep it fun and friendly, okay? I promise not to break into tears if you spot a typo or two. After all, who knew that spelling and grammar could be such thrilling rollercoaster rides? Oh, and speaking of feedback, while I'm open to all sorts of critiques, let's leave the "hate" out of the equation. I'm all about spreading positivity and good vibes, so any comments that are more fire and brimstone than rainbows and unicorns will be banished to the digital dungeon. So, let's keep this review party upbeat and full of witty banter. Your input is greatly appreciated, and I promise to take it all in stride with a smile on my face and a pen in hand, ready to improve my craft. Thanks for joining me on this wild writing adventure, and let's make reading great (and fun) again! Cheers, [Author of STN]

Liked by 16 people


also if u want to ask any questions about the novel, you can do so in here


romance? harem? single female lead?

Shiroi_kage:also if u want to ask any questions about the novel, you can do so in here

answer the following questions

Shiroi_kage:also if u want to ask any questions about the novel, you can do so in here

Well, it sounds like Mark has been burned in the past, so it's understandable that he's hesitant to trust again. But hey, who knows what the future holds? Maybe he'll find someone who will prove to be worthy of his trust and love. And if not, he can always enjoy the single life and focus on being the best version of himself. As for the harem situation, well, let's hope that Mark doesn't get himself into too much trouble! Two or three love interests sounds manageable, but anything more than that and things could get a bit...complicated. . . . Just forgot to mention, *spoiler* *alert* it looks like Mark will be getting a little sibling in the far future...so stay tuned. It will be getting a little interesting.

Faier:romance? harem? single female lead?

what is ur Q?

WaTchMaN:answer the following questions

well the ones below mine comment

Shiroi_kage:what is ur Q?

well you know harem or not that's all

Shiroi_kage:what is ur Q?

If not harem then 1fl romance

Shiroi_kage:what is ur Q?

3 sexy ladies


I think a love triangle would be fine.

Shiroi_kage:Well, it sounds like Mark has been burned in the past, so it's understandable that he's hesitant to trust again. But hey, who knows what the future holds? Maybe he'll find someone who will prove to be worthy of his trust and love. And if not, he can always enjoy the single life and focus on being the best version of himself. As for the harem situation, well, let's hope that Mark doesn't get himself into too much trouble! Two or three love interests sounds manageable, but anything more than that and things could get a bit...complicated. . . . Just forgot to mention, *spoiler* *alert* it looks like Mark will be getting a little sibling in the far future...so stay tuned. It will be getting a little interesting.

added to library... the author feels kinda cool and I've just turned 18 myself author 🫂


zenop91:added to library... the author feels kinda cool and I've just turned 18 myself author 🫂

yeah not my cup af tea 2 to 3 lovers it's harem and a system that's sentient is a big no, no offense the snarky remarks the bloody missions and most stupid of all the system shop yea no no!!


just like a normal man. he won't be impotent or be a playboy. but yea there will be romance in this novel. just that he won't be picking up girls like pokemon

The content has been deleted

Do Zack and/or Sarah reappear?


nah... I really hope they don't

Admiral_Alex:Do Zack and/or Sarah reappear?

author I was brought here so i want to check some things about this novel since I don't like to waste time if novel is not worthing for my time spent... don't feel negative so bear with it .... So in this mc get cheats and talents that are hidden from world (humans) or not? check mc has protagonist halo or not?check mc is fool for believe in a girl from somewhere who just got introduced and tells his details (including all past complete or not)without even mc knowing he tells everything to that girl for what purpose (I have seen this scenario in another mc transmigrates without mc knowing he is the protagonist of world with including the cringed protagonist halo NOVEL)? check mc is very mysterious to other characters or not ?check mc is training lunatic or battle freak? or what type ....check


sorry I accidentally ended message there are more questions I want to add . well it's ok I will add those later.... First author give me answer to my questions... if you are reading this

Karnsuryaputhra123:author I was brought here so i want to check some things about this novel since I don't like to waste time if novel is not worthing for my time spent... don't feel negative so bear with it .... So in this mc get cheats and talents that are hidden from world (humans) or not? check mc has protagonist halo or not?check mc is fool for believe in a girl from somewhere who just got introduced and tells his details (including all past complete or not)without even mc knowing he tells everything to that girl for what purpose (I have seen this scenario in another mc transmigrates without mc knowing he is the protagonist of world with including the cringed protagonist halo NOVEL)? check mc is very mysterious to other characters or not ?check mc is training lunatic or battle freak? or what type ....check

Disgustingly repulsive idea.

NAHYAN09:I think a love triangle would be fine.

are you seriously Indian? ?

Other Reviews

I'm quite torn on this one. First, the good things are that the writing quality is excellent by WN's standards. Then there are a bunch of likeable characters, but the MC isn't of them and the plot is nothing we haven't seen before. I don't really mind clichéd stories as long as the characters are likeable, but the MC leaves a lot to be desired. He has too many negative personality traits and no good ones. He's wimpy, naïve and a crybaby. He knows the plot of the novel, but he doesn't use it. He isn't the brightest tool in the shed, honestly. And these aren't things that you'd consider part of character development, there's no internal struggle with these ones. His internal struggle is about guilt and that's what he has to overcome, but his wimpy, naïve and cry-baby nature is just a part of him. Maybe he'll man up in the future, but if you want to read it now, you will have to put up with that. That might not bother you, but it was frustrating to read, honestly. Anyway, to put a positive spin on all of this, I bring you the cry-counter, that is, how many times the MC has cried throughout all 35 chapters. Chapter 1. Cried 3 times. Cried in the 4th paragraph. He then cries again when his mother calls him. Then he cries later as he's getting isekai'd (that's a new one.) Later, he cried when he was reborn as a baby but I'm not counting that one. Chapter 3. Cried twice. Chapter 4. Cried once. Chapter 7. Cried once when his teacher tells him a story about his mother whom he barely knew. Chapter 10. Cried twice during goodbye with his tutor's last session. Cried in chapter 15 when [SPOILER]. Chapter 20. Cried twice. One in a flashback, but then cried repeatedly over a long period of time in that flashback. Chapter 21. 2 times. The crying from chapter 20 spilt over (pun-intended) to chapter 21. He then cried again once more after that. Chapter 24. 2 times. He cried when he saw the devastation of the town then cried again after [SPOILER]. Chapter 28. 3 times. He cries when someone gets injured. He then cried again with a hug. Then he cries later when he says goodbye to a loved one who was going to be in danger and continues to cry for a while. Chapter 31. Cries once. Pretty big spoiler so no details. Chapter 34. Cried once remembering the events of chapter 31. Chapter 35. Cried twice. Crying of chapter 34 carried over to 35 and then he cried later. He cried a total of 23 times. I don't think I've cried that much in my entire life lol.

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