The best fairy tail fanfic in webnovel hands down. If there was something that I'd say made me not give it the 5 stars then it would be the main characters. The girl is a doormat while the guy does actually act like he's her boyfriend at all. Sure they have their little moments from time to time were he actually acts like he cars about her but 95% it' gonna be her initiating things and this even includes with the harem as well. He seems too aloof for my liking. It feels like he "settled for less" after he lost his eyesight in his first life and he just stayed with her because she was the safest option as everyone else left him. After reincarnating he obviously cares for her but it doesn't seem like love, meanwhile the girl seem to be basically obsessed with him at every moment. The girl is a lot more grounded and likable then the guy, the only complain is that she is somewhat of a doormat a lot of the time, clearly even she has her limits but like "i made you dresses for 2 years for free"... ain't that like too much of a door mat? Imagine saying "i only gave him my lunch money for 2 years" like... excuse me?
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